I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 916 Let’s go see the new military base

Is this a bit of an unexpected surprise? Could it be that their subordinates finally got smart for once?

The subordinates were also very speechless. After a while, they said, I don't know. It feels like the supply ship came by itself.

To be honest, which migrant worker would sacrifice his life to work?

I just saw that something was wrong. They all wanted to run away. After all, they had to go to work during the day and work overtime at night to create KPIs for their boss. Who the hell would want that?

So everyone had just seen how ferocious the big octopus was, and they were already ready to run away. The boss said that he wanted to get 10 or so octopuses, but actually they thought it would be better to just get one for business.

But who knows, they are running in front, and the supply ship is chasing after them. This is impossible even if they want to.

Oh no!

The subordinates realized that even if the supply ship was delivered to their door by themselves, they could not say that they were so useless, so he quickly added: Maybe they were chased by other pirates, so they just gave us an advantage, so we hurriedly All these supply ships were seized.”

Winter was very satisfied. The explanation made sense. Then he clapped his hands and said, Start immediately and go to Hans. Once you get to Hans, get rid of it.

At the same time, this scene also happened on other pirate ships.

Everyone had some extra supply ships in their hands for no apparent reason.

Everyone has a supply ship in hand, so what else is there to fight for? He quickly grabbed the supplies and ran away.

So, within ten minutes, countless ships on the originally noisy sea split into many branches and disappeared.

There were still a few small fish and shrimps waiting and watching. By this time, it was too late when they sensed something was wrong, and their boat was directly commandeered.

As for Jing Shu, as soon as she returned to the cabin wet, she bumped into the femme fatale who had escaped, and the two looked at each other.

The femme fatale screamed: Mai Rui, Mai Rui, I am not someone you like. How could she be here? Did she go into the sea too?

Mai Rui stood up from the soft bed in the cabin with an expressionless face, It seems that you haven't realized what happened. You stupid woman dared to get on the ship. You really threw yourself into a trap.

Why did you throw yourself into a trap? Damn it, I just met several capable new humans who almost beat me to death. The boss was originally in charge of the overall situation, why did he suddenly run away? And several of our other brothers, all died It’s over! Let’s run away quickly!”

At this time, another dwarf climbed up from under the boat, it was Dwarf Hammer.

The corner of Mai Rui's mouth twitched, revealing a sarcastic smile. Originally, the two of them could escape, but they escaped back.

Bah, bang, bang, the sound of applause.

From the darkness of the cabin, a young man wearing black leather boots and black leather trousers walked out. He spoke standard Chinese. This man was Yang Yang who came to join them.

That's right. I didn't expect that the fish that slipped through the net came back again. Hao Yunlai, you didn't catch them.

Hao Yunlai also climbed up from under the boat, looked at Jing Shu, and then said, The captain said, keep these two people.

Tank came in from the outside and waved his fists excitedly: This little dwarf is so strong. Can you practice boxing with me in the future? I didn't even hit him to death with one fist just now.

Jing Shu saw that almost all the members of her team were here. Four Eyes followed the codename Qi to get the big octopus. Zhang Lang, Longmen Formation and Xiaowei were stealing things from the military base.

Immediately, he wiped himself clean with a towel and said: These two people are still of some use. Darlene, ask them, do they want a very painful death, or do they want to live a very painful life?

The corner of Yang Yang's mouth twitched again, Jingshu, you are asking this. Since it's already in so much pain, you might as well just die.

Seeing so many people coming out of the cabin, Femme and Iron Hammer immediately understood and were about to turn over and escape.


The tank instantly captured the dwarf, while Hao Yunlai held down the femme fatale with his backhand.

The femme fatale woman looked at the calm Mai Rui who had no reaction, and immediately shouted angrily: Mai Rui, you are the one who rebelled, right? How dare you? The boss will kill you when he comes back! Don't forget that we are What organization?!”

Damn woman, you still dare to talk nonsense, it's too late to understand now!

In the darkness, a crazy person suddenly jumped out. She had numerous bite wounds all over her body, which were already festering. She grabbed the femme fatale and started beating her.

This person is the girl who was tortured to death. Finally got a chance to take revenge, so he grabbed the femme fatale and beat her up.

Jing Shu frowned, Okay, stop making trouble, Hao Yunlai, take control of Nannan and hand it over to Mr. Zhou. I don't dare to use such a person again.

Hao Yunlai once again restrained Nannan with one hand.

Nannan said in disbelief and angrily: Jingshu, why are you arresting me? Why do you arrest me? It's not enough that I was harmed like this by you, are you going to kill me too?

Jing Shu sneered: I don't dare to kill you, but your behavior yesterday was serious treason. Let's hand you over to Mr. Zhou. Lock her in the basement of the cabin. Save yourself from being a monster.

After solving Nannan, Hao Yunlai locked Femme and Dwarf with special iron locks. Everyone sat in the cabin and briefly reported the situation.

Only then did Femme and Iron Hammer realize, This woman is not the daughter of a Chinese fool at all? She, they are -

Mai Rui smiled bitterly: They are the vicious pirates that have been rumored in the sea recently to eat people without spitting out their bones. Almost all their belongings were robbed.

Dwarf Hammer couldn't believe it. He stuttered for a moment, and then asked: Then they have given away all the ship's supplies. What do you mean? Are they giving it to others for free?

The femme fatale glared at the stupid dwarf, They must be making bait to catch bigger fish, right? Mai Rui, why don't you tie it up? Are you judging the enemy?

Mai Rui showed a smile that made life worse than death: I was poisoned by that woman. If I don't obey, I will die. Give up the struggle, boss. We may not be able to come back, but we still have to live. I saw with my own eyes that this woman will The boss led him away.

The femme fatale was silent for a moment, and then asked: Have the things in the base been exposed?

Mai Rui snorted: What do you think? The strength of these people is really terrifying.

After a while, Mai Rui came out of the small house where they were detained and came to the cabin above. He said with a very humble attitude: They have all surrendered and are willing to tell all the information they have.

That's the organization's secret.

Jingshu patted Mai Rui and said, Well done. Look, your military base has also arrived. Let's go take a look at the new base.

New base? What means?

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