Chapter 1005 Surging Undercurrent

“Minus 200 degrees Celsius…”

Calling up the latest temperature detected in Aldi’s battle data, Ainesta and Camilla looked at each other, and in each other’s eyes, they saw the words “Unbelievable.”

In their knowledge, with the current star-falling engineering and the pure Xinghuang-style weapons with the ability to control ice, they must be able to reach this temperature under extremely harsh conditions.

Moreover, it will take a considerable period of time for the temperature to decrease. It is almost impossible to equate to this temperature in an instant.

But now, the data in front of them is telling them that this impossible thing has already happened in front of them.

“Now, Camilla~”

Ainesta lay back in a chair: “Is this something humans can do?”

“I saw it with my own eyes. What are you still talking about.” Camilla rubbed his eyebrows: “But no matter what, my goal is achieved.”

As I said before, the reason why Camilla participated in this Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival was mainly because he wanted to test the general-purpose Huang-style weapons he had developed. For victory, there is not much persistence.

If Aldi really used the power of the All-Essence Crystal to win the championship, it would be contrary to her belief and original intention. Although from the moment they knew that the Poisonous Witch participated in the competition, they knew that it was impossible to win the championship.

Being able to go to the present and knowing so many amazing things, whether it is Camilla or Aenesta, is actually quite satisfied.

“But but…”

Ainesta stood up suddenly, her pupils full of interest: “Do you think the Queen of Ice can reach that temperature?”

“…… It should be, it’s impossible.”

After hesitating for a while, Camilla looked at the game video on the screen: “If she can really achieve it, then there will be no suspense in this Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival from the beginning.”

“Well, it really is~”

Ainesta said happily, “Really, it’s getting more and more anticipated…”

“The day after tomorrow, the final.”


On the other side, in a spacious and bright office, a handsome middle-aged man in a brown suit also gently paused the battle video in front of him. He folded his hands against his chin and fell into contemplation.

His name will be known to almost everyone who knows Xingwu Ji.

Matthias Mesa, Chairman and Executive Producer of the Xingwu Festival Committee.

“What are you thinking about.”

At this time, a woman’s voice suddenly sounded from his side.

She has long light blue soft hair draped behind her, her eyes are blank, and she can’t see any conscious activity. Instead, the giant black gem necklace she hung on her chest was gleaming slightly.


Hearing the woman’s voice, Mathias didn’t show any unexpected look, and naturally turned his gaze to the woman.

To be precise, it was the black gemstone necklace on the woman’s chest.

“What a rare visitor, I didn’t expect you to come here to find me.”

“Ask it knowingly.”

The woman called Varda said blankly: “Obviously, you also care about this team.”

“Hahaha, too.”

Mathias chuckled lightly, and said faintly: “Suspected master of the blood of the stars, Xie Ming, the walker. And the second queen lady who showed the strength that can compete with the lonely poisonous witch, Acedes Erek Sia von Risfetter.”

“How can a team of these two make people careless?”

“So, what should I do?”

Valda looked at Matthias: “Should we go to contact those two people? Or…”

“Do not worry.”

Mathias waved his hand and changed to a comfortable sitting position: “Xie Ming, the walker, whether he has the blood of the stars or not is still uncertain. The blood of the stars can be said to be a key to our plan, so we must handle it carefully. .”

“As for the queen, her personality is too arrogant, so far she has only shown a submissive posture to the walker. And we have such a controllable piece as the lonely poisonous witch, there is no need to provoke her.”

“Just include her in the reserve of the plan.”

“Humans are troublesome and cunning to do things.”

Varda frowned: “Just find this human being, wound him, and take away his blood. Can’t it be proved? Anyway, it won’t leave any memory.”

“I said, Varda.” Matthias rubbed his temple in distress: “If the walker really has the blood of the stars, do you think it can hurt him so easily?”

“With me and you, there shouldn’t be any problems.”

“We failed because we thought things too simple. Haven’t we already made this mistake once?”

Mathias smiled gracefully: “This time, we can’t make any more mistakes.”

“…Whatever you want.”

“By the way, what was the result of asking you to seek cooperation with Wanyou Tianluo?”

“got rejected.”

Valda, who was about to step out of the room, paused and said lightly: “All her thoughts now fall on these two humans. It seems that they think they can bring her a long-lost battle.”

“Well…. That’s it…”

With a sigh, Matias looked a little helpless: “Forget it, anyway, I didn’t expect much.”

“Speaking of which, I forgot to tell you one more thing.”

Varda turned around and said faintly, “What is going to happen to the human who has been tracking my body?”

“Just leave it alone. If something goes wrong with her, the whole world may tremble a few times. This kind of troublesome princess, it’s better to hide. Anyway, she can’t find you no matter how she searches. Isn’t it?”

“Spiritual Pure Starlight Armament, Varda Vaos.”

Varda snorted coldly and walked out of the room. And Mathias cast his gaze on the screen again and lightly clicked to play.

“Queen of Ice….. Walker…”

His fingers tapped the tabletop lightly, and Mathias’s pupils looked unusually deep at this moment.


Reviv Black Academy, in a dark and spacious room, a white-haired, expressionless Ophelia sat quietly on the middle bed.

There is hardly any decoration in the whole room. A wooden table, a wooden chair, a bed, a simple wardrobe, these are all the objects that exist in the entire room.

In front of her, there was a black screen. From the title of the screen, it can be seen that it is the previous semi-final video.


A rare fluctuation appeared in Ophelia’s eyes: “You, are you going to challenge your fate again?”

“Obviously, fate is impossible to change.”

“Whether it’s mine, or the Kingdom of Lazetania, or…”

“The man named Xie Ming…”

“Even now, please give up quickly.”

“Please, leave me alone. Whether it’s you or Uriss…because this is my destiny…”

“Please, please abstain.”

This is the girl in the room, who is full of pain and sorrow, completely giving up hope, the only small wish at this time.

Although she also understood that this wish would not be realized.

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