I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 702: Encountered a ghost and hit the wall?

This place has completely escaped the shadow of the city. It is even a desolate place. It is an out-and-out no-man's land. Not even plants exist, let alone buildings.

Judging from Jingshu's night vision, at this time, there is a lot of snow piled up here. Because it has never been taken care of, the snow is already several meters high.

Fortunately, because the weather was too cold, the heavy snow below had turned into ice slag, and only the one-meter-plus heavy snow above still made a crunching sound when stepped on.

Every step the giant bugs take seems very difficult, due to the resistance of the heavy snow and the impact of carrying heavy objects. Here, any means of transportation are useless. Only these primitive giant bugs can move on this snow. travel.

Under the bright light of the flashlight, even Xiaowei was a little surprised: This place is too primitive. It feels as if it has never been developed.

The tribesmen around her said: There is nothing at this glance. It is easiest to get lost in a place like this. Let's mark it along the way.

Xiaowei nodded: I will leave a bug as a signal every 1 kilometer, so that I can sense the direction more clearly and won't get lost when the time comes.

Jingshu also secretly kept some mud mermaids. Not only that, she also scattered some mermaids around her to look for the 'Hulk'.

In this way, no matter what dangers and unknown things happen, you will feel safe.

This place is obviously colder than Wucheng. When Jingshu and others go out, they all bring windproof long-haired tent vehicles, especially the ultra-luxury large insect vehicle built for Xiaowei, which is as big as a small house.

There were five or six people sitting inside without being crowded. Everyone was wearing thick long woolen clothes and sitting cross-legged on thick and soft blankets. They were cooking on a small stove. Jingshu was heating milk tea, frying hand cakes, fish steaks and sausages, and then basting them. Serve with homemade salad dressing and that's it for the morning meal.

Xiaowei's is an oversized hand cake, and the filling alone is covered in layers.

Although Jingshu’s is simple, it usually only lasts for two, so it’s quite fast to eat.

When you go out, eat simply and not be picky.

After breakfast, I set up a pot on the fixed stove, smothered the pork belly and chicken, added various dried mushrooms, and sprinkled with various brought ingredients, such as dried abalone, squid, shrimp, etc.

After simmering for a few hours, just wait until noon, put the frozen flour pancakes on the top of the pot, and when the golden crackle of the pot rings, you can take the pancakes and eat whatever you like with the rich soup inside. Just eat something simple and you'll be fine.

There are a lot of bugs, so I bring a lot of food, which is not burdensome at all. Even if I get lost in this 'world', no one is afraid. All kinds of daily necessities are available, all of which are earned by Xiaowei himself.

Now Xiaowei can be considered a rich woman. The materials exchanged for so many insects are enough for her tribe to enjoy a luxurious life in the end of the world.

Just like this, while walking, place the insect settlement points and walk in a straight line.

Gradually, Jingshu discovered that the green mucus, from being sparse at the beginning, to patches of it, was worth stepping on when walking on the road.

Is this mucus our target this time? This mucus looks so disgusting. Once it sticks on, it can't be removed.

I saw that the legs of some bugs were corroded by the mucus. Is this mucus still corrosive?

Jingshu nodded clearly. If she guessed correctly, these mucus should be the Hulk's feces? It's indeed disgusting. It seems that if we want to breed so many Hulks in the future, we will have to find a special feces pool for them. Otherwise, there will be so much mucus produced by so many Hulks.

If people urinate and defecate anywhere, the whole Wucheng will probably be miserable.

The Hulk's feces can't be used as nutrients. The Mud Mermaid's feces can at least be used to make a biogas digester.

Hey, this is really a headache.

Jingshu began to discover the fist-sized Hulks, which were rolling in the heavy snow. They were also looking for similar people to fuse and complete the process of strengthening themselves.

As for how this dark creature reproduces, Jing Shu doesn't know. How does bacteria reproduce? I heard that it is through replication, one replicates two, two replicates four, and there is a common signal tower between them. If one bacteria becomes drug-resistant, they will share information and pass it on to other bacteria.

The connection between this is very mysterious.

It was on this day that a group of fist-sized Hulks fighted in a snow pit and merged with each other. Jingshu was very excited and witnessed all this. In the end, the winner was king, a green giant the size of a fat chicken. A giant was born. Although there is still a long way to go before becoming a 'giant', Jingshu believes that under her guidance, all this will not be a problem.

So, Jingshu took the Hulk back to her tent, turned around and sent it to the space, ready to study it 'well'.

With any luck, let's move on!

The next day, Jingshu witnessed another Hulk fight at the same time and captured another Hulk the same size as a fat chicken.

Jingshu moved it into space, stayed with Xiao Yi, and named it Xiao Er.

You two look exactly the same. Do the Hulks all look the same? Jingshu was a little surprised. As far as she knew, there were no two identical creatures in the world.

Eggs look different from egg to egg, and none are exactly the same, let alone living things.

The large group of people continued to advance mightily.

On the third day, I met a bunch of fist-sized Hulks at the same time.

Jing Shu frowned, feeling something was a little different?

Then these green giants gave birth to a big green giant. After Jingshu caught it, she called it Xiaosan, then put it into the space and took a look at them. They looked exactly the same.

However, when you look at them fused, they obviously don't look exactly the same, right? The shapes of mucus and slime are also different. How can they be made to look exactly the same in size and position after being synthesized?

Xiaowei, are your bugs okay?

The bugs I placed are doing fine.

Jingshu nodded and stopped talking, because the mud mermaids and their patrols around were all safe and nothing unusual.

But Jingshu felt faintly uneasy.

On the fifth day, at the same place, at the same time, she met the same Hulk again, and Jingshu received the fifth Hulk.

At this time, everyone felt that something was not right.

Are we trying to break a wall? We've been in the same position for so many days?

But the bugs every 1 kilometer are facing each other. I released a total of 330 bugs. According to the signal and direction, each bug is correct. We are indeed moving forward in a straight line. Xiaowei said with certainty.

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