I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 845 What? ? Jingshu is so extraordinary? ?

Although we can take the initiative, in order not to alert others and scare this group of people, we still have to be patient in the early stage and focus on inquiring and understanding the news. If we know ourselves and the enemy, we will be victorious! At present, the biggest threat to us is the opponent's It is a super long-range strike weapon, so I will send two elite teams to stop it and implement the four ABCD plans.

These four plans are nothing more than using the information gap to extend the opponent's launch strike time, or giving the opponent wrong information. In short, let's solve this first, and then we will catch all the pirates who are planning to attack us this time.

Now listen to me assign the work...

Yang Yang is worthy of being an intelligent strategist. In just half an hour, he was able to reasonably formulate and distribute a rough plan.

Each elite team now has something to do, and the difficulty of the tasks is not low, and the rewards are naturally high. The key is that these are tasks assigned by Military Advisor Yang Yang based on the special abilities of each of them, and they are all good at them, so Everyone is very satisfied.

However, everyone's time is also very tight, because they cannot go out now to shoot down some scattered pirates to avoid alerting the enemy, nor can they wait until the pirates are all demobilized before going out, otherwise the fleet will cause unpredictable losses.

Therefore, this time point is very important. How to fight a beautiful time difference without loss, command distribution is particularly important.

As long as the teams performing the mission follow the instructions, the problem will not be too big.

And on the bottom floor of the ship, in a small conference room.

Mr. Zhou looked at Yang Yang's battle plan and assigned tasks on the screen, as well as the reactions of everyone in the elite bodyguard team.

The codename Qi and another person shrouded in dark shadows were standing next to Mr. Zhou.

Mr. Zhou picked up the cup, blew on the smoking wolfberry tea, and said leisurely: Xiaoqi, what do you think of the quality of this wave of elites? How does it compare with the previous batch?

Codename Qi replied calmly: There are too few contacts and too few tests to tell anything. However, I am afraid that no more than ten people will pass the selection this time. Yang Yang is pretty good, ruthless and ruthless enough. There is no lower limit. There is a lack of such talents in the organization. If he had been there, a large number of people would not have died that year. After all, only when you are alive can you have unlimited possibilities, but when you are dead, there is nothing.

The shadow on the other side said in a hoarse voice: The group of Yunying gathered back then were all the best, but their shortcomings were also the same, that is, they were too upright and upright. They were far less round and smooth than this group.

Mr. Zhou took a sip of wolfberry tea, turned the camera to the wandering Jingshu, and asked: What do you think of this girl with the only S+ potential among this group of talents? Whether it is Yang Yang or Zhen Nantian They all speak highly of her, can she take on that big responsibility??”

Codename Qi frowned and said: Except for her arrogant words on the first day of the group, I don't feel there is anything special about her these days. After several repeated observations, I found that this person is not normal in this group. Among the elites, they even seem too ordinary. They don’t have outstanding speeches, have no outstanding consciousness, don’t have good leadership skills, and they don’t even know their combat capabilities.”

Old man Zhou smiled and nodded: That's right, but you said it's not right to be a weirdo. As long as the members who have been with her for a period of time, they all center on her and are vaguely headed by her. Hao Yunlai, the son of misfortune in the team, , Tank, these are all her old acquaintances. He pointed at the shadow and said, Let me tell you what I have discovered after observing her these past few days.

Shadow said in a hoarse voice: She showed this on the surface, but in fact I sneaked into several of her ships... Shadow swallowed.

Codename Qi frowned and asked, What's wrong? Did she violate the rules?

Shadow shook his head: That's not true. She reported before that she would bring a boatload of gastropods and a gastropod queen. These gastropods have very high combat power. It's nothing to overwhelm an elite team with a whole boatload of insects. Big problem.

Yeah, so what if it's been reported?

Shadow shook his head. This person codenamed Qi really inherited the top fighting talent in the country. It is not surprising that his brain was eaten, so he patiently explained:

She brought a whole boat of high-power bugs, and also brought a cowardly queen, who laid eggs and hatched them at the same time. This shows how ambitious this person is, and such a bug team must be very depleted.

So I went to sneak into the bug ship, and I was surprised to find that the ordinary crew members inside actually had rice. Each person had three dishes and one soup. Although the dishes were cheap, the price of a meal was at least 30 virtual coins, or even There is also an extra meal in the evening! ! Sometimes I add eggs, sometimes I add chicken legs! ! The price of the meal on this day was much higher than on our ship!

What?! Their crew members are eating so well?! Codename Qi was not calm anymore!

Lao Zhoutou tightened his hands and looked at the wolfberry and red date tea in his thermos. He fell into deep thought. He was a dignified leader and had to brew a cup of wolfberry tea twenty times... but the little girl under his hands all drank like this. good? ? He began to doubt life a little.

Shadow swallowed his saliva. What he didn't say was that the delicious fragrance made him drool on the spot. So, I felt that this person was even more extraordinary, so I went to Jingshu's ferry to find out. .”

Then what? You said it, half-said, but there is no ***! Codename Qi said coldly, obviously a little anxious.

Shadow exposed his hand, trembling slightly. His hand was now pitch black and green. He touched his nose with his other hand and said uncomfortably:

Didn't I go there? As soon as I touched her on the ferry, I was.... Then I tried a few more methods. Some of them were highly poisonous creatures. She seemed to be able to control many highly poisonous creatures. In some places It's bugs and snakes. These bugs and snakes are obviously sentry, and there is no way they can enter the cabin quietly.

There are alarms connected to some places, and if I use other methods, it will definitely alert her.

This person is very extraordinary. Even though she appears ordinary and ordinary, my special ability is that I can hide, but I can't get on her big ship. So tell me what kind of precautions she has to take. Only then can the entire ferry be arranged airtight? And what's it like inside her cabin? How capable must she be?

Codename Qi also became serious at this time and nodded: It is indeed not easy to be able to do this. And it is even more difficult to be able to raise so many pets. In the next actions, I will make additional efforts. Follow her!

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