Chapter 1016

A luxurious private jet took off from Xuezhan City. Except for the flight attendant and the captain and deputy captain, there were only five people on the plane.

Xie Ming, Acedes, Jules, Toto Chirin, Claudia.

Claudia’s parents were both senior officials of the consolidated enterprise consortium, and the division of the region of the Kingdom of Lezetania was also governed by Claudia’s father. So Acedes and Jules actually knew Claudia as early as a child.

This time, the reason why Claudia went to the Kingdom of Lazetania with the four was because he wanted to see his father.

Of course, Xie Ming knew what it was actually because of. Probably, she wanted to take this opportunity to invite Acedes and others to join her to participate in the Griffin Star Martial Arts Festival to be held next year.

As for the invitation to Acedes and others, not Xie Ming and others. This is naturally because Xie Ming is not on Claudia’s invitation list.

The biggest reason is that he still doesn’t want to involve the irrelevant Xie Ming.

In Claudia’s eyes, except Xie Ming, everyone present had their own ideas and goals.

Acedes and Uriss have a homeland and an orphanage, and Kirin Todo wants to get his father out of prison. Xie Ming alone is the only one who has no worries, is clear and free.

She didn’t want to change Xie Ming’s freedom, this freedom that was destined to have no relationship with her, and could only make herself the envious of it.

Xie Ming didn’t see so much, but he also understood Claudia’s idea that he didn’t want to involve herself. In addition, he himself is now also checking the deficiencies in the future plan, so he simply let her do it.

However, in Xie Ming’s eyes, the invitation to Acedes was half of the success rate.

After all, Acedes and himself are substitutes, and after the plan is successful, they will leave the world soon. The chance of Xie Ming coming back is very small, after all, he cannot turn this world into his own personal world.

This plane is destined to become Acedes’ personal world. And Acedes, who has the physique of the Star Vein generation, will come back sooner or later. As for when to come back and whether it can catch up with next year’s Griffin Star Martial Arts Festival, it all depends on her.

All of these require communication between Acedes and Claudia before making a decision.

Along the way, because Xie Ming was thinking about something from time to time, the other four didn’t bother him too much. Especially Doudo Kirin, who clearly wanted to chat with Xie Ming, but she was holding back her cute appearance, which made Xie Ming really amused.

“Find a time to have a good chat with her.”

After such a thought, Xie Ming continued to devote himself to his plan. It’s about Ophelia and Lucia, so you can’t be careless.


“Master Acedes!!”

“Master Uriss!!!”

“Master Xie Ming!!!”

After getting off the plane and boarding the special car sent by the royal family to pick them up, the driver did not go directly to the palace at full speed, but slowed down and drove slowly on the main road.

On both sides of the street, the citizens of the Kingdom of Lazetania continued to cheer at the car, yelling the names of the three Xie Ming.

Shaking the billboard with the figure of Acedes, shaking the support stick in his hand, shook the cracker, fluttering flowers and colored satin, and slowly rising fireworks. This scene can be said to be a true national celebration.

In this atmosphere, I am afraid that no one will show troublesome expressions. Even people like Xie Ming who don’t understand the atmosphere can only smile and wave to the people.

After more than two hours’ journey, the car finally entered the palace.

The palace is not big, almost the same as the Rozval mansion in RE0. So among the five, only Kirin Toto showed a slightly surprised look.

After all, every girl had the idea of ​​being able to live in such a high-end European-style castle.

“Uris, Acedes, welcome home.”

At the gate of the palace, a young man in plain clothes with short red hair was standing there waiting. Seeing Acedes and Uliss, he couldn’t help smiling happily.

“Brother, I’m back.”

“I am back.”

Ulyss and Acedes performed a royal courtesy to this young man. After greeting his two younger sisters, the young man turned his gaze to Xie Ming, and he looked a little bit in his eyes.

“Meeting for the first time, classmate Xie Ming.”

The young man stretched out his hand and said with a chuckle: “My sister is really in your care in school. I’m the brother of Ulyss and Acedes, Jobe Elexia von Risfetter.”

“Hello, Mr. Job.” Xie Ming gently shook Job’s hand and said calmly: “It is an honor for His Majesty the King to come out to meet him in person.”

“Hahahaha, now I’m just as my brother, saying hello to my sister’s favorite person.”

Job chuckles: “I always thought that with the character of Acedes, I didn’t look down on any man at all. At first, when I knew you, I almost fell off the bed in fright.”

“Ah, in fact, the situation of the students in the college was similar to that of you, Mr. Job.” Claudia walked up at this time with a smile: “It’s been a long time, Mr. Job.”

“Miss Enfield, I’m glad to see you too.”

After shaking hands with Claudia again, Job looked at the last visitor and said happily, “This is Uriss’s partner, Ms. Kirin Toto, right? Uris is really under your care. .”

“No…nothing! I…my side is…under the great care of Uliss-senpai!”

Kirin Toto was nervous and hurriedly, bowed and said hello.

“Hahaha, don’t be so nervous, just follow your own pace.” Job smiled: “Then, it’s not good to let the distinguished guests stand at the door for too long, let’s go in and talk about it.”

“Also, Uliss, Acedes, and classmate Xie Ming. Wait, can you come to my study?”

“…I see, brother.”

“It’s really troublesome…”

“okay, no problem.”

Seeing Job lazily walked into the palace from the back, Xie Ming couldn’t help but smile.

The eldest brother is like the father, and the eldest brother is like the father. Today, he can be regarded as experiencing the weight and responsibility of these four words from Job once again.

The king of a country, dressed in plain clothes and slippers, came out so lazily and casually to greet him.

The palace and the garden are almost the same size and size as the Rozval mansion.

If you want money without money, and power without power, you can only stay bored in the palace every day and deal with trivial things. Because of major issues, he has no power at all, and can only report it to the Consolidated Enterprise Consortium for them to make a decision.

The puppet king is worthy of the name. But such a king, he has been for so many years. Is he for himself?

No, if it’s for yourself, the world will let him go. But after he is gone, who will be the puppet?

Uris? Acedes? Let your sister suffer this kind of grievance and this kind of suffering?

How can it be. So, he can only do it, right…

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