I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 852 Real or fake? ? Did I hear it wrong? No one injured or damaged in battle?

By the way? Are you just by the way? The entire ship searched for the ability users everywhere in the entire ocean but couldn't find them. You were so lucky. You wanted to rob the other party's grain ship, and by the way, you poisoned a ship of ability users. If we talk about it... I'm afraid I'll get beaten.

The codename Qi waved his hand, and then quickly connected to the radio: Yang Yang, Yang Yang, let me inform you that everyone should withdraw from the team. There is no need to look for a team of ability users.

A woman's voice came from the radio: Why, sir? Did you use your might to get rid of all the ability users? You are indeed the most powerful ability user on our official ship, but compared to some nominally S-class people. In fact, at a critical moment, a person who can’t find anyone and has no strength is much stronger.”

Hearing this voice, Jingshu rolled her eyes, that white tea watch started again?

Zhang Lang in Jingshu's team looked weird, and he didn't know if this lady would slap him hard if she knew the real situation soon.

At the same time, the voices over there were very noisy. People were constantly speculating about what happened and flattering the codename Qi after hearing what Bai Lianhua said. The whole atmosphere was relatively relaxed.

The straight man named Qi said:

That's not because of me. When I went out on patrol, I found that all 243 ability users in this boat had been intercepted and killed, so now the mission has been successfully completed.


All of them have been intercepted? Who is so powerful?

There's a whole ship of ability users, who has this ability?

Are you kidding? Want to see our reaction capabilities?

Bai Lianhua's mouth was filled with two eggs in surprise. This look even made her licking dog a little doubtful. Her goddess's mouth is so big? ? What do you usually eat to become so big?

Then Bai Lianhua shook her head fiercely: It's a lie. This is a lie. With their looks, how is it possible!!

The words of the people around her made her even more embarrassed. Thinking of the flattery she had just given to others, and the way the licking dog and others looked at her, made her embarrassed toes want to carve out a two-bedroom apartment.

Facing the messy scene over there, Codename Qi continued to talk incessantly, shockingly, and even continued to say a little calmly:

Oh, this is because when Jingshu's team came out to intercept their logistics supply team, they discovered a group of pirates. This should be their logistics supply fleet, so they killed a boatload of ability users. Well, by the way. Of course, they also seized a ferry's supplies. Let's quickly dispatch a fleet of logistics troops to take over the ferry and transport the supplies. Our location has been shared.

Codename Qi didn't even pay attention to it. He emphasized the word by the way. He couldn't be mentally shocked alone. He wanted to explain this problem to everyone and shock everyone.

Bai Lianhua bit her lip tightly. After hearing the news, she felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave, and her face turned pale. At this time, how could anyone pay attention to her?


I'll go, is it true or not?

Isn't it too fake? Is this fake?

Didn't Team Jingshu disappear? Wasn't Team Jingshu the team that did nothing today? It turned out they went to kill people with abilities.

My dear, a whole boatload of ability users are going to be killed right now?

And this is not the key. They went to intercept and kill the logistics supply team, and then they killed a boatload of ability users? Then how terrifying is their strength??

Yes, there are thousands of people on a ferry, and they kill them at any time? How much did they lose?

Originally, codename Qi had already turned off the wireless communication at this point, but after hearing this, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, and he looked at Jingshu and the others, leisurely counting supplies, and checking in corpses with bang bang. , and the few people who plucked the feathers and touched the corpse and then stripped off their clothes... So what is the biggest loss to this group of people? A few packets of poison and a little stamina?

Codename Qi finally couldn't hold it back and continued to say to the other end: Report the battle damage and consumption.

When the people over there heard this, they thought, Hey, here comes the show. We have killed so many people, so we have to lose a lot, right? That’s a lot of weapons and cannonballs, right? Not to mention these, there were a lot of casualties in the battle, right?

This time we fought against pirates. Although there were no deaths, there were still many injuries.

Front-on conflicts are unavoidable. Just like Team 13, three of the elite team were seriously injured. If it weren't for this girl from the medical department, they would all have been scrapped.

Yes, Nannan's abilities are quite useful.

When everyone said this, they also said a few good words to Bai Lianhua. After all, in the medical department outside, it is impossible to sin against doctors, let alone doctors with healing abilities.

When Bai Lianhua heard this, she couldn't help but raise her head and became more confident. Huh, when Jingshu and her team came later, she lied and said that she couldn't be cured. Who let them blame her?

Who in the entire team dares to look down on her? Aren't they all holding her up?

When everyone was talking about this, they suddenly heard the voice codenamed Qi inside, which became even weirder.

Codename Qi said: No battle damage, no consumption.

At this time, the radio signal was not very good, and everyone thought they heard wrongly.

What? Captain, what did you say?

Did I hear wrong just now?

I must have heard wrongly, I just got stuck.

At this time, a roaring voice codenamed Qi came over: I said, they have no battle losses, no casualties! There is no consumption of bullets and artillery shells!

After a pause there for a few seconds, more noisy sounds broke out.

I don't believe it, is it a lie?

Really no battle damage at all? Isn't this too exaggerated?

Yes, where is the boatload of people? There are no injuries at all. I don't believe it.

Not a single bullet was consumed??

The reason why we need to report these is because bullets and cannons are all used by the public, and there must be a figure for how much is used each time. This is similar to reimbursement. Naturally, there are related subsidies for battle losses.

So under normal circumstances, no one would refuse to report. Isn’t this stupid? Most people will overpay for these free benefits.

Naturally, Jing Shu also wanted to retaliate more, but she had no choice but to come at the wrong time with the codename Qi. What if they were directly poisoned? And no one had any minor scratches at all!


This is like being reimbursed for going out to eat at noon, but Jingshu found a restaurant that gave away free meals without spending any money, so she couldn't be reimbursed. It made people feel that she didn't take advantage.

Is this possible? Of course not! !

So Jingshu stood up and said loudly!

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