Chapter 1018

“See the next few seconds?”

Xie Ming raised his brows and looked at the petite girl beside him: “You mean, you have awakened the clairvoyance?”

“No, no, no, it’s not like that yet… sure…”

Todo Kirin waved her hand quickly, lowering her head shyly: “It’s just that it feels very much like what the book says.”

In the plane of Asterisk, the city of learning warfare, there is also the ability of clairvoyance. It’s just that the clairvoyance effect here is completely different from the clairvoyance in the moon world and the clairvoyance in a broad sense.

If the clairvoyance in the type moon does not reach the Ex level, it will be similar to the clairvoyance in the broad sense, only increasing the field of vision. And some special clairvoyance, such as the famous clairvoyance Ex-class trio, their clairvoyance is not to increase the field of vision, but to see through, the present, and the future.

And the clairvoyance of this world, strictly speaking, is very similar to the intuition effect of the A grade in the moon world. Can predict the opponent’s actions, see through the opponent’s actions, and even predict the future in a few seconds.

But in terms of form, the clairvoyance of this world is the same as the magic eye of the moon world. Because this clairvoyance is the strengthening of the eyeball structure of the human body by the force of stars.

Xie Ming encountered a clairvoyant strong man more than once during his challenging journey in the past few years before he went to Xuezhan City. They, without exception, are all Star Vessel generations.

When using clairvoyance, their celestial power will flow to the eyes and be strengthened.

As for why the eye area is strengthened, this effect occurs, and why some people can strengthen the eye area, but some people cannot. Xie Ming doesn’t know these questions. After all, he is not a researcher.

But although he doesn’t know how to help people open clairvoyance, he knows how to help people who have opened clairvoyance to master the ability.

The generations of the stars control the power of the stars, all relying on their own feelings. And for those who have opened clairvoyance, that feeling must have been remembered by the body.

So what Xie Ming needs to do is to remind him of the feeling when his clairvoyance is opened, and then let him practice repeatedly.

“Yi Rin, do you remember the feeling at that time?” Xie Ming asked softly.

“I’m sorry…I didn’t fully remember it because it was in a crisis and the maintenance time was very short…”

Toto Kirin lowered her head and said in a low voice, “That’s why I want to ask senior if there is any way to help me get that feeling back.”

“OK, I understand.”

With a chuckle, Xie Ming gently patted Kirin Totodo’s head: “Every day from 6 am to 9 am, I will do daily training on the lawn near the dormitory building. If you don’t mind, just come and talk to me. Let me train together.”

Upon hearing this, the girl raised her head, her pitiful face full of surprises.

“Really…. Is it really okay?”

“What’s wrong?”

Xie Ming asked with a smile, “It’s also very helpful for me to have someone to practice with.”

“Yes…Yes! Senior Xie Ming, please take care of me from now on!”


“Hahahahaha, it’s good to be young, youthful and innocent, and full of vitality. Old bones like me, it won’t work…”

Suddenly, a voice of leaning against the old and selling the old came into the ears of the two of them. Xie Ming frowned and looked over.

I saw an old man wearing a black tuxedo and small round glasses, squinting his eyes and looking at them with a smile. Xie Ming noticed this person a few minutes ago.

There was a touch of malice on his body, and he knew at a glance that he was not here to do business. Originally, Xie Ming was planning to see what this guy was going to do, but he didn’t expect to talk to him on the initiative.


Kirin Tofuji was taken aback, and subconsciously grabbed Xie Ming’s sleeves and shrank her body behind him. He poked his head out timidly, and carefully looked in the direction of the old man.

“Old man, isn’t it a bad idea to interrupt other people’s conversation abruptly?”

“Hahaha, this is true, this is true, sorry.”

The laughter was full of hypocrisy and artificiality. The old man opened his eyes slightly and looked at the two Xie Ming: “But I am sorry to ask, I heard that Miss Enfield will invite you to join the Griffin Star Martial Festival.”

“I don’t know you two, did you promise her?”

“This… shouldn’t be related to the old man’s affairs.”

Xie Ming looked at the old man calmly, and said lightly: “It is up to us to decide whether to agree or not. Is it necessary to tell the old man you?”

“Yeah~ I am worthy of being the champion of the Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival. I have left anecdotes all over the world. He has great strength and he speaks very confidently. However, I still want to persuade both of you.”

The old man said very ‘sincerely’: “Please, don’t join Miss Enfield’s team.”

“Why, why?” Xie Ming raised his brows with interest and asked.

“Because if you join Miss Enfield’s team, someone will have a headache. My mission is to stop this.”

“So, can you tell me who that person is?”

Xie Ming slightly pushed Kauten to the back, and smiled lightly: “If you can tell me, I can guarantee that I will not participate in Claudia’s team.”

“This can’t work.”

Shaking his head lightly, the old man pretended to be regretful and said, “Although, I would also like to tell you to reduce the trouble. However, to ensure the information security of employers is also the rule of our industry.”

“Then let me change the question.” Xie Ming shrugged: “If it’s an old man, if you tell me your name, I don’t have to participate in Claudia’s team. Is that okay?”

“Um…whatever. Then please let me introduce myself.”

The old man bowed slightly, placed his right hand on his left chest, and said very gentlemanly: “The old man’s name is Gustave Malraux. The title is: Beast Creation Magician.”

“The magician’s ability is to create monsters.”

With that, the old man stretched out his right hand, wanting to snap his fingers. But the next moment, his hand was grabbed by Xie Ming.


He opened his eyes suddenly, and the star power in his body began to flow rapidly. Just as Gustav wanted to fight back, Xie Ming’s other hand grabbed his head.

“Although I don’t want to abuse the elderly, but I can’t help it.”

With a sigh, Xie Ming’s right hand slammed Gustav’s head on the ground.


In an instant, a big hole broke in the balcony, and Xie Ming and Gustav’s bodies had fallen to the ground on the first floor. On the other hand, Gustav planted green onions upside down, and his entire head was embedded in the ground.

The body trembled a few times, and then fell softly, and immediately lost consciousness.

“The strength is so weak, so close to me, and you want to pretend to threaten me?”

Clapping his hands, Xie Ming looked up at the crowd.

“Solved, prepare for interrogation.”

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