I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 717 It’s nothing special

What does barely enough mean? Does your family have a throne waiting to be inherited?

Besides, this is the end of the world. Although power is good, how good are the material conditions of the families of the high-ranking disciples in Wucheng? It's not that it's not as good as those who are truly rich and powerful - to put it bluntly, everyone is looking at the pitiful output and waiting for some supplies to be allocated from above, and no one is much better than the other.

Sister-in-law Niu couldn't help but said: My father is the deputy director of the breeding farm. He manages the livestock in the entire Wucheng. He even raises chickens and a milk-producing cow at home. Wucheng's private dairy cows can You can count them.

With these conditions, 99% of the people in Wucheng are scorned. To be honest, their Lao Niu has a higher position, has power, and has a lot of good things. But when it comes to conditions, no one is good. Although they live in the countryside, their families have raised livestock before the end of the world, and they know how to farm, and they will take care of these livestock after the end of the world. After so many years of the end of the world, their families really have no shortage of anything.

Luo Dan's eyes lit up. His mother's Ministry of Agriculture and his father's breeding farm are all directly produced. The family will not be short of anything to eat. It is more convenient than high-level people like them. They are purely relying on the town government. Repay wages and benefits, and you can only enjoy these benefits by giving gifts.

Now Luo Dan saw that Jing Shu was becoming more and more satisfied and couldn't help but nod:

Then the conditions are pretty good. The position is a bit low, but the family is quite rich. Marrying her will also be a help and won't hinder Chen'er. How about you pull the strings and secure a matchmaker? Our old Luo is not I will forget you, and I will give you a thorough explanation. This time I will move there, and I will give you a good house, location, etc. You must have heard about it, because the destination has not been decided yet because of the housing issue. You can imagine how tight the living conditions are.”

With so many people migrating, housing is a big problem. Houses across the country have been destroyed by various disasters, and there are too few places where people can live. So what should we do? All we can do is squeeze in. No matter how hard it is, we must fortify it. It's definitely too late to build a temporary house. The best we can do is build some iron sheds.

So if you still expect to go to a place to enjoy happiness and live in a villa as a family, don't expect it.

So how to distribute the people in various regions, where they are divided, and where they live is also a lot of water. No one knows how long it will take to migrate or how long it will take to live.

Luo Dan's husband happens to be coordinating this matter. He is a powerful person, and there will be many people asking her husband to do things.

It is appropriate to give gifts, please, flatter, and flatter. Although no one in her family is in the Ministry of Agriculture or a breeding farm, in the center of power, wanting something is not a big deal.

She also enjoyed being held up high.

Jing’s father and Jing’s mother were already chatting with the people next to them.

Jingshu listened to the middle-aged fat woman talking shamelessly, as if she looked down upon everyone, and even seemed to be sure of victory. Even when she didn't ask her for the opinion of the person involved, Jingshu was angry and laughed.

To be honest, Jing Shu has not seen such an arrogant person for a long time.

Jing Shu lowered her voice and asked calmly: Dare you ask your son about his career?

Luo Dan also deliberately wanted Jing Shu to hear just now, especially about the power of her family. Now Jing Shu took the initiative to ask. Luo Dan thought Jing Shu was very interested and he took the bait.

She smiled reservedly: It's nothing special. Now he is working under his father. He will start from the community housing management director. From now on, he will definitely inherit his father's business.

Rodin did this just to show off. Not to mention, people in this position would give gifts from time to time. Although these gifts were so rare that she didn't like them. It was her turn to sleep in the basement. It didn't matter how many good things she could give as gifts. ?

It's really nothing special. He's just a community director. Jing Shu shook her head gently.

Luo Dan was struck by lightning and was stunned for a moment, what? What did she hear? Is this being disliked? Being disliked by a daughter who is not yet a minister?

Mrs. Niu coughed slightly on the side, feeling a little sympathetic to Luo Dan. She hadn't had time to tell Jingshu's identity yet, and she didn't want to use her identity to overwhelm others.

Before Luo Dan could speak, Jing Shu asked again: Your son Gui Geng? What does he look like and how many assets does he have in his name?

Rodan's chest was heaving, and when he looked at Jingshu, his eyes were not good: I, Chen'er, am only thirty years old, but when his career is on the rise, with his father around, he can be promoted every year. It is certain that he will become the Discipline Inspection Commission in the future. You In other words, relying on your parents' official positions, which are not big or small, what's so arrogant? These days, you still have to have power in your hands. A good-looking yellow-haired girl like you doesn't understand. Just talk about the housing problem, and the superiors will match you. You have to live wherever you want. If you marry into my family, it won’t be a problem to allocate a good place for you. Let’s just say that the town government compound requires electricity, heating and heating. Who wouldn’t yearn for it? You ungrateful person. Xiaoya

Wait a minute, guess why I'm sitting next to you today? Jing Shu was speechless.

Luo Dan glanced at Jingshu's parents: Didn't you just rely on your family's good relationship with the new Niu Discipline Inspection Commission to follow you? Let me tell you, at this Niu Discipline Inspection Commission banquet, everyone has a quota, and everyone is irrelevant. You can't come at all. You yellow-haired girl doesn't understand. This is not an ordinary banquet. It is a research conference held by the superiors. Your every move is being monitored. You have caused trouble for your family and also caused big trouble for the Niu Discipline Inspection Commission. , after it officially starts in a while, you should leave through the back door, but you have to...

Mrs. Luo! Mrs. Niu frowned and looked around.

Rodan shut up, looked around, and then quietly exhaled: It will start in a moment. You'd better send people away. If it was really a banquet, your precious son would have made a fuss to attend the dinner. Rodin also wanted to bring his precious son, but unfortunately, she was not qualified to come.

If it was really a banquet, children would still be brought, but this time, strangely, there were no children. If someone did not realize that they had brought their family members, they would be sent next door soon.

Jingshu took out the banquet name card and scanned it in front of Luo Dan's eyes.

Rodin sneered: Even if you have a famous post, so what? You can't count. Which department can you represent?

Jing Shu: Look carefully at the banquet name card.

Luo Dan read it again disdainfully, then froze. She read it again carefully, Pharmaceutical Association, Vice President Jing Shu? On behalf of the Pharmaceutical Association? You?

Who doesn’t know that the Pharmaceutical Association is the place where medicines are grown and produced? Everyone has a headache and fever, but no one gets sick.

Impossible, how is this possible? What position does the vice-president have that can represent the entire Pharmaceutical Association? Luo Dan shook his head in surprise, looking at the rather scary position, but for a young girl like Jingshu, seniority is not considered in the Pharmaceutical Association. Yes, doctors, the older they are, the more valuable and powerful they are. Being so young means they are young, just starting out, and inexperienced.

Jingshu took back the name card and smiled: It's nothing special. It's the same level as your Luo Discipline Inspection Commission. I really envy your son. He has a father who can promote him. I'm different. Hey, It can’t rise.”

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