Chapter 1004

“Oh!!! Acedes player! It seems to have been directly attacked!!!”

“The power of the blow just now cannot be underestimated. Even the Queen of Ice, I’m afraid it will…”

The entire auditorium was silent, and everyone held their breath, quietly waiting for the results to appear. But what is certain is that Acedes has never been eliminated.

It’s just that you don’t know what kind of injury you have suffered.

“Oh, what are you thinking about.”

Leaning on the wall next to the stage, Xie Ming’s mouth curled up and said with a chuckle: “That’s Acedes.”

Yes, that is Acedes, the Queen of Ice. The superb ability to use ice is her main way of fighting. But it doesn’t mean that she is completely dysfunctional in other aspects.

Although Xie Ming’s evaluation at the time said that with the Black Furnace Demon Sword, Tianwu Lingdou, who had lifted the first seal, could defeat Acedes, who had not been specially trained with him. But this is not to say that Acedes’ close combat will be lost to Tianwu Lingdou.

It was because Acedes did not possess a weapon that could compete with the Blackforge Demon Sword.

With sword skills reaching the high-level realm of a grandmaster, Tou Fuji Kirin can rely on the sword skills far exceeding the opponent’s level, so that his weapon does not touch the black furnace magic sword to fight and defeat the opponent. But Acedes, but not.

Her martial arts and Tianwu Lingdou’s swordsmanship realm can only be regarded as between the first ones. When the skill level is not much different, the difference in weapons will determine the outcome of a battle.

However, why after Xie Ming’s special training, Acedes’s front and back strength will have such a big leap?

There is only one answer, because Acedes has never found a suitable opponent. The kind of formidable enemy who can completely let go of his hands and feet, and be able to carry out a technical, life-and-death battle.

She came to this world and had the only two full fights before she met Xie Ming. One time it was Ophelia, and one time it was Allah.

Ophelia’s time, needless to say, did not have any technical content, and there was no improvement at all. But Fan Xinglu’s time had a lot of gains. After all, when that demon encounters such a demon as Acedes, he will naturally love talent.

If Acedes joins Jielong, then Fan Xinglu will definitely train her with all his strength. But it was impossible for Acedes to leave Uriss alone, so he only received a few hints.

In the world of Slashing the Red, Acedes has strong opponents every day, and there is plenty of battle. With his Penultimate talent, Acedes can become one of the two walls of the empire at the age of 20.

But in this world of learning warfare city, strong opponents can’t challenge at will, and those who can challenge at will are weak chickens with every move. Therefore, Acedes can only study the celestial power and witch abilities by himself every day, without any practice.

But it was the accumulation of these years that Xie Ming came to Xuezhan City and became her sparring partner that allowed her to truly accumulate. In just a few months, his strength suddenly recovered to be comparable to his own peak period, and even surpassed his own peak period.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current Acedes can completely compete against Fan Xinglu, a thousand-year monster.

How could she lose to Ardi like this?

“Da da da….”

The sound of leather boots stepping on the ground slowly came from the smoke. There was a smile of excitement on his face. Both hands, holding a high-density ice sword. Acedes didn’t have any scars on his body.

“Avoided our generation’s attack…”

Aldi raised the hammer again and said happily: “Hahahahaha, come on, go on! Go on, let us fight with excitement!!”

“That’s what I said, then go ahead.”

Acedes nodded in agreement, with a hint of enthusiasm in his tone: “Sure enough, the battle is the best, isn’t it?”

“Hahahaha, it makes sense!”


The next moment, the steel body once again disappeared in place. But the difference this time is that Acedes’ figure also disappeared in place.


The giant hammer and the crossed ice sword collided, and the two figures briefly appeared in the middle position.




The heavy sledgehammer was in Aldi’s hands, as if it had no weight. Obviously it is a heavy weapon, but its speed has kept up with the speed of Acedes’s ice sword.

But what makes people feel more exaggerated is Acedes.

Even if it is a high-density ice sword, it will violently shake the opponent’s heavy hammer head-on in a short period of time, and it is impossible to hold it for too long. But every time the ice sword was on the verge of breaking, Acedes immediately threw it at Ardi. Later, a new high-density ice sword will appear in the hand.

Is this kind of combat method of throwing away weapons and throwing garbage a bit familiar?

That’s right, Xie Ming once again taught others the fighting methods he learned from Red A. If you don’t blow it, you can’t black. The red A’s fighting method is really suitable for people who don’t have the right weapons in their hands, but can continue to make inferior weapons.

And Acedes’ throwing weapons, naturally, can’t be the same as the red A. Just throw it away, it’s really like throwing trash. The manufacture of high-density ice swords does not need to consume star power and spiritual power?

Every time the ice sword thrown was shattered by Aldi’s hammer, or blocked by his energy barrier, some high-energy icy debris would sprinkle on Aldi’s cracked shell.

Of course, such behavior can’t be concealed from Aldi, who has a self-detection system. In his field of vision, a bunch of alarms sounded long ago, reflecting that there was an abnormal situation inside the shell.

It may be detected, and if there is time to deal with it, that is another matter.

Containing high-energy ice chips, if you use the celestial force to sublimate it into gas at will, then the energy contained in it will be like tiny bombs, destroying the internal devices.

But it needs to be handled in a subtle way, and now there is no time for a fierce confrontation with Acedes.

So Aldi’s only choice now is this.

“Warnier’s Hammer!!”

With a loud roar, the head of the long-handled giant hammer began to rotate quickly, and along with the explosion of star power on his body, Aldi smashed the weapon severely.

The purpose is to buy some time to deal with the ice in the body.

But Acedes, how could he let him succeed? Those ice chips are all under her control.

“Although I feel a little insufficient, but forget it…”

The temperature of the cold air entwined around the body suddenly dropped again, and Acedes whispered softly: “The frost is condensing…”

“Cold Thorn Hell.”



Numerous sharp ice thorns pierced from the cracks in Aldi’s outer armor instantly. With these ice thorns as the nodes, a thick layer of frost completely froze it in place.

No matter how he explodes the star power and wants to shake this layer of frost away, it will take at least 2, 3 seconds.

And this is enough for Acedes.

The ice sword left a blue trajectory in the air, and then slowly dissipated. The school badge on Aldi’s chest fell into two halves and fell to the ground.

The winner is out.

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