I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 704 The space is about to be upgraded again!

We seem to be back to the previous situation. No matter how fast or slow we walk, at this time and place every day, a bunch of dark creatures will appear in this direction.

What Jingshu is looking for should be this kind of dark creature, right?

In that case, why do we have to rush so fast every day? Why don't we go slower? Anyway, it doesn't matter whether we walk slowly or fast, it's the same.

Jing Shu shook her head: It's still different. Although this kind of dark creature is what I'm looking for, what we are looking for is the source.

Source? Xiaowei shook her head. She didn't understand, not to mention dark creatures, she didn't even understand her own body structure.

Listen to you, let's go on our way quickly. By the way, Jingshu, the mutton you gave us before was always very smelly. No matter how you handle it, it still has a smell. How do you do it? Can you teach us?

Jing Shu smiled and shook her head: If the mutton is not cooked well, it will definitely become mutton. I will teach you today, and you can make it yourself later.


The insect brigade speeded up in the snow. In the luxurious insect carriage, Jingshu decided to cook a whole sheep feast for everyone today.

In the cold winter, eating a bite of mutton is really warm all over.

Jingshu took the frozen leg of lamb and first cut the meat off piece by piece, as thin as paper. We will boil the mutton later with this kind of meat.

The remaining small bones with meat and fat are interspersed with the meat. He said: For this kind of meat, we first wrap it with egg white and onion, marinate it with salt and cooking wine, remove the fishy smell and make it into rack meat. It is best to eat when it is roasted and charred on the outside and tender on the inside. .”

Finally, chop a large piece of bone into small sections, with the bone marrow still inside, add it directly to the stew pot, add Sichuan peppercorns, cooking wine and pepper to remove the fishy smell, and make a soup stock.

Take a bite of the golden-yellow, cumin-scented meat, and a bite of onions. The fragrant and rich barbecue flavor instantly explodes in your taste buds, without any hint of the mutton smell and greasiness of northern mutton.

When I was thirsty, I drank mutton soup with pepper. After one sip, my whole body felt hot and spicy, and I took another sip of bone marrow.

Finally, put the pieces of mutton into the pot, scald them for fifteen seconds, dip them in the special dense sauce and chew them slowly for an endless aftertaste.

The staple food must be paired with pancakes with sweet beans and black sesame seeds, and paired with mutton soup. It is really a first-class delicacy in winter!

No one knew why Jingshu was in such a hurry. Even during bedtime at night, the insects were carried forward non-stop. Jingshu even added feed to all the insects and put in 1% diluted spiritual spring. So that the insects can keep up with nutrition and move faster.

After walking for five days, the scene I encountered every day finally changed. It was no longer a fist-sized Hulk, but a bunch of thumb-sized Hulks.

Why has it become smaller again? Isn't this wrong?

Yes, are we going in the opposite direction? I heard Jingshu say that we are looking for a dark creature that can synthesize very large things.

Jing Shu shook her head: The direction is right, we just want to find the original point!

Through these days of walking and discovery, Jingshu became more and more certain of the dimensional space she was in at this time.

If you guessed it correctly, it is the fifth-dimensional space. In addition to having all the previous characteristics, it also has an additional trajectory.

Dimensional space is very complicated to explain, and it is a problem that the world cannot overcome.

For example, humans in the three-dimensional space walk from A to B in this straight line.

Just like when we walk from the bedroom to the kitchen, we use the walk method, which will consume a certain amount of time.

In the four-dimensional space, the distance from A to B does not require time. It can be reached in a matter of seconds, just like the legendary teleportation.

In five-dimensional space, the distance from A to B is a long series of trajectories. They can appear at any point between A and B. There will be a process. This process can be understood as the causal process of playing a movie.

That's right, in the five-dimensional space, if they are on this trajectory, then they are all the same creatures and doing the same thing.

In fact, this is just a trajectory, and when the three-dimensional space is integrated, it becomes like this.

The place Jing Shu is looking for is A, the starting point. This place must have the energy of the five-dimensional space to allow the Hulk to grow.

At this time, the Hulks should have just developed, or they are still a trajectory in the five-dimensional space.

In a few months, it will become the time of migration in the past life, and many places will develop into such dark creatures. In a few years, it will develop into invulnerable and ferocious green giants everywhere!

Jingshu has been cautious during the next journey. Although she has not shown any danger so far, the last time Jingshu was almost exploded and died by the energy of the four-dimensional space, it has already left a shadow on Jingshu.

Therefore, this time, if there is any danger, Jing Shu plans to run away as soon as possible.

However, the process went surprisingly smoothly.

Within a few days, Jingshu’s mud mermaids reported that they had arrived.

The source is actually here! Jingshu repeatedly asked the insects to make sure they were safe before arriving around the huge pit.

Jingshu has placed Xiaowei and the others in a place far away. There might be some danger here. Xiaowei's body is huge, making it inconvenient to escape.

The snow under my feet seemed to be dyed green, and this huge pit was filled with disgusting green mucus, which had a pungent smell.

There seemed to be countless small things squirming in the mucus, and Jingshu even felt a little trembling under her feet. The pictures finally seemed to be connected in a movie-like manner in the past few days.

The Rubik's Cube space jumps in my mind, it is the energy of dimension!

Jingshu let the mud mermaid approach the giant pit from a distance, threw the rope in, and hid herself a kilometer away. She also sorted out the life-saving means in the space, thinking about what would happen if it happened due to explosion, collapse, or other things. What to do when the situation arises.

He even installed the parachute that Jingye made for short-distance gliding.

After everything was ready, Jingshu used the rope's transmission properties to absorb the green energy in the giant pit, and by the way, she also collected the Hulk, which was the size of a bug, into the space.

Jingshu had been careful about changes and was holding back her energy in fear.

The Rubik's Cube space is absorbing the green mucus crazily. Just like before, it first differentiates the mucus, then concentrates it, and finally turns into drops of water. When the water is thick enough to a certain extent, it begins to form crystals the size of soybeans. Finally, the space absorbs these green mucus. Energy is completely absorbed.

After a few hours, the sound of 'burping' came from the space, and the fully absorbed space reached the critical point of upgrading!

And a few green crystals were left behind.

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