I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 700 Planning to train the ‘Hulk’

I can count all the dark creatures discovered in Wucheng so far. Except for a few useful ones, I really can't think of any other dark creatures worth cultivating.

As we all know, dark creatures are difficult to tame. The key is that they have no value in cultivating them, and they cannot be eaten or used. There are even almost no usable materials on them.

Most of the dark creatures have evolved to sacrifice everything just to survive.

In fact, many people have studied it and even spent money on scientific research, but it is basically useless. Otherwise, everyone would have

So others simply don't understand why Jingshu spends hundreds of millions of carrion insects to cultivate dark creatures?

Could it be that you found a new edible dark creature?

Everyone looked at Jing Shu in unison, because apart from that, they really couldn't think of any other uses.

Jingshu shook her head and did not intend to tell everyone her detailed thoughts. She just said:

I have not discovered any new dark creatures, and they can also be used as food. When the dark creatures came out, you old guys all figured out what dark creatures there are at this stage and what their value is. You are better than me. The door is clean.

Many people online couldn't help but nod. When the dark creatures first came out, everyone was very excited and felt that there must be profits in it.

So, all you need to know is that I am going to collect carrion worms and then cultivate dark creatures. In this way, everyone's problems can be solved. Isn't it great? As for whether I can succeed or not. What does it have to do with you?

Anyway, Jingshu kept the news tightly and kept it very mysterious.

Then don't bother Boss Jing. If you need anything, you can tell me. We will cooperate according to the previous contract. No, I will reduce the profit by 10% for you.

Me too, just ask if you want to use coal.

We all admire Boss Jing's generosity, so I wish you good luck.

Jun Bao knocked on the table gently, and then asked: What do you need?

Can I borrow more money?

Jun Bao's face darkened.

Well, Jingshu knew that borrowing too much money would be unpopular, so forget it. Now the long-haired clothes, red worms and various foods are bringing in very good profits every day.

Then it's a normal mortgage?

Jun Bao nodded, I'll charge you one less point in interest.

Well, can you build another piece of land around my insect cake factory? Jingshu thought for a while, and then she could just steal some houses in the suburbs and move them here.

no problem.

Then it's settled like this first? Starting from tomorrow, the Insect Cake Factory will start collecting carrion insects unlimitedly. If there are difficulties in the process, I will ask the town government for help?

If you have any difficulties, go to the town government and explain this sentence vividly.

In fact, there are still many difficulties, such as the accumulation of too many carrion worms, and the inconvenience of so many carrion worms, and they are about to migrate soon. Jingshu wants to make them To turn it into concentrated food and then store it, this definitely requires certain technical support.

We still have to go to the town government for help. To sum up: Only by providing money, materials, and technology can Jingshu’s idea be supported.

The meeting quickly dispersed. Regarding Jingshu's huge gamble of unlimited acquisition of carrion worms, everyone was more willing to believe that Jingshu had a backup plan and was certain that he would do it. Otherwise, who would do it?

So what kind of dark creature will Jingshu cultivate? This is what everyone is most curious about right now.

After everyone dispersed, Jingshu and Jun Bao signed a contract and worked out various matters. Jun Bao was also very curious, So, what kind of dark creatures are you planning to cultivate?

Jingshu only said to keep it a secret until the time comes when it can be cultivated. If it cannot be cultivated, then forget it.

This made even Jun Bao curious.

Jing Shu was actually rolling her eyes inwardly, because there was no sign of that dark creature yet. She just collected the carrion bugs first and then started processing them.

When it comes to this dark creature, everyone in the past life has a very deep heart. What a coincidence is that it is the dark creature called the Hulk that they will encounter during migration. They are not afraid of anything. , huge and composed of countless bacteria.

Because looking from a distance, it is just a lump of green and black mucus.

Sometimes, when they don't find any of the same kind, they are only the size of a palm, rolling around. Later, as long as they can find the same kind of people and develop and multiply, they will live in groups and become groups of super giants. Of course, they have the characteristics of dark creatures. There are also people who can survive by eating dirt.

But if you want to reproduce quickly, expand and grow, and turn into the Hulk slime that eats and smashes everything, you can only rely on food.

When this green giant migrated in his previous life, he was just a small lump. When he migrated back later, he had developed into a ferocious green giant.

The later Hulk's feet were like thousands of octopus legs. He ran extremely fast and had a strong hunting ability. Because the body was made of mucus, they could form many shapes. When hunting, they would wrap up the enemy and lean against it. The corrosive liquid eats its prey.

They are like hungry wolves, they like to become extremely huge and then attack humans. They love to eat meat most, no matter what kind of creature they are. They also like to eat humans. They are also known as the killers of the black god biological world, because as long as meat, even if They will not let go of dark creatures.

Xiaoqiang, who is also said to be invincible, cannot completely kill this creature regardless of whether it is physical or chemical reagents. They are essentially composed of countless bacteria. Even if a small lump of mucus escapes, it can come back stronger.

This kind of dark creature, whether it is an early stage or a late stage, cannot be eaten.

But Jingshu found great use in them.

As luck would have it, when digging a tunnel, I encountered a new 'realm'. When I went to investigate the results, I found a lot of disgusting mucus, which seemed to be the feces left by living creatures.

Jingshu knew that she had arrived at the Hulk's base camp! Originally, Jing Shu was not very interested in this kind of dark creature.

Because they have little value in themselves, they cannot be eaten, and the special products on them cannot be used. The hair produced by the long hair ball can be used as a sweater. The small Zerg has a lot of meat and can always be used as food. The meat of the mud mermaid can be cultivated. The hairy balls and bones are delicious seasonings, and people can even dig holes.

What do you think this Hulk is used for? I guess I can't even loose soil, but being a bodyguard? That's not enough. Jingshu's RV has a 1-kilometer cannon and is protected by various creatures nearby.

So Jingshu had no idea at first, but recently the roads in Wucheng were blocked by snow, and the traffic was extremely inconvenient. Jing’s mother and father Jing couldn’t even drive when they went out. The express route of the insect cake factory was changed twice, each time requiring a lot of transportation. It costs a lot to maintain roads. Currently, there is only one main road accessible to Wucheng.

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