The palace on the hillside... let's call it the Moon Palace.

The Moon Palace seems very close, but it is actually very far away. Zhao Mu flew at full speed and it took more than half an hour to arrive.

It's not that Zhao Mu flew too slowly, but there is a clear difference between this Moon Star and the Xianwu Continent.

Although the air here is thin and there is not much atmospheric resistance, the gravity here is very strong, and the spiritual energy is as thin as the air.

This causes the speed of flying with a sword to be greatly reduced, and without the replenishment of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it can only consume its own spiritual energy. If you want to save your physical strength, you have to control the speed to avoid consuming spiritual energy too quickly.

Along the way, Zhao Mu carefully observed the surrounding environment.

It's very desolate.

Most of the ground is bare, with no grass growing. There are only some places where the spiritual energy is scattered. There will be forests around, but it can't be called dense. Instead, it feels like a small oasis in the desert.

There are even fewer creatures.

Along the way, Zhao Mu didn't see a single small animal. The only creature he saw was a slow-moving crustacean insect, and most of them stayed underground, only coming out to move around when looking for food.

But as he approached the Moon Palace, Zhao Mu gradually felt that the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth began to become richer, and the vegetation coverage became more dense.

Before reaching the Moon Palace, Zhao Mu even found some buildings.

From a distance, it seemed to be a temple.

Near the temple, there was also a village.

Looking further ahead, at the foot of the mountain, there seemed to be a medium-sized city, where many people lived.

Most of them were human, and there were also a small number of demons. There seemed to be no racial barriers here, and all races could coexist and live together peacefully.

Zhao Mu did not rush to the Moon Palace, but first came to the city at the foot of the mountain.

This city is called [Xinglan], and the most eye-catching place in the city is a huge statue of a goddess.

The woman depicted in the statue is beautiful and gentle, dignified and elegant, as if she has gathered all the beauty and holiness in the world. Just a glance from a distance makes people feel the urge to bow their heads and surrender, and wish they could recognize her as their biological parents.

In Xinglan City.

Zhao Mu walked alone on the street without attracting any attention.

Looking at his appearance, he is not much different from the pedestrians here.

At most, because of his outstanding temperament and appearance, he occasionally attracts the attention of some young ladies.

But the folk customs here are obviously much simpler, and most girls are more reserved. Even if they are attracted by Zhao Mu's appearance, no one takes the initiative to come forward to say hello.

Just when Zhao Mu was thinking about how to get some information, a scholarly and elegant man walked towards Zhao Mu.

"My friend, come here uninvited, isn't it a bit overstepping?"

Zhao Mu was slightly stunned. How did this man know that he was an outsider?

Zhao Mu's mind raced, but he didn't feel the hostility from this person, so he relaxed his guard and said frankly: "To be honest, I'm still confused now. If I did anything wrong, please forgive me. Could you please answer a few questions for me?"

The elegant man seemed to understand something, and turned around and said: "Please follow me."

Soon, Zhao Mu followed the elegant man to the core area of ​​Xinglan City, in front of a building that seemed to be the city lord's mansion.

"Meet the city lord."

Several patrolling guards saw the elegant man and immediately came forward to greet him.

Zhao Mu in the back was secretly shocked.

It turned out to be the city lord?

At this time, the voice of Lord Bao was transmitted to Zhao Mu's heart through the prison.

"Young man, this city lord is not simple, his cultivation is at least the seventh level of the tribulation, and his eyes seem to have the power to see through people's hearts. It's best not to lie in front of him. Being sincere may be an important condition for winning his trust."

Lord Bao's vision is still very vicious, and it should be right to listen to him.

Zhao Mu nodded secretly, and continued to follow the elegant man's footsteps, walked into the city lord's mansion, and came to a transparent lounge.

The elegant man invited Zhao Mu to sit down and ordered someone to bring tea.

Zhao Mu sat down as promised, and through the window, he could just see the beautiful palace on the hillside not far away.

Observing closely, the scale of the palace is much larger than imagined, like a fairy palace, quite magnificent.

"If you have any questions, just ask them."

The elegant man came to Zhao Mu and sat cross-legged.

"Is this Yuexing?" Zhao Mu asked directly.


"Are you a local cultivator from Yuexing, or did you migrate from Xianwu Continent?"

"Everyone on Yuexing is a Yue clan. We are all the people of the Moon God. But as you said, our ancestors of the Moon clan all migrated from Xianwu Continent."

"Moon God? Is she the god you believe in?"

"Yes, the palace you saw is the temple of the Moon God. She lives in the Moon Temple. On the first day of every month, the Moon God will leave the Moon Temple and tour the sixteen cities of Yuexing to bring blessings to her people. It's a pity that you are a step late. If you arrived in Xinglan City earlier, you might have a chance to see the peerless beauty of the Moon God with your own eyes."

Zhao Mu already had a rough judgment in his mind.

There was an era in Xianwu Continent when many gods rose together. The God of Destruction was one of them, and the Moon God was probably a god from the same era as the God of Destruction.

I thought that all the gods on Xianwu Continent had fallen, but I didn't expect that there was still a Moon God who brought his people to migrate to the Moon Star and got a chance to survive in this way.

This Moon God must love her people very much. After all, it is not an easy thing to bring so many believers across the void to the Moon Star.

"I have finished asking. The Lord of the City should be curious about me. I can answer you truthfully about anything you want to know."

The elegant man was not polite and said straight to the point: "What is your purpose in coming to the Moon Star?"

"I was chased by the demons. I activated the incomplete teleportation array to escape. As soon as I opened my eyes, I appeared on the Moon Star."

The elegant man was silent for a moment, his eyes were always fixed on Zhao Mu, as if he could see through him.

"Although it is a bit strange, I believe what you say."

Obviously, he should have used some method to judge the truth of Zhao Mu's words.

If he told a lie at this time, I am afraid his attitude would take a sharp turn.

The elegant man continued to ask: "Why are you being hunted by the demons?"

"I'm on the demon killing order of the demons. The demons think that I will bring great harm to the demons in the future, so they want to eliminate me in advance."

"Oh? It seems that you are quite famous in Xianwu Continent."

"It's all false reputation."

Zhao Mu smiled modestly.

"What are your plans next?"

"I want to find a way to return to Xianwu Continent. Please give me some advice, Lord City Lord." Zhao Mu said sincerely.

"It's not difficult to send you back, but Lord Moon God has issued an order not to allow us, the people of the Moon God, to leave the Moon Star. I'm sorry that I can't do anything, but I can recommend you to find the Envoy of the Moon God. She is the only one among the people of the Moon God who can enter and leave the Moon Star freely. If she is willing to help you, you will be able to return to the Xianwu Continent soon."

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