I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 853 Harvest! The materials obtained by each team and the materials obtained by Jing Shu

Of course not! Of course we suffered battle damage and consumption! We consumed fuel worth 20,000 virtual coins, shipbreaking props worth 20,000 virtual coins, and poison worth 50,000 virtual coins. Jing Shu racked her brains. Think and think.

What else can I report that can be reimbursed? What do they still lack now? Jingshu even reported all the props and diving suit oxygen tanks used this time. After all, these are consumables and must be replenished after use.

In the end, there was really no battle damage and consumption, so we gave up.

Looking at Jingshu who was still a little regretful, the corners of Qi's mouth twitched. Sure enough, the elite bodyguards on the other end of the radio were speechless after hearing this! Everyone who heard this made me want to hit someone!

Look, is this human language?

So after talking for a long time, I feel that if you guys kill a boatload of ability users, the biggest consumption will be poison? So the other bullets and abilities are really useless at all?

Many people were envious, jealous and sour that they didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing the silence on both sides, Zhang Lang's tentacles twitched, and then added: Report, in fact, there are also 1 million cockroaches that I consumed. I will be reimbursed for the special metal food when I go back.

Jing Shu silently liked it, Zhang Lang got the idea!

The corner of Code Qi's mouth twitched even more, and the elite bodyguard on the other side thought speechlessly: Doesn't this include your cockroach?

Even the kid Zhang Lang was led to the fall!

Not to mention other people, even Yang Yang took a deep breath, yes, yes, this is the magic of Jingshu, she can always lead everyone astray, and she leads them so ruthlessly, that's what she has charm!

Yang Yang remembered that there was only one Northeasterner in the dormitory before, but for some reason when he graduated, everyone was talking about Nagada and holding big cakes with green onions in their hands.

Jingshu and the people from Northeastern China have so many similarities! !

Codename Qi clapped her hands: Okay, Jingshu and his team have made great achievements during this trip. Let's go back and discuss the merits and reward them! Now, everyone's attention, there will be a meeting in the conference room in two hours!

With the coordinates in hand, the official ship soon arrived with a large force to collect the loot.

In just half an hour, all the loot was handed over.

The entire huge ferry was also empty. The crew who came to hand over the ferry continued to move forward and followed Jingshu's ship.

Official ship, conference room.

Yang Yang took the list in his hand and began to announce the contributions and enemy kills of all the elite teams this time.

The Xiangxi Corpse Exorcist Team captured a total of 6 large ships, obtained materials worth 2 million virtual coins, 200,000 merit points and 100,000 killing merit points.

The Shandong Rolling Pancake Team received supplies worth 800,000 virtual coins, 80,000 merit credits and 50,000 kill credits.

The Tai'ao gambler team obtained 2.5 million virtual coins and supplies and 250,000 meritorious deeds.

Dahuang Ya looked at the middle-aged man in a suit with gold teeth angrily. He simply didn't understand. He had so many zombies and only managed 2 million. Why did this old man have 500,000 more than him? There is no justice.

The gambler from Tai O slightly raised his chin. Sometimes luck is also a kind of strength.

Each elite team has gained quite a lot this time, and this wave of fat is about them.

This wave of income is equivalent to their previous income for a whole year! Not to mention, there are additional meritorious contributions that can be exchanged for some official things.

And the ships they robbed also had things that the authorities looked down upon, such as clothes, parts, and other things that were not strategic materials. They could all come to support their ships.

When it came to the final statistics, Yang Yang hesitated for a moment, and then continued reading:

Team Jingshu——

Although Yang Yang only paused for a moment, the whole hall suddenly became quiet. Everyone looked at Jing Shu. The 6-person team was yawning at this time, not knowing why.

Team Jingshu obtained 10 million worth of virtual currency materials!


Ten million?!

Wocao, are you mistaken? Why are there so many?

Haven't you heard? They robbed the pirates' logistics supplies. The entire ship provided food and other supplies for thousands of people.

That's more than 10 million virtual coins, right?

I heard that they have taken over the fuel supply for hundreds of our ferries. The other party has sent so many people and brought a lot of good fuel. Originally, they wanted to take over our official ferry and return quickly. After all, we are all here Fueled by red worms.”

Tsk, tsk, tsk, originally the other party wanted to take over us, but we didn't expect it to be taken over by us.

Many elite teams looked at Jingshu team with envy and jealousy, 10 million virtual currency supplies! Get rich immediately!

It seems that there is no point in robbing those boats. We will still rob ferries like this later!

Jingshu's team got back its money in one go, and easily got five times, or even seven or eight times more than the others who had worked so hard, expended a lot of hard work and energy and suffered serious injuries!

Everyone thought that 10 million was the biggest gain for these people. Unexpectedly, Yang Yang continued:

As well as killing 243 ability users and 400 enemy pirates, after verification, a total of 4 million meritorious deeds will be awarded!

Four million meritorious service??

so tall?

We have killed so many people and only rewarded 80,000 merits. They are also a boatload of people. How come they are worth 4 million merits?

You are stupid. There are 243 ability users, and many of them have A-level abilities. Do you know how much merit it is worth to kill an A-level ability user? It must be at least tens of thousands!

But they killed him with poison and didn't do anything.

Then if you have the ability, you can poison and kill a boatload of ability users, and I'll count my merits for you.

The elite bodyguards were now more sour than after taking citric acid, but some team members also understood the rules very well and knew that there was no conspiracy on the top. Jing Shu's team really deserved so much.

After all, Team Jingshu is very lucky.

Yes, if our team also encounters it, we will definitely be able to do it.

Shut up! The gambler from Da'ao stopped Wang Yun, the team's C-level ability user, and pointed to the people around him with a slightly louder voice: Luck is also a kind of strength. Some people are born with great luck. Of course, I think even if our team meets A ferry like this won't work, after all, with our current strength, we might be killed if we can't even get on other people's ferries.

Team member Wang Yun said angrily: I don't believe it! Why can they go in and poison them quietly, and so can we! Captain, we have seen your strength, you can definitely be like Team Jingshu.

No, you think too highly of me.

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