I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 713 Rumors before migration

This pungent odor makes people vomit as soon as it is smelled, and it is also mixed with the smell of rice. It makes people wonder if there is something wrong with their noses. However, in order to compensate for the pain, the people in the Banana Community suffered for half a month. The torture, and the resentful look in Wang Qiqi's eyes after being promoted to director, Jingshu gave Banana Community a 40% discount on insect cakes and synthetic meat.

Of course, each person can buy up to ten. Even so, the Banana Community is as happy as the Chinese New Year. You must know that the food in the apocalypse has never been discounted. For a while, every household went to buy insect cakes, and those with money were I buy synthetic meat and freeze the excess. When I'm hungry, I go to the boiling water room to soak it in water and boil it for another meal. There are also many people who ate synthetic meat for the first time and felt that it was the first time they had eaten real meat in so many years since the end of the world!

It smells like meat!

“So this is what meat tastes like”


The afternoon tea set was made by Jingshu herself, so she didn’t have to think too much about it. Jingshu took the time to make it in the space. After learning various pickling methods, she made various fried and wrapped breads. Nang’s meat snacks will be a must-have snack platter, right? Onion rings, squid rings, Orleans grilled wings, spicy bones, pan-fried fish, chicken popcorn, salt and pepper crispy pork, fried chicken legs and more.

We also made some Cantonese snacks and refreshments according to the recipes, such as tiger skin chicken feet, shrimp dumplings, etc.

Jingshu has prepared various cakes and desserts, and for refreshments, Jingshu has prepared various coffees, black tea, green tea, milk tea, etc., and of course there are also health-preserving homemade lotus root powder, red bean and barley milk, etc.

Even the ingredients were packed neatly in boxes by Jingshu. A few cubic meters were filled into transparent boxes, which contained freshly made meat floss, raisins, dried fruits, cereals, pearls and taro made by herself. Round, coconut, crushed Oreo, etc.

Jingshu especially missed the Oreo whirlwind ice cream, Oreo milk caps, cookies, etc. before the apocalypse, so these Oreos were really made by herself with all the hard work. The recipe was learned from the encyclopedia: among them, she planted them first. The main material is cocoa beans. After the cocoa beans are fermented, cleaned, roasted at high temperatures, separated from the kernel shells, coarsely ground and pressed, they are finally made into cocoa powder.

Rendered butter, coconut oil is extracted from cultivated coconuts, vanilla extract is extracted from vanilla pods, and the rest of the ingredients are either existing or simply missing and then refined after baking a few times. The taste is roughly the same as before the end of the world.

At this time, Jing Shu lamented the convenience of life before the apocalypse. The ingredients of any small thing were synthesized and transformed from countless ingredients.

Jingshu cherishes food even more and cherishes all kinds of foods that have become extinct after the apocalypse, because all life has returned to its original state. Fortunately, Jingshu has no shortage of raw materials, so she can create so many advanced food products.

Jingshu has such a complete range of ingredients that you can open a coffee and milk tea shop without any problem. These ingredients can be added to milk tea or lotus root starch, or to some liquid food, and are especially good as snacks to add to meals.

But Jingshu also knows that it is impossible to further process the food. Now that it has been achieved to the extreme, it is okay to make some pure natural food. As the things purchased before the end of the world are used up little by little, most of the families have begun to make their own. As for the chicken essence, Lao Jing's family also learned from the Internet and used something made from dried chicken breasts, shiitake mushrooms and dried shrimps to replace the chicken essence.

In fact, as long as a substitute can be found, I am afraid that those who cannot find a substitute will feel when it comes time to use it: It is really inconvenient to survive in this apocalyptic world!

After Jingshu had fully prepared all the ingredients at home, the whole Wucheng finally slowly released a little bit of news.

I'm telling you, please don't tell anyone else. I have relatives who work in the town government, and the authorities say that our Wucheng is going to be relocated!

What?? Migrate? Where to move? Why do you want to move?

Didn't you notice that it's getting colder? Is the snow getting heavier and heavier? Of course we are moving to the south. In short, you still have to be prepared. Secretly prepare more food and more things to keep out the cold.

I have a friend who knows people in the town. I heard they are moving...

I also have friends who know people in the town. I heard about this, but I won't leave. There is no transportation now. The train has long been broken. How many people can the plane carry? The car can't move on the road with so much snow. , how do we go? Do we have to walk? Everyone will die on the way!

I won't leave either. Sooner or later, I will die. I don't want to die from exhaustion.

Leizi's family is all formal workers. I heard there is transportation for migration. What should we do if we are not formal workers?

Rumors spread like a gust of wind, and they basically started with this sentence: Don't tell others. This sentence often spreads faster and faster, causing constant undercurrents throughout Wucheng and making many people feel uneasy.

More people are considering their own vital interests and what they and their families will do next.

Jing Shu knew that this was Jun Bao doing market research, and no one could know the news that the town government really wanted to hide.

What you can know is what the higher-ups want you to know. Public opinion has been extremely important since ancient times. Whoever can control public opinion will control people's hearts.

And Jun Bao seems to be such a person, he can guide public opinion.

The news was finally released. Jingshu had informed her uncle and her family before and asked them to make preparations. Now they were not surprised, but they were also very worried. What should they do next?

If there is no other way, who is willing to leave this sheltered land?

Instead, various units began to become turbulent. This was related to the iron rice bowl of formal workers. What would they do if they were relocated?

No, even Jing Shu, the idle vice-president, was ordered to go to work, first observe the situation, and then do comfort work, lobbying work, and various other tasks to pave the way for the next migration.

Defeat them one by one and complete them one by one. Of course, a big thing like migration must be done from top to bottom. Tasks are assigned from above and tasks are assigned from below. If you can complete the task, you can do it. If you can't complete the task, someone else will do it. If you are willing to go, everyone will be happy. If not, everyone will be happy. I'll fire you; one unit at a time, first take care of the interests of some people, and then talk about the larger interests. In short, quietly make those who agree more agree, and those who disagree have to agree for the sake of their own interests.

As for the iron one, hehe. This type of example is suitable for killing chickens to scare monkeys.

In fact, compared to jobs with a strong regional focus, for example, regular workers at the Electric Power Bureau are very panicked. If they want to move, their jobs will be idle. What will happen to their wages then? When they migrate, their treatment is definitely not as good as that of other departments: for example, food processing, this department is popular everywhere, so there is no need to worry at all.

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