I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 846 Evacuate the island, don’t even let go of a fly on it! ! !

Old man Zhou took another sip of tea and said, That's it. By the way, I asked Yang Yang why he doesn't go to the canteen every day, but goes to eat on this girl's boat. Tomorrow, I will go with Yang Yang to get some food. , after all, as people get older, they need to supplement their nutrition. By the way, bring some of my old Pu'er tea and wild black wolfberry to the little girl to try.

Jingshu didn't know that someone was observing her secretly. After all, the ship here was the official main ship, so Jingshu's claws didn't extend that long and covered the official ship with insects and the like.

But even if she knew, she didn't care. Now is the time to make money, who would care so much.

In the hall, everyone was anxiously waiting for news. The elite teams were gathered together, ready to be dispatched at any time. Two special teams have been dispatched to block each other's ultra-long-range attacks!

And Jing Shu looked absent-minded. That was because she was far away in the sea, just now! Found an island! !

Originally, the mud mermaid was ready to explore as if she had discovered a new continent, but by chance, this island turned out to be a gathering point for pirate dens!

Of course, this is not the key point.

When the mud mermaid came, he just watched these pirates set off.

Boss Jing, Boss Jing, the group that just came out are pirates. After hearing the news, they are one of the pirates who are going to encircle and suppress our fleet's support. Should we go and intercept them directly?

They dispatched five large ships, but Guotou took a look on the ship and found that it was quite poor. There were a lot of weapons and resources but very few other supplies.

If you are a pirate, your weapon is your wife. Naturally, you must follow the highest configuration, and the rest is simple.

Jing Shu thought for a while and suddenly changed her plan: Go and see what treasures are hidden in the pirates' dens on the island. There is no need to chase them.

After chasing this group of poor pirates, apart from being able to capture a number of large ships and weapons, there was nothing else. Jing Shu didn't need ordinary weapons.

As for the big ship, she doesn't want it. If she does, it means telling everyone that she has eaten the fat of the organization in advance. Even if she hides it, it will be difficult to take action later. Not cost-effective and inconvenient!

But in a pirate's lair, there are endless possibilities for what's inside.

This kind of treasure that explores the unknown is always exciting!

Okay! Let's empty it out while they're all gone!!

Just thinking about it makes me a little excited!

After getting off the new submarine, Guotou and Wenjun set foot on the island one after another, letting the gastropods clear the way, and encountered no danger along the way.

In fact, this time the pirates on the island were in full force. After all, the island had been hidden for many years and no one could find it. They also didn't expect that anyone would raid their lair in just half a day.

On the way, Wenjun met some blond-haired white people, black women, and Indians who were imprisoned here. There were all kinds of them!

These should be the women who were left behind after the pirates robbed the merchant ship. There are just some people who don’t know where Indian women come from!

They only tied ropes on important parts. There was a woman with golden hair and blue eyes and a big butt who hugged Guotou's legs, crying and gesticulating without knowing what she was saying.

Guotou scratched his head and looked embarrassed.

When Wenjun thought that Guotou had other thoughts, Guotou said: Wenjun, does this woman want to leave with me and then eat my food every day? What can I do? I don't know what to do. If there is not enough food, how can I give it to her again? The way I look at her is that she wants to eat me!

Wenjun: As expected of you Guotou, leave quickly and don't waste time! They are not from our country and do not need to be rescued. Let them stay on the island. Without the pirates, they can live well.

Wenjun and Guotou did not embarrass them, but directly started a blanket search on the small island within a few kilometers.

Good guy, this really didn't disappoint Jing Shu.

Although there are no good food resources in the pirate's lair, and the resources are relatively poor, there are actually some new varieties of apocalyptic fruits, and other collectibles that can be called master collectors.

I don't know how many large ships were robbed to obtain all kinds of things, not to mention gold, silver and jewelry, which were piled up into a small mountain.

Although it was of no use in the apocalypse, Jingshu still packed it all up and took it away. Whether it was gold or silver, it could still be used in the industrial zone, and it could still be sold for some money back home.

Besides, if you occasionally take them out and take them with you, you will feel better if you take a look at them. Even if it’s not good, Jing’s mother also likes these shiny things. In the future, when she goes out and returns souvenirs with her best friends, she will take out a few pieces of jewelry from time to time. Throw it directly into the opponent's hand, and you won't get many envious looks.

Who doesn't want to have a best friend who showers you with gold, silver and jewelry?

Then there are the iron bumps on many satellites. These cannot see the light. If they are sold without authorization, it will be very troublesome if they are cracked out by others. The key is that they are not valuable around here.

But China is short of these. If you turn them in later, you will get a lot of merit points, so you can take them all away!

Jingshu was more satisfied that she found a lot of pickled crocodile meat and a lot of crocodile skin. Crocodile skin has many uses and is very valuable. It will be very useful even in the end of the world. The crocodile meat will be left to the crew. Let's have some extra food.

This is simply a huge amount of hard-earned funds. Food for the crew has also been provided, and Jing Shu hasn’t paid anything yet. Perfect!

The women trapped on the island watched helplessly as the island they had lived on for several years was evacuated.

How much space will be moved?

The pots, pans and other things they usually made were also moved away.

Even the dried firewood used in winter has been moved away.

The most outrageous thing is that all the filtered water in the tank was carried away.

In just over an hour, it seemed to them that several piles of rubbish had been moved away.

However, Wenjun and Guotou thought about it before leaving and left some food. Anyway, these women are used to living here. Those pirates are afraid that they will not come again. These women can survive on their own abilities. The island The supplies above are also available...

Oh, by the way, Guotou, those women can't eat too many fruits. Let the gastropods dig up a few more of these unseen fruit trees and bring those trees to the big ship to raise them.

Guotou clapped his hands: I almost forgot. Boss Jing said that we need to get more of these fruits and plants. We have to dig them back. She has a way to survive, so I'll get them now!

So, what's even more outrageous is that these two humans, with a group of monsters, didn't even spare the fruit leaves on the island...

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