Chapter 1003 Acedes VS Ardi

“Oh oh oh oh oh……!!!!!”

Unexpectedly, the Sirius Dome is full of seats. Every audience is doing their best and enthusiastically cheering.

The temperature of the entire venue seemed to have risen several degrees suddenly because of the enthusiasm of the audience.

In the live broadcast room, the two hosts were also joking because of this.

“Oh oh oh, as expected, the mood of the audience is abnormally high! I understand, I understand, because we are too!”

“Yes, yes, this year’s Phoenix Star Martial Festival is really one of the star martial festivals with the highest gold content in history. It’s just that the venue has been made so hot by us. For the Acedes players who use ice Isn’t it unfair?”


Listening to the host’s deliberately funny tone, the audience instantly filled with laughter.

“I believe the Acedes players shouldn’t care about this little problem.” Another host smiled and replied, then returned to the topic: “Then, without further ado, let us welcome the players!”

“First of all, on the left, Acedes Ericia von Risfert and Xie Ming from the Academy of the Star Guidance Hall!!!”

Acedes, who was surrounded by a trace of coldness, with a slight smile on his face, and Xie Ming, who was holding the broken rod and looking calm, slowly walked out of the entrance. With the two entering the arena, cheers resounded throughout the audience.

“Next, I will be the agent of Aenesda Jonet and Camilla Pallet from the Alecan Institute, Aldi and Limsey!!”

“Hahahaha, my generation, come on!”

“Don’t be ashamed, you scrap Iron Body.”

Hearing Aldi’s outrageous laughter, Limsey relentlessly murmured: “What do you think it is now? The opponent is the opponent who the owner specifically explained to go all out. Now, it’s not your big Iron Body giggling. when.”

“What’s the matter? I’m very anxious and want the master to discard you?”

“Ah…. This point is still for my generation to refuse with all my strength.”

Aldi touched his head: “Sure enough, with the image of a male figure, Limsey can’t resist the image of a female figure at all. Maybe if our external image becomes a woman, we can resist?”

Hearing this, Limsey didn’t say anything, and Acedes didn’t think anything. Only Xie Ming’s eyes looked strange at Aldi.

In this era, even artificial intelligence has to be women’s clothing?

Throwing away the inexplicable thoughts in his head, Xie Ming glanced at the time and asked faintly: “Although it is knowingly asked, I still have to ask.”

“You guys, shouldn’t tell us anything, give us a minute to attack, is this kind of stupid thing?”

“Um… although we really want to say that… wait a minute, Limsey, take your muzzle away first!” Aldi pushed away Limsey’s muzzle pointed at him, in a tone of voice. With a touch of seriousness: “However, the master has specifically explained that he must go all out.”

“So, I hope that we will do our best from the beginning. I also hope that you can show the strength that is worthy of our all-out.”

“Have you heard.”

Xie Ming shrugged, glanced at Acedes next to him, and walked back slowly.

As for Limsey, he had already rushed to the sky first, and all the brilliant weapons on his body were disarmed, and they were connected to Aldi one by one.

The exaggerated and strong star power slowly radiated from the steel body. All the elements in the air are constantly twisting and rising. This time, the aura that Aldi exudes is far more astonishing than last time.

“Boom! Boom!”

With Aldi as the center, the ground was instantly oppressed by the huge all-in-one, and directly sunk in, turning into a huge crater.

“Hahahahaha, if you think that our generation has only the previous strength, it would be a big mistake! Our generation has evolved again and become stronger!”

The huge sledgehammer was held in his hand and pointed at Acedes: “Acedes! Come on! Let you see the true power of our generation!”

“Oh, interesting.”

The corner of Acedes’s mouth was slightly raised, and the saber pointed diagonally at the ground: “Then, let’s take a look.”

The light blue mechanical eyes and icy blue pupils intertwined, and the next moment, a strong wind blows. The huge mechanical body came to Acedes in just the blink of an eye. The giant hammer in his hand whizzed down.

At the same time, in order to prevent the opponent’s dodge, a diamond-shaped energy barrier appeared in all the escape directions of Acedes. The energy shield, which was originally used as a defense, now became an obstacle preventing the enemy from escaping.

If it were before the fit, the barrier Acedes could break it with a little effort. However, after the integration, all of Aldi’s abilities are provided by the All-Essence Crystal to provide energy, without any restrictions.

So now, Acedes has nowhere to escape.

“That’s it!”

“End? Are you joking?”

Raising his eyebrows, facing the swift hammer, Acedes stretched out his left hand: “With this kind of attack, you want to defeat me?”

The chill condensed in her hands. The transparent ice shields were superimposed on each other, blocking the front of the giant hammer.

“Boom boom boom boom boom…”

A series of explosions spread between the two. In front of Aldi’s heavy hammer, the ice shield held on for less than a few seconds. The ice was scattered and the temperature on the stage dropped again.

But as more and more ice shields were smashed, Aldi’s swing of the giant hammer was also rapidly slowing down, and on his mechanical body, he did not know when he also climbed a layer of crystal clear frost.

“Minus 150 degrees Celsius, is this the lowest temperature you can produce…”

The celestial power circulates rapidly in the body, stabilizing the normal operation of various devices, and Aldi said in a deep voice: “Unexpectedly, humans can actually display such cold ice. This is also because we are mimics, so you display it. Right.”

“If it were other humans, it might have died at this temperature a long time ago.”

“Sa, who knows.”

Acedes looked at Aldi faintly: “If you only have this strength, then this game may be over.”

The frost has spread to the chest. Soon, Ardi’s school badge will be frozen to pieces.

But obviously Ardi would not be defeated so easily. After all, he is now, but equivalent to a pure Xinghuang style weapon. If it ended in this way, it would be too low for the price of the All-Essence Crystal in his body.

“My generation, it is naturally impossible to end this way!!”


Cracks appeared on the shell armor, strong star power rose again, and a strong blue light burst out of Aldi’s mechanical eyes.

“It’s not over yet!!!”

The frost on the body and the hammer instantly melted away, and Aldi’s body disappeared in front of Acedes’ eyes.

At the same time, a strong wind came from behind.


The cracked floor and rising smoke buried Acedes inside.

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