I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 718: Soldiers and horses move forward before food and grass are used

Rodan looked at Jingshu as if he were a monster, and pointed at Jingshu, You, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you for a long time. His face turned red from holding it in, and he couldn't hold back any other words. She actually didn't believe it. How could a yellow-haired girl have the same position as her husband? This is not cabbage before the end of the world.

But Mrs. Niu nodded vaguely to let her know that what this girl said was true! !

How can it be? how come? Rodin was in great shock.

In fact, Jingshu is very low-key. She is really low-key. She usually does not deliberately show off her strength or show off, unless she meets someone as annoying as today.

It was at this juncture that Niu Discipline Inspection Committee strode up to the stage in the center of the hall, wiped the sweat from his head, and then said into the microphone: Welcome everyone to attend this banquet of special significance——

Niu Discipline Inspection Committee cleared the place first and sent the few family members who had sneaked in to the next door before continuing to talk.

The banquet started, interrupting Rodin's embarrassment. Her face was gloomy and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Jing Shu no longer paid attention to Luo Dan, an ignorant middle-aged woman, but listened carefully to what Niu Discipline Inspection Committee said.

Hongmen Banquet is out of the question, but at least it’s not a good thing.

After Niu Discipline Inspection Committee said some words of excitement and encouragement to everyone, he let everyone eat, and also said that they would talk about something after eating. As soon as the food was served, the only sound of chopsticks could be heard in the entire hall.

After all, everyone is following the family's money, and they still have to eat a luxurious meal in the apocalypse, but the specifications and grades are not as good as an ordinary meal at Jingshu's family - Jingshu is a bit bloated, and not many families in the country can do it now. Now it’s Jingshu’s food.

But in general, these are the foods that are available now, and they are the most productive grains, such as sweet potatoes, corn, and potatoes.

Of course, no one would be given a corn cob to chew on. It would be too luxurious. Only the Jingshu family would eat like this and would dare to eat like this. Even if they were regular workers in the town government, they would be very careful about their budget.

Corn is ground into flour and cooked into a clear soup, corn and hazelnut soup. Each person has a small bowl. It is estimated that one table cannot even use one corn. Despite this, everyone is drinking the most common hazelnut soup, just like drinking bird's nest porridge, one bite at a time. I can't imagine that these people still have some authority in Wucheng.

Naturally, the sweet potatoes are ground into powder to make sweet potato flour, and then the synthetic meat is cut into minced meat, and fried directly without adding oil, it becomes a big dish.

Mash the potatoes, mix them with flour, and finally cover them with one-tenth of the egg wash, sprinkle some salt, and fry them into pancakes. Each person has a small lump.

Before the apocalypse, Chinese cabbage, which was on the streets, became the most popular vegetable on the table. It was just a vegetable boiled in plain water. It wasn’t even cooked with stock. It wasn’t a delicious state banquet boiled cabbage stewed in chicken soup and tripe soup. It was just plain plain white cabbage. , the kind that didn’t even add salt, was eaten as soon as it was served.

This is pure natural food grown in the original ecology, not something messily cultivated after the apocalypse. It is naturally extremely precious. The people here are still doing food-related jobs, and they usually cannot eat so many varieties at once. Yes, at most the benefits are like one pound of sweet potatoes one week and one pound of cornmeal the next week.

At other times, I go to the canteen and eat some moderate mixed food, unlike ordinary people who only have cheap food such as insect cakes and earth cakes every day.

Those with high rankings can also distribute some green vegetables every now and then. Anyway, whatever is distributed is distributed in which factory, and the products of that factory are usually distributed. For example, employees of vegetable planting departments in various regions receive some rotten vegetable leaves every day. It can be used as a welfare payment. After the farm has distributed all the milk allocated by the leaders, the excess can be distributed to the employees.

The vast majority of people were extremely satisfied with this meal. The speed of eating was naturally very fast. Basically, it was empty as soon as one dish was served. In addition, the food itself was not too much, and the dish was served in three to five minutes. By the time we finished eating, the whole hall was completely quiet.

Occasionally, there is the sound of licking the bowl, trying to flexibly circle in the middle of the bowl, trying to suck more juice.

Hey, in the apocalypse, who hasn't licked a plate yet? This is compulsory. Jing Shu has already mastered this special skill, and even her tongue is very agile.

Jing Shu glanced over and saw that all the chopsticks, bowls, and plates were almost as good as new, so there was no need to waste water on washing them.

I don’t know what she thought of, and Jing Shu’s face didn’t look good. The family ate a piece of potato pancake and drank a small bowl of soup, but they never touched anything else. Luo Dan looked miserable and didn’t care much about these foods. How attractive she is. Just by looking at her body shape, you can tell she has a lot of delicious food at home.

After dinner, the main event came. After the dishes were put away, someone handed out an agreement to each table. It was a confidentiality agreement that kept this meeting absolutely confidential. They signed and fingerprinted each table one by one.

Then, a picture appeared on the projection screen in the center of the stage.

Everyone here today is in charge of food in Wucheng. The Ministry of Agriculture used to be under my control, but now, I not only have to be in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture, but everything that deals with food is under my control.

As the saying goes, before the soldiers and horses move, food and grass must go first. The higher-ups have decided to move. We now have five departments, 13 divisions, and 6 large factories. What's next? What should you do among each department? Coordinate and migrate in several batches. How can we not only ensure that we have enough to eat, but also ensure that other people on the road have enough to eat? I hope everyone will think carefully about it.

This moment has come.

In the previous life, Jingshu's family was ignorant. It said they had to migrate. If they didn't migrate, they would stay in Wucheng to freeze to death and starve to death, or they would have to follow them on their feet to ensure that everyone had something to eat. So, their family followed. , I suffered too much on the road.

In this life, Jingshu's family knew the news in advance and made preparations in advance. Now, they have participated in the migration plan in advance, and they have reached the middle of power.

No matter how difficult it is before us, we have to solve it. We don't care about other parts, only food. But now we also encounter big problems. All processing plants and food plants must be relocated, but The shutdown means there is not enough food, and there will be a gap period in between. What do you think we should do?

When they heard that there was not enough food, everyone wilted.

We have decided to sacrifice the interests of some qualified people and give gifts today. If the personal value is 1,000 virtual coins and the representative department value is more than 3,000 virtual coins, all welfare benefits, wages and replacement materials will be temporarily deducted when you move. You can go to work. Yes, there will be no work. We will recover after the migration. I will also donate the gifts given by everyone today to the department and distribute them when our department is short of supplies.

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