Chapter 1028

Fan Xinglu is a real demon who has lived since 625 AD to the present day. Constant rebirth and constant re-training of martial arts have allowed her to achieve what she is today.

In other words, Fan Xinglu would use the Star Celestial Technique before the star rain fell. As early as at that time, there were star vein generations in the world.

Perhaps at that time, it was the most correct to use the word “Xianren” to describe the generations of star veins.

Since before the rain of falling stars arrives, the generation of star veins and the power of stars already exist. So it’s not surprising that the element of Wanyingsu has always existed on the earth.

“As early as a thousand years ago, Wanyingsu entered the earth along with meteorites.”

The gale, the flames, and the thunder, under Fan Xing’s superb micro-control, turned into three fierce dragons, slowly surrounding his petite body.

“But at that time, the universal element in the air was too scarce, and even the star power inside the body could not be recovered very well. So save every bit of strength and use it where it should be used. Common sense at the time.”

Fan Xinglu’s figure disappeared at some point, and her voice came from all directions: “Xie Ming, another reason why the old man admires you very much is also because of this. Because your control over your own power has been extremely in our age. Excellent.”

“Until now, you are still dispersing all the elements around you, trying to reduce the power of the old body star celestial arts. But, no matter how you dispel, in the feeling of the old body, the all elements in this world are still There are so many!”



Following this command, the three fierce dragons roared up to the sky, leaving three black marks in the air, and rushed straight to Xie Ming.

The earth is cracking, the dark clouds are sweeping, and the space is shattering. It seemed that nothing could stop the fierce dragons from raging forward, except for the dark long knife.


The pitch-black seven-pointed star appeared quietly, imprinted on the body of the fastest raging dragon with lightning speed. The invisible vibration diverged and passed. Let the body of the dragon of flames and the dragon of gale wind stagnate together.


The three fierce energy dragons are like patterns drawn on white paper, slowly erased by an invisible eraser. Even if each of them broke out, they could easily destroy half of the city.

But they are still formed by the convergence and connection of special energy. And the vibration of the sword skill’Yao’ can even destroy the molecular structure of things. Not to mention, this was an attack launched by the Demon Sword Qi.

There were no accidents at all with this result.

“Oh, as expected, just like this, you can’t beat you~ So, how about this?”

“Hurry as a law.”

This time, it is still a dragon of energy. But the number is more than three.

“Hey, hey, this is a bit too much, right?”

Seeing these nearly a hundred dragons roaming in mid-air, Xie Ming said helplessly, “Senior, are you going to blast all this land?”

“Although your knife skills are powerful, it is quite heavy on the arm, right?” Fan Xinglu’s voice was unabashedly happy: “The quality of the attack is not good, so just work hard on the quantity. .”

Should I say that he is a demon who has lived for thousands of years? After only seeing Xie Ming using it twice, he found out the shortcomings of the sword technique’Yao’.

Using the power of vibration, how can there be no future troubles? The vibration is omni-directional, not only destroying the enemy, but also destroying itself. How strong Xie Ming wanted to use, how much reaction force his body would endure.

Even if he used various methods to reduce it layer by layer, Yao’s side effects would still affect his arm. But from the very beginning, Xie Ming’s definition of Yao was a sword technique used to attack tough ones.

Like the super high-quality dragon with energy that can destroy space, Xie Ming in normal state can only use Yao to deal with it. But now the hundreds of dragons that surrounded him are far worse in quality than the three just now.

It has been included in the scope of the effect of a certain ability.

“Ready to come, pardon!”


Accompanied by Fan Xinglu’s soft drink, the dragons roared, their bodies turned into colorful and gorgeous streamers, completely blocking all Xie Ming escape routes. In this kind of energy riot and unstable space, his elementary spatial ability is completely useless.

The ground has been broken into pieces of platforms, and the dust on the ground is floating in the air. The air was constantly squeezed by energy and turned into a frantic turbulence. The black clouds in the sky seemed to be within reach.

As if it were a picture of the end of the world.

And a pair of rainbow pupils that turned into emerald green as the background, slowly lifted up.

“Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping !!!!!”

It was as if countless pieces of glass were continuously broken by people, and the clear and sweet voices constantly resounded in this area. The scenery that looked like the end of the world just now has turned into a blue sky and white clouds.

If you ignore the ground broken into pieces.

“The old man’s star magic… has been wiped out?”

Fan Xinglu’s figure emerged, staring at Xie Ming’s pupils, with an innocent and brilliant smile: “Unexpectedly, you hide so deeply, kid.”

“Your wonderful eyes are the reason for the disappearance of the Star Fairy Art? No, the two words disappearing are not used correctly. It should be said, let Wanyingsu turn it into its original appearance.”

Walking thoughtfully in the air, a sudden flash flashed in Fan Xinglu’s eyes.

“Returning the universal element controlled by ability to the appearance of natural existence is the true ability of your eyes. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the replenishment of the universal element in this world.”

“And the reason why you didn’t use these eyes just now, but instead used knife skills to destroy the old body’s star magic, the main reason is because of quality. Once the density of the universal element exceeds a certain limit, your eye ability will not be able to work. ”

“Is the old man’s reasoning wrong?”

Although it is an interrogative sentence, the tone is affirmative. Wisdom, force, star celestial arts, eyesight, experience… all combinations make him a demon with the title of Ten Thousand Heavens.

Wisdom is like a demon, and martial arts are the same as immortals. The name of Wanyou Tianluo is well-deserved.

“As expected of seniors.”

Hongtong Cuidi’s eyes looked at the young girl in the air, and Xie Ming said calmly: “The movement just now must have disturbed a lot of people. It won’t be long before many people will come to check it out.”

“So it’s time for both of us to end the temptation and enter the real battle, otherwise, presumably seniors can’t be satisfied, right?”

“Hahahaha, that’s it.”

Fan Xinglu took out a sharp ancient sword that looked unusually noble, and his eyes were full of joy: “It’s time for us to fight each other seriously to satisfy the old man’s emotions that have been thoroughly agitated.”

“Boy, you have to be serious. You’re dead, don’t blame the old man for being unsympathetic.”

“It should be.”

Tianhuo Jingyan had already been sheathed, his body was slightly sideways, Xie Ming looked at the young girl in front of him faintly.

The heavy feeling of oppression and the majestic killing intent erupted from the two of them, colliding in the air, and stalemate.

From now on, is the real victory or defeat.

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