I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 714 Minister Niu gets promoted and holds a banquet

Compared to the panic among formal workers such as the Electric Power Bureau, the people in the Pharmaceutical Association were much calmer. Firstly, this was because the vice president Jing Shu had previously earned a lot of face for Wucheng in the imperial capital, and Wang Danai was still leading a group of people here. The imperial capital opened a pharmaceutical factory. Because of this, the benefits of the Pharmaceutical Association have been greatly increased, and the salary is also high. Although there is no white rice to eat, synthetic meat is also eaten from time to time.

By the way, I have to mention it quietly. Last time, Jing Shu, the vice-president, made great contributions and was rewarded. However, promotions and other promotions have come to an end. After all, if you go up higher, you will be the 'president', president. But Wucheng's most important treasure cannot be the president. The position can be upgraded by one level, so Jingshu's position level has been raised by one level.

The benefits haven't increased much, but the honor has increased a lot, so we need to seriously consider that Jing Shu's position is higher than Jing's mother.

The second is that no matter where they are, the people from the Pharmacy Association are confident, especially on the road. There are many people who need them, even if they are just a group of farmers and medicine.

Although not as popular as doctors, it is still difficult for a clever woman to make a living without rice. Doctors can cure diseases but have no medicine, and there is nothing they can do. Traditional Chinese medicine is so precious these days that even the garbage is reluctant to be thrown away. Besides, the Wucheng Town Government will definitely have to move. After moving the drug association, the people in the drug association still have to take care of the herbs and knead the pills, which is a lot to do.

Just when such rumors were flying and everyone in the city was uneasy, Jing Ma's boss, Minister Niu, was promoted again.

The timing was just right, it was Minister Niu’s birthday, so this time, Minister Niu held a grand banquet! The venue was Xishan Phase II. The conference hall was transformed into a banquet hall, and many people were invited!

In the past five years, Minister Niu's position has been rising like a rocket, and Jingma has been drinking a lot of soup after him. Jingma has now become the number one general under Minister Niu.

Minister Niu used to manage the agricultural and food affairs in Wucheng. Wucheng has 13 districts and a solar energy base. Jingma manages one of the districts and the output of the solar energy base.

Now that Minister Niu has been promoted, he will be responsible for managing the entire food industry in Wucheng. After the new law is announced after the end of the world, a new management system will be in place.

Now, as long as it is related to food, it is under the control of the cattle minister. Food processing, food production, planting industry, animal husbandry industry, breeding industry, and even important industrial chains such as salt are all under the control of cattle. The minister is in charge.

This step can be said to be a huge step forward. Now, he has truly entered the upper reaches of Wucheng's power and can be considered to be able to speak.

In this industry, there used to be a total of 6 people with the same position as Minister Niu. Now, they are all subordinates of Minister Niu.

This time, Minister Niu invited not only the entire Ministry of Agriculture’s subordinates, but also the six new subordinates. In Minister Niu’s words, “From now on, we will all help each other and collaborate.” , we are ‘colleagues’ who work together, it’s easy to get along with them if we meet each other.”

Of course, not everyone is invited, but the ‘qualified’ people. He is not qualified for a position like director. Even so, the entire system is still very large.

Minister Niu has been promoted, celebrated his birthday, and invited everyone to a banquet. Can you not come? Do you dare not to come?

Jing’s mother was originally a general under Minister Niu, so she must go. Jing’s father was the deputy director of the breeding farm, so he must go.

Although the Pharmaceutical Association is not under the jurisdiction of Minister Niu, as a friendship department, each of them has an invitation quota. Yes, Jing Shu can go too.

But what to give has become the biggest worry for Jingshu's family.

Jing’s mother has been through so many years and has learned all the twists and turns. The more she does this, the harder it becomes. She is very melancholy:

With the promotion of Minister Niu, the original position became vacant. The entire Ministry of Agriculture was blinded. Other departments also wanted to arrange for people to come in. The vinegar brewing company next door threatened to move his position.

Speaking of this, Jing's mother also showed disdain: I don't even look at where I am, I want to intervene. Minister Niu has more than a dozen subordinates who are eager to climb up, but I don't know who has caused trouble recently. There are rumors. He said that I am the most trusted by Minister Niu. If he goes up, the previous position will definitely be handed over to me, and many people have heard it.

A few years ago, Jing's mother might have been secretly proud, but now the old-fashioned Jing's mother pointed her nose and cursed: If you want me to know who spread the rumors, huh, I will definitely take that person down! Especially here. At this stage, I really want to peel off that person’s skin!”

Minister Niu trusts her. The relationship between the two families is so good, and it is inseparable from Sister Niu. Who makes the gifts that Lao Jing’s family gives during the holidays go to Sister Niu’s heart?

Minister Niu is a good person and good at doing things, and he prefers Jing's mother who is good at doing things and being a good person. Therefore, Minister Niu actually quietly told Jing's mother that the position can be left to her.

I'm going to give something too good, too eye-catching, because I'm going to move soon, which is not a good thing, and it's not good to be in the limelight. Giving something average is really not justified based on our relationship, and it will make outsiders look down upon it.

No matter how many people there are in China, birthday banquets, promotion banquets, the custom is to pay tribute, and reciprocity is a habit. How can those who go to the banquet open their mouths? This is not the case in these last days either, so giving gifts is very particular.

Jing Shu frowned, but asked: Mom, I think this banquet is not simple.

Dad Jing smiled on the side: Daughter, this banquet is definitely not simple. Who is Minister Niu? I haven't had a handle on it for so many years. How can I have such a banquet? Since this year, no one has held a high-profile banquet. Well, Minister Niu is the number one person, and many people say that Minister Niu is inflated.

Is it possible for Minister Ox to bloat?

Jing's mother shook her head: So, this seat may have passed the Minglu Road, and the superiors agreed.

Jing Shu also found it strange. Did the superiors agree to hold a big banquet? Receive gifts openly? This is taboo for officials.

But even if the higher-ups agree, I guess everyone's gifts are not light. They are all from the circle. If you give them lightly, you can't afford to lose that person. If you give them too much, it will have a negative impact.

What a coincidence. In the midst of such a turmoil before the migration, Jingshu felt that the banquet hosted by Minister Niu must have other meanings. Maybe it was just for the migration?

If someone in power, Jun Baobao, were to do this, what would he do with what happened here? Jing Shu always felt that it was not that simple. They were plotting something. There was a faint line, but she couldn't catch it.

So this time, you can't make any mistakes when giving gifts.

Don't give it too good, too expensive, or too light to make people laugh. It should be given to Minister Niu's heart.

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