I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 703 Find the problem

Jingshu also frowned, We have indeed caught 5 dark creatures. They do exist. Jingshu thought for a long time and didn't understand what was going on. She just vaguely knew that she might have entered. Dimensional space!

Once it involves dimensional space, it is extremely dangerous.

The line is one-dimensional, and the parameters are points, which is a one-dimensional space.

The surface is two-dimensional and the parameters are lines, which is a two-dimensional space.

The body is three-dimensional, and the parameters are surfaces, which is a three-dimensional space.

For example, in the four-dimensional space of time in the United States, it involves 'time', which is higher than the three-dimensional space.

And what is the situation we are encountering now?

I remember that when I migrated through here in my previous life, I didn't encounter anything like this. It just felt like I had walked a long time.

When we first entered this place, we were not in such a situation.

Jingshu is very cautious. There is no joke here. Low-latitude creatures like her can easily fail to integrate with the 'dimension' and explode to death.

As for how to find out the situation in this place and whether there is energy, we need to observe it again.

So, Jingshu said: Today, take a day off and see what happens tomorrow!

Finally, it was settled.

The supplies were sufficient, and there were many bugs marking the points. In fact, everyone just got lost or hit the wall by ghosts, and others were not very worried.

There are no beasts and no living creatures here. It can be said that except for dark creatures like the Hulk, there are no living plants.

As for the environment.

Jingshu has been observing carefully in the past few days. Apart from the fact that the whole world is covered with snow, there is nothing special about it. The only difference is that some places are like hills and some are like basins. Apart from the green slime, Even Jing Shu didn't know if this was the same place.

The next day, same place and same time.

Jingshu and others looked at that place a little nervously.

Do you think there will be another bunch of dark creatures appearing today and starting to synthesize?

I don't know, it's hard to say.

Time passed minute by minute

Time is up!

Everyone held their breath, but nothing happened! What should have been imagined did not happen, which made Jing Shu even more confused.

Am I thinking wrong? Jing Shu frowned, Then we will set off today and continue walking at one third of the previous speed.

The speed of the team was very slow, and nothing happened along the way. What I had to worry about every day was, what should I eat for the next meal?

These days when she is away from home, Jingshu gradually doesn't want to eat so simply. The key is to have plenty of time to cook.

Apart from practicing the Rubik's Cube every day and organizing the space, all Jingshu needs to consider is how to get all the Hulks and then go home. But in the current situation, we can only take one step at a time.

So the slowed down team meal was taken up a notch.

Jingshu took out the homemade thick soup from her black box, which is soup made from various large bones and then frozen to look like jelly. Today she took out a large piece and threw it in.

Add some secret seasoning and make some dipping sauce.

When it is cooked until it bubbles, add frozen tofu, meatballs, ham sausage, hot pot meatballs, frozen meat rolls, etc., and have a stew in one pot. You can cook it again after eating. The staple food is still milk. Handmade bamboo shredded egg noodles.

It looks just like instant noodles, but in fact it is not. It is filled with real ingredients. In order to keep the taste for a long time, it is fried again. After it is cooked in the hot pot soup, it is filled with poached eggs and finally comes with the soup and noodles. Eat cleanly together.

The fat chicken's mouth was full of oil, and she didn't even miss the seasoning on the bottom of the pot. The poor fat chicken didn't eat the bones. In order to make it easier to carry and reduce space, Jing Shu had already peeled off the bones.

Xiao Wei had never tasted such divine food before. Just one sip of this thick soup and the fragrant broth can make people want to die.

So, the meal I had before was indeed a bit simple.

The next day continued at this speed. At the same time and at the same place, the Hulk appeared again.

Hey, this is really weird! Jingshu was almost driven crazy by this situation. At this moment, Jingshu just wanted to look up to the sky and scream: What is the principle of this?

After taking in the Hulk, Jingshu pondered for a long time, and then said, Let's try on the way back.

Okay. Xiaowei naturally had no objection. She came out just to 'play' and 'eat'.

To be honest, even if she can't go out for the rest of her life, she is willing to do so as long as there is food. If there is no food in the end, she can survive by eating bugs, so there is no pressure on her to survive.

The team sped up a lot, and Jingshu met the first sentry point smoothly. At the second sentry point, every kilometer walked, there would inevitably be a bug and a mud mermaid standing guard to deliver news.

It only took Jingshu half a day to lead the team back to the place where they started yesterday.

The reason why I was so sure was because I marked it, kept the worms, and calculated the distance. Every point was correct. Then I continued to spend half a day to the place where I met the fourth Hulk.

The bugs, sentinels, and locations have not changed.

This shows that we are not trying to beat the wall! We are not even taking the same route.

Look, 'time' is coming soon. If I'm not wrong, the same Hulk shouldn't appear here again.

After arriving at the same time and place, the place was indeed deserted and still the same as when Jingshu left that day.

Finally guessing correctly, Jingshu exhaled.

Then the map here may be very big...

Where do we go next?

This time, let's keep going north and see what happens.

The team did not rest, and accelerated northward all night long. Since the road they took before was not just walking in circles, but a real route, then the problem might be this map.

I walked for two days without encountering the Hulk.

So, why do we always encounter the same Hulk at the same time and place before? Even if you walk slowly or deliberately walk fast, it feels like you have entered a spell.

Let's continue walking to the straight point. Jingshu led the team and started to toss in the original direction. She seemed to understand something vaguely.

There are no two identical creatures in the world. If there must be two creatures, they may be products of different world dimensions.

Jing Shu decided to find out, because just capturing the Hulk was not enough, she had to know how they were bred. Of course, Jing Shu also had a selfish motive.

It would be great if there was dimensional energy. The Rubik's Cube upgrade is exactly what you need!

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