The dark creature Hulk is planned to be cultivated as a means of transportation such as buses in the future. In the early stage, it is not planned to be taken away. Later, when the number increases, it is also planned to be sold to wealthy people and used as their means of transportation.

Before the end of the world, you have a Mercedes-Benz, I have a Martha and a supercar, and there is even private customization. Whoever has the higher price has the prestige.

In the post-apocalyptic world, you have bicycles and classic cars that show off how much they burn oil and charge. I have the Hulk, which only consumes a handful of worms for a hundred miles.

Before the apocalypse, there were 4S shops that made money. After the apocalypse, you have to build a Hulk brand maintenance shop to take good care of your car, right?

Then comes the difficult question.

After these Hulks are bred, there are basically no ones with low IQs. This is a common problem with most dark creatures: those who have evolved only know how to eat, and all their organs are for survival, and their brains are probably eaten by themselves.

So it's like training a horse. It's not possible at all. It's better to tie a rope and control the destination by yourself. Even if each Hulk is assigned a driver, the problem is how does the driver communicate with the Hulk? Jingshu has been training for several days. The Hulks are completely unaffected by the rope. Unlike horses, they will move forward if they are pulled painfully. They have no pain or consciousness at all.

Trying to get them to reach their destination by instructing the outside world won't work.

The biggest problem is that the Hulk only knows how to eat and eats everything. He also likes to eat people. It is possible that he can even eat people. If he also eats the guests and drivers... it will not be easy. Even if it was absolutely safe, Jing Shu would not dare to let the Hulk out.

Moreover, the Hulks bred by Jingshu only listened to her words, told them to go east and never to the west, and they executed the orders very well. They were as easy to use as the mud mermaids. Jingshu guessed that space swallowed up too much green. Energy, thus affecting her? If this kind of energy has something in common, it would be the same as her spiritual spring.

When faced with creatures without intelligence, as long as they are pulled into a space and fed with spiritual springs for a period of time, they will be obedient to everything.

But what's the use? Jingshu is just a person. If the Hulk becomes a means of transportation in the future, we can't let Jingshu command the Hulk to go here and there, right? In the future, as the number increases, one person will be even busier.

So this is not an option at all.

In order to make the Hulk an excellent and obedient tool, the worried Jingshu thought about it even when she was sleeping. Day and night, she also let Jingshu figure out some clues.

Whether as a bus or a cargo carrier, what the Hulk has to do is very simple, that is, swallow the 'guests' or 'cargo', and then go to the destination. The bus has a specific route, and the cargo carrier It is uncertain, and if rich people need to rent it, the route is also uncertain.

Therefore, with Jing Shu as the chief traffic controller, it is not feasible for the Hulk to take a fixed route, because the Hulk does not know how to be flexible.

Don’t even think about the map of Wucheng. They are about to migrate now. As the number of green giants increases and they migrate along the way, they can do many things, such as attracting goods and people, etc. When they arrive at the migration location, they can Several fixed lines serve as tool men to pull people.

Jingshu has invested so much, and the sooner she opens the business, the sooner she can make money, so the Hulk can handle anything related to transportation.

Then, ordinary training methods are useless, and asking them to listen to everyone and go wherever they are told is not very effective.


How can ordinary people take on the responsibility of transportation when they cannot communicate with the Hulk? The key is that Jingshu can let go!

Jingshu felt that there had to be a middle bridge for communication, someone to coordinate the overall situation, and most importantly, the form in which it would be presented.

The guest pays, the guest gives the address, and the Hulk goes to his destination. The customer pays and the goods are transported to the destination. The Hulk needs to pick up the goods first, etc. There is no need for Jing Shu to worry about it.

Jing Shu just felt that she had entered a dead end and sometimes even thought that maybe she could directly control all the Hulks and create a simple fixed route. She should also work harder when transporting goods.

It wasn't until Jingshu logged into the official website of her insect cake factory that she suddenly had an idea. It's the end of the world now, and the only currency is virtual currency, which is still virtual. The payment method is just to swipe your face, which is more convenient than POSS machines.

The electronic network APP can still save a lot of trouble. It can be used as a second middleman. As long as a command transceiver and GPS positioning are installed in each Hulk body, dozens of routes and instructions can be specified. Another hub issued orders to the Hulk

And it's not necessary for a human being as smart as her to be the central middleman. You can choose a Hulk 'King' as the creature to issue orders in the middle. Although the IQ is not much higher, it can be fully dealt with with these fixed modes. Come.

The Hulk has a low IQ, as long as he can complete his orders.

Moreover, under the supervision of the king, the situation can be reported in time and the guests will not be eaten up. Once an accident occurs, the 'wang' can be contacted quickly, and then the supervision staff will deal with the unexpected situation.

Once the general direction is figured out, there are still some small difficulties, no matter what, it is basically not a problem. Even Jingshu is thinking that it is not impossible to simply equip each Hulk with a mobile phone, or even a number. With the locator, you can scan the QR code to know the customer's location information and which Hulk number they went to. You can place an order directly on your mobile phone and click on the location you want to go to.

This requires cooperation with the town government, after all, it involves some positioning and network permissions.

As for the above, you can choose services such as pulling goods, picking up people, sending people off, making appointments, etc. Although there is no competition in the last days, the service must still be in place, right?

Of course, this is a rental model, which can be used on a daily basis or a monthly basis. It can even provide services such as moving to help pull people in. This is just a matter of following the team, which is relatively simple. As for the bus model, it is even simpler. When you get this, Look again.

Jing Shu had a lot of thoughts in her mind, which were about the future development of the Hulk, but for now, Jing Shu still endured the pain and used the green crystals directly to cultivate the Hulk 'King'.

This is relatively simple, just hit the energy directly. Fei Ji was so stupid at first and was fed by the spiritual spring to open up his intelligence. If it doesn't work, Jingshu even considers using the spiritual spring to cultivate a wise Hulk. King.

In just half a month, Jingshu cultivated a Hulk 'King' as she wished. After devouring a large amount of green energy and its kind, a 5-meter-tall slime appeared in front of Jingshu.

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