Chapter 1027

“Ding ding ding ding ding…”

The blade of Tianhuo Jingyan accurately reached the front of the sword every time the ancient sword pierced out. If the sword stabbed by Fan Xinglu resembles the starlight, then the sword cut by Xie Ming is like a superposition of countless waning moons.

The crisp sound between the sword and the sword, like the pouring rain falling on the earth, became more and more violent.

Fan Xinglu’s expression also became more and more enthusiastic as the fighting continued.

“Hahahahaha, it is, it really makes the old man happy!”

“Hey, it seems that Senior is still at ease.” Xie Ming chuckled lightly: “Then, I’ll be serious.”

The faint smile on his face turned into Gujing Wubo. Belonging to the real skills of the half-step great master, he began to exert his full strength.

The blade that could have faintly seen the afterimage at this moment has completely turned into a phantom. Fan Xinglu felt it at this time. She didn’t know what she hadn’t felt for how long.

Therefore, the two of them were attacking while protecting their vital weaknesses. But now after Xie Ming’s full use, Fan Xinglu can no longer guarantee the former.

The long sword she stabbed was still resisted by the opponent’s blade, but at the same time it was resisted, a weak vibration would pass through the weapon and exert on the star power of her bodyguard.

If it’s just that, it’s not a big deal. However, the collision frequency of the twin engines is too high.

Even with Fan Xinglu’s control over the stellar power, he felt that his stellar power would be briefly shaken away by this weird shock soon. If that were the case, the vibration would be directly applied to her flesh.

She didn’t think that her 9-year-old body could resist that strange shock.

Moreover, the change does not stop there.

The sword that had been so powerful and mighty, at this time, had completely changed. It was still a big opening and closing, but the trajectory of the sword swing became unpredictable.

Fan Xinglu had already seen Xie Ming’s sword skills through the teaching battle between him and Dao Teng Qi Rin.

Like a general rushing on the battlefield, he was fierce.

It’s as weird as if you don’t hesitate to take the head of a person in the shadows.

It is as cunning as a hunter who induces his prey step by step into his own trap.

It was precisely because it was an upright teaching battle that Fan Xinglu realized that this was a skilled opponent. Before she came, she had imagined and simulated what Xie Ming would look like after combining these three styles.

However, after the real collision, Fan Xinglu had to admit that if he talked about the skill of the sword, the opponent was already comparable to himself. If it is normal, maybe she can continue this collision between skills.

But unfortunately, her body is only 9 years old now. She couldn’t fully display the martial arts she had accumulated over thousands of years and stepped into the realm of the great master.


Yu Guang noticed that the ancient sword was already covered with cracks. A little regret appeared in Fan Xinglu’s heart.

I am afraid that the comparison of skills will end here. The next thing to enter is a comprehensive competition.

If she only has skill, then she is not worthy of the name of Ten Thousand Heavenly Luo!


The moment Xie Ming heard such a word, he immediately reacted. But instead of retreating, he attacked Fan Xinglu more violently. At the same time, the mental power mobilizes the surrounding elements and completely disrupts them.

“Very good judgment, Xie Ming.”

Fan Xinglu came into Xie Ming’s ears with a smile: “However, the old body is a heaven.”

The Wan Ying Su that had been disturbed, under Fan Xinglu’s control, instantly began to change. The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds. Countless thunder lights crashed down.


“The Earthly Sword Art, Yao.”

A cold light flashed in his pupils, and the seven-pointed star composed of blade light faced the thunder light, and the invisible vibration shattered all the nearby matter.

Including Lei Guang, including dark clouds, including Wanying Su. There were even cracks in the air.

Even though Yao, who used his full strength in a normal state, could not easily shatter the space, it was enough to make it crack.

After solving Lei Guang, Xie Ming did not continue to attack. With a calm gaze, he looked at Fan Xinglu, who had already opened a certain distance.

“Amazing knife skills.”

Fan Xinglu didn’t conceal the admiration in her own tone: “You can achieve the effect of shattering the space only with knife skills. Xiao Ming, you are not far from the realm of the real master.”

“It took hundreds of years for the old body to reach this state. The young people nowadays are really amazing.”

“Senior praised it.”

Xie Ming shook his head and said calmly: “To enter the realm of a great master, opportunity, accumulation and foundation are indispensable. Opportunities will only be given to those who can grasp it.”

“Hahahaha, it seems that the old man is not the one who gives you the opportunity.” Fan Xinglu smiled helplessly: “It is a pity that you can’t compete with you in skill with your pinnacle body.”

“Otherwise, if it can help you enter the realm of the great master, the old man may be able to feel more joy.”

“Senior’s kindness, I have my heart.” Xie Ming smiled: “Opportunities cannot be demanded. As long as we keep accumulating and persisting, it will come sooner or later. It won’t work. Wait for seniors to give me opportunities after ten or eight years. Is it a way?”

“What a pleasant boy.”

Hearing this, Fan Xinglu’s eyes narrowed with a smile: “If you know that Jie is such a pleasant kid, the old man might invite you to enter the dragon.”

“But for now, let’s continue.”

The slender hand made a few movements in an instant, and finally became the handprint of the middle finger and index finger stretched out together. The next moment, Wan Ying Su, who was deliberately dispelled by Xie Ming to the distance, began to whistle and gather towards Fan Xinglu.

“Although the old body’s body cannot perform the skills it deserves. But in the star fairy arts, the old body is several times stronger than before.”

The sharp gust of wind howled, cutting open the space.

The scorching flame burned, distorting the space.

The flash of thunder in the dark clouds contained violent power.

Fan Xinglu’s petite body was also looming in the rainbow stream of Wanyingsu.

Xie Ming slowly set up his long sword, and his calm pupils were already full of seriousness and earnestness.

The real battle begins now.

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