Chapter 1017

“Oh~ you are here~”

Lying on the couch in the study, and seeing the three of Xie Ming coming in, Job sat up and said hello lazily.

“Brother, what the hell is going on!”

“What’s the matter? You are rare to come back, and Acedes has also won the champion of the Star Martial Festival, so naturally I want to celebrate. By the way, there is a party for you in the evening. Everyone has their clothes. Ready.”

“It’s dying of trouble.”

Acedes sat on the sofa opposite Job, and said with an unkind expression: “When do you like to use these thoughtful thoughts? I know it is of no use to me.”

“Think carefully…”

Job looked at Acedes and shrugged helplessly: “I also hope that my careful thinking can be useful.”

“Since you know it’s useless, why do you play it out? Behave that your humans and animals are harmless?” Acedes couldn’t help but mocked: “Rather than worry about me, it’s better to worry about the idiot next to me.”

“Ah… indeed so…”

Looking at Uriss, Job nodded thoughtfully.

“Who is an idiot!!”

Ulyss stared at the two men fiercely: “Can you tell me clearly! What you told me before was just to have a family celebration! This kind of guy spin parade is what you say Celebration party?!”

“If I said that, neither you nor Acedes would come back?” Job smiled and looked at Xie Ming who was aside: “Sorry Xie Ming, let you get involved in this In the matter.”

“Although I hate other people’s calculations on my head…”

Xie Ming glanced at Job lightly, and then sighed: “But forget it, anyway, it doesn’t have much impact on me, this time just assume it didn’t happen.”

“Thank you very much.” Job said with a wry smile.

The main reason why Job had so much trouble to come to a Guy parade was for Xie Ming.

To be precise, it is paving the way for the relationship between Xie Ming and Acedes.

Acedes is very strong, he has known this character since he was a child. Being born into such a royal family in the puppet kingdom, with such a strong character, is actually a kind of misfortune.

This point is also common to Uriss.

Job was able to become a king, one is because he is old, and the other is because he is very obedient and obedient, or is willing to be an obedient, self-asserting puppet.

Easy to control, this is the main reason for the consortium to let him be the king.

But, when Acedes and Uriss have enough influence and support in the country, what about the people asking them to be queens?

The unified enterprise consortium will naturally follow the voice and let Acedes or Uriss become the queen.

Then the question comes again. Will these two powerful sisters, like Job, obey other people’s orders honestly, and are willing to be puppets?

Under threat, Uriss might succumb.

But Acedes?


Give you an expression, and you will experience it for yourself.

And now Acedes, who has won the Phoenix Star Martial Arts Championship, has enough influence. If the influence continues to grow, the consolidated enterprise consortium is likely to send people over to interfere, control, and monitor Acedes.

In what form? Of course, there has been a form of marriage since ancient times.

Force a man to be the husband of Ace Des? I am afraid that it will be frozen into ice sculptures and smashed not on the spot. In that case, Acedes will fight the entire consortium of consolidated companies.

It is impossible to think of it personally against the six major consortia that control the world. Therefore, Job wanted to marry Acedes as soon as possible to seize the opportunity.

It’s just that Acedes is a substitute. Sooner or later she will grow to the point where she can fight the world on her own, and this world will surrender to Acedes’ feet sooner or later.

Therefore, Job’s thoughts can only be said to be unfounded and worrying. However, because his starting point was good and would not have much influence on Xie Ming’s plan, he didn’t bother to care about it.

The affairs of this world are handled by Acedes himself.

“Then Job, is that all you want to tell us?” Acedes asked impatiently.

“I had a lot to say, but when I see you, I already understand that even if I say it, it’s useless.”

Job sighed helplessly, lay down on the sofa again, and closed his eyes: “It’s okay, it’s okay, I will cooperate with you as a silly ghost, and wait for the changes you bring.”

“By the way, remember to attend the evening banquet.”

Hearing the voices of the three people leaving, Job’s mouth slightly aroused: “Well, it seems that I don’t need to worry about it.”


After that, as Xie Ming expected, Claudia called all the five people into a conference room and showed everyone his willingness to participate in the Griffin Star Martial Arts Festival. In addition, an invitation to form a team was sent to everyone.

Xie Ming naturally refused directly, as did Acedes. The reason is simple. She doesn’t know if she can catch up when she comes back again.

And Kirin Toto and Uris, after a brief understanding, both chose to agree

Both of them still have their own wishes. After resolving the economic crisis in the orphanage, Jules’ next goal is to resolve the gap between the rich and the poor in this country.

She wanted to start step by step to prevent Ophelia from happening again in any corner of the world. The first step is to start in your own country.

The refusal of Xie Ming and Acedes, in fact, Claudia had already expected it. Although it is inevitable that there will be some regrets when it does happen, it is not too tangled. The atmosphere is not too embarrassing.

Soon, it was the night banquet.

Acedes, Jules and Claudia, dressed in beautiful dresses, undoubtedly became the center of the entire banquet. And Xie Ming took Toudo Chirin, who had never experienced such an occasion, to the balcony of the hall.

“Thanks…thank you, senior Xie Ming.”

“Huh? You’re welcome.”

Xie Ming smiled and shook the goblet in his hand: “There is just a little time right now, and there are only two of us. If you have anything, Qi Lin, don’t worry about it.”

“Hey?” Kirin Toto raised her head and looked at Xie Ming in surprise.

“What’s so surprising.”

Xie Ming couldn’t help but smile and said, “Didn’t you have been struggling for a day?”

“It turns out… Senior Xie Ming has always followed me.”

Such a thought flashed in her mind, and Kirin Tofuji’s face became even more flushed: “Yes… there is something to do, I want to ask Senior Xie Ming.”

“Actually…At the end of the duel with Mr. Aldi at the Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival, I saw something amazing…”

“Something wonderful?”

“Yes… I always feel that at the last moment, I feel that I seem to have seen what will happen in the next few seconds.”

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