I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 917 Discovered? But there are still some last supplies! !

That military base is the place where the backbones like Mai Rui and Femme have been staying since the site was selected. From the beginning, they were converted from villa areas to various warehouses, and then built electricity towers in various places, etc. They built it up bit by bit.

They expected that after this place was discovered, it would be in a mess, or it would be completely changed because of the war between the two sides, or...

However, they never imagined that it would be like this when they returned to the military base...

The base was quiet and peaceful, as if nothing had happened. The guards on the tower were still checking their mobile phones, and the patrolling people passing by were yawning.

When their bus came back intact, the people at the base let it go without even checking it.

In the bus, except for the few people from Mai Rui who were there when they left, all the people in the bus have been replaced!

The femme fatale was still wondering: This base seems to be no different from before?

Dwarf Hammer keenly observed something different.

Mai Rui smiled bitterly. Countless holes had been dug underground in the entire base. It was estimated that there were not many supplies left. What a pity, no one else in the entire military base noticed?


Mai Rui asked carefully: What are we doing back here?

Jing Shu smiled lightly and said: Of course we will gather together, count the supplies, and then ask you if there is anything missing. Let's go.

Jing Shu and Yang Yang had already parted ways, leaving only Hao Yunlai with them.

Jing Shu looked at the time and said, Let's go. It should be time to change the guard in more than an hour. We should be discovered by then. We don't have much time.

Femme and Iron Hammer were still a little confused, but when they came to the passage to the basement where Jingshu slept last night, and then came to the underground kingdom from the passage, Femme and Hammer knew what the new base meant. .

The underground tunnel has grown larger and larger after a night of expansion.

Even Mai Rui looked shocked. Last night, there were only a few tunnels branched out, but today, the tunnel as a whole was not only larger, but also had many more branches.

This, this - this is the new base?? Iron Hammer swallowed and wanted to ask when this tunnel was dug, but he held it back.

Jing Shu followed the map and first came to the residence of the femme fatale. There was a nest of snake caves with hundreds of snakes, many snake eggs, and monsters that were not like snakes.

The femme fatale is studying a new kind of dark creature. Things extracted from her blood are injected into these snakes to see what kind of monster they can transform into.

The femme fatale was originally just an ordinary woman, but after the apocalypse, she accidentally fell into a nest of mutated black snakes after going out to find food. After miraculously surviving, she became one with the snakes.

This is also the reason why Jing Shu spared her life. The femme fatale may not be very powerful, but there should be something worth studying in her blood.

No matter how bad it is, it would be great to raise more snakes with the femme fatale in the future.

In short, in this apocalyptic world, Jing Shu feels that everything that can be related to food should be allowed to flourish.

In the tunnel, Jing Shu met Guotou and Wenjun.

Wenjun held the accounting book in his hand and was keeping accounts, while Xiaowei was curiously looking at these materials in the underground tunnel.

The underground tunnels were so busy, like ants moving, that they were dumbfounded. They originally thought that the new humans in the organization were outrageous, but compared to these Chinese people, they were really nothing. Xiaowei's monster appearance... several people couldn't help but gasp. Also, how many insects are there in this tunnel? Tens of thousands? a few millions?

It took them half a year to move the supplies in, but what about these bugs? How long did it take? How long can it take for them to empty out so much supplies?

How's it going? Jingshu asked, We have to hurry up, the time for changing the guard is coming soon.

Every once in a while, all the guards above will change their guard. During the change of guard, they will enter the villa and warehouse with the handover person to check the supplies. After making sure they are correct, they will then sign for handover, which is similar to the handover ceremony for selling gold at a bank counter. Otherwise, who will we call if there is a problem?

Wenjun raised his head and said: It's not a big problem. There are still a few things left. They should be able to transport them all underground before they find out. We have blocked all the materials that have been moved and refilled them with soil.

Jing Shu nodded: It's best not to be discovered. After all, there is still a small half of the force value on it, which is too troublesome to solve. Moreover, I just heard these people say that they actually have a satellite phone and positioning. If we ask for help, we might force the other side’s troops to come out and it would end badly.”

Guotou said: Okay, Sister Jing, did you go out smoothly today?

It's going well. The other teams have new goals. After this vote is completed, we are going to Hans. Jing Shu said.

Xiaowei's eyes lit up: I heard that Hansi is a wealthy place. Although there is no sea, there is a lot of oil. It would be great if we could dig out oil deposits underground.

Jing Shu smiled. The oil bases over there were owned by powerful people, and the surrounding area might not be accessible.

While several people were talking, the miserable sirens of the military base rang, which could be heard even so far underground.

Jingshu didn't even need to go up there to know what was going on. There were guards who originally wanted to go in to get some ammunition, but Wanwan didn't expect that after entering, they were empty. The whole villa was empty, so she was so frightened that she peed and pressed the button. alarm.

No, the matter has been exposed! Wenjun, please escort Xiaowei away first! Leave it to us to deal with the aftermath! You go and gather with Zhang Lang and others in the wild, and save your life first! There is already an escape channel over Zhang Lang's side.

Xiaowei's huge body immediately got into the burrowing worm and was transported away. She is now able to escape very skillfully. A year ago, she would not have imagined that a female worm with such a large body could be so flexible.

After Xiaowei left, Jingshu asked Guotou to continue carrying supplies, while she took Hao Yunlai and other major combat forces to the ground.

There are still some supplies that have not yet been transported, and finishing work to be done.

Whether or not to move this last bit of supplies depends on the opponent's force value.

After an alarm sounded, alarms began to sound in various places throughout the base. They were all horrified to find that the supplies that had not been touched for several years were still intact when they were handed over yesterday. Today - that House after house of weapons, all growing wings and flying away?

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