I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 708 Organizing Supplies

For this reason, the whole family began to come up with ideas, and the prevention and control of RVs was even more stringent. Fortunately, they got some special metal memory materials from Qian Duoduo at that time, which turned into octopus-like supports. If the RV rolls over or tilts, it won't be a problem, which saves a lot of trouble.

Okay, it's getting late. You should go to work tomorrow and think about it when you get back. My old lady and I have to sort out the things we need tomorrow. Go to bed early.

Jingshu knows very well what difficulties and problems she will encounter on the way to migration. However, because the situation has changed in this life, even Jingshu cannot be careless. So while Jingshu is very busy, she also has to Think again about preparing for the move.

The next day, Lao Jing's family began to count and sort out the things that everyone needed on the migration journey. Jing Shu helped along the way to see if there was anything missing.

The next step is to pack all the unused items and take them away directly when the time comes.

To pack things for the family for migration, Jingshu specially brought a batch of large square storage boxes made of long hair. The advantages are: they are super strong and airtight, and insects cannot get in even if they are bitten. The migration journey is not easy. bad. Disadvantages: heavy. But it doesn't matter if the Hulk is around.

The first one is clothes. Because Jingshu has said that she can take everything away, so Jingnai and Jingye took all the thin clothes at home and put them away first. Big boxes were piled up. , if it were before, it would definitely not be brought, but now, in Jing Nai’s words:

Maybe it will be extremely hot after one round, so these clothes cannot be thrown away. These clothes are also out of print.

Then count the thick clothes and bedding that can be worn, number the big boxes, and then count whose clothes are in each numbered box and what items are there, so that it will be easy to find them when the time comes.

Everyone has several sets of thick clothes, long johns, cotton trousers, camel hair clothes and pants. Thanks to Jingshu’s crazy shopping before the end of the world, Jingshu bought only the clothes and pants for herself, and they also come in various sizes. It can fit dozens of big boxes. It has been so many years, but Jingshu still hasn’t had time to wear some of her clothes!

And there is still a lot of space.

There are relatively few beddings, and there are many people at home, so they are also consumables. Fortunately, we have grown cotton at home, and we have been raising silkworms for several years, making some silk beddings, and then spun cotton to make cotton mattresses, but they are gentle and comfortable. There are only a few more sets of comfortable bedding in total.

At this moment, it was all wrapped up in three layers by Jing Nai and placed in the storage box.

The next step was to put all kinds of unused sundries into boxes first. Everyone packed several boxes, and Jingshu had the most things here. She always felt that this was out of print, and that was also out of print. I couldn’t bear to throw away my previous toys.

A lot of daily necessities and supplies have also been sorted out. Not to mention the usual facial cleanser, toothpaste, shampoo, cosmetics, etc., Jingshu just bought several thousand rolls of toilet paper some time ago, as well as various consumables, all in rotation. Some of the items stored in the box are expired, so make do with them, and they are all put into the box now.

Only a few are left in use.

Jingshu put a batch of each kind into the space, otherwise there would be too many things. If she encountered something on the road, she would be blinded if she lost something. Jingshu didn't like putting eggs in one basket.

The study room of the villa on the second floor has a room full of various supplies: all of them are outdoor supplies, various alcohol pots, lighters, tents, windproof clothing, stove shelves, etc. Put half of it in the free space and put the other half in the box through the open road. When the time comes, it can be used openly.

There is also a basement of food, which Jingshu plans to divide into three parts. One part is stored in a secret room dug in the mobile villa of the red worm factory, one part is taken on the road, and the other part is stored in the space.

In fact, the materials in the space are much more than those on the open road. Jingshu also likes to put them in the space. The things placed in the space do not expire and are the freshest. For example, many shampoos and the like were put in the space and used outside. Put out a batch when it's almost done, so even if it's expired, it's actually still fine.

In addition, Jingshu also has a batch of supplies. Most of these supplies are brought from the United States or from the imperial capital. Only high-quality goods are used. Ordinary food and supplies are usually given as gifts during holidays, otherwise the gifts given out are too good. No, if Lao Jing is used to eating food grown at home (in fact, he is used to eating high-quality products produced by Lingquan), eating anything else will feel boring and unpalatable.

After cleaning up all these miscellaneous things, I started to actually cook all the food. Since I didn't know how long it would take to walk on the road, I thought it was inconvenient, so I tried to cook as much as possible.

For example, flour can be directly made into steamed buns, steamed buns, wontons, and dumplings. Or, if it's more troublesome, it can be made into bamboo noodles with eggs, alkaline noodles with alkali washing for added strength, or asparagus noodles, which are cooked through static After the milk is dried, it can be stored for a year and a half without any problem. You can get it anytime when you want to eat noodles.

Maybe during the migration, if someone with whom they are close comes to visit, Lao Jing's family will always ask: Would you like some noodles? I'll give it to you later.

As for rice, you can also make a lot of tricks, such as fried rice, which is Jingshu's favorite snack, crab roe flavor, turkey flavor, fried onion and so on. Or just make rice noodles and rice noodles. They can be dried in the shade and kept for a few years. If you want to eat them, soak them in the water. Add the deluxe set meal, shrimps, tofu buns, meatballs, meat slices with chopped peppers, etc., and finally pour the sauce on it. It’s great. Perfect.

There is also a special snack in Wucheng called stir-fried rice noodles. Stir-fry chicken or beef and celery, add bean paste, spicy chili, etc., and add rice noodles. The taste is really unique.

After making rice noodles, Jing Nai also made several jars of chicken sauce and beef sauce. When the time comes, add chicken legs and eggs with the rice noodles. It is simple and delicious.

Jing Nai also learned a trick: seal the cooked rice and freeze it. It can be stored for a long time. It is also delicious when heated in the microwave. Jing Shu doesn’t have to go to such trouble. She can steam it directly and put it in the space.

From now on during the migration, Jingshu will eat most of the food in her own space. It is fresh, hot and delicious. Will it affect the taste after being frozen? There is no way. With this condition, she is so willful.

The entire Lao Jing family is spinning like a top, and Jing Shu is spinning like a diamond. Now Jing Shu only sleeps five hours a day, and she is so busy that her feet cannot touch the ground.

In addition to spending 4 hours practicing the Rubik's Cube and upgrading the Rubik's Cube as soon as possible, Jingshu also needs to cultivate the Hulk as soon as possible. This kind of cultivation is simple and simple, so they will continue to kill each other and devour each other until they grow up. .

It’s hard to say.

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