Chapter 1035

With a loud clanging sound, Chiba Kiri in Toto Kirin’s hand was picked up, and after spinning a few times in the air, he stuck it on the floor.

And Xie Ming, holding the Tianhuo Jingyan in his hand, placed it on the neck of the silver-haired girl.

The outcome has been divided.

Retracting the long knife into the sheath, Xie Ming said with a light smile: “Well, that’s it for today.”

“do not want.”

“…” Xie Ming, who was going to help Kirin Toto pick up the weapon, took a physical meal.

“I do not want!”

Raising her head fiercely, Kirin Toto said with tears in her eyes: “The last discussion with Senior Xie Ming ended in this way. I don’t want it! I don’t accept it!”


Xie Ming continued to move forward, picked up Chiba Cut, returned to Toto Kirin, and said dumbfounded: “What’s the matter? Do you want to end the discussion with me like this? Or don’t you want your own knife?”

“………Senior Xie Ming still treated me as a fool until the end.”

After receiving the Chiba cut, Toto Kirin retracted it into the scabbard, lowered her head and said.

“That’s because you are a fool.”

Rubbing the girl’s hair, Xie Ming said angrily: “To be honest, I still haven’t understood how much you have such a grievance.”

“That’s why I said, Senior Xie Ming is too unconscious!”

“…Okay. Then let me, an unconscious person like me, make a wise guess, why are you angry, Qi Rin.”

Xie Ming counted his fingers, his tone was very helpless: “The first point, I didn’t tell you in advance what I was leaving.”

“The second point, when I did something, I kept it from you and worried you.”

“The third point, you guys…”

“I don’t want seniors to leave!”

Kirin Tofuji raised her head, her ears were completely red, but she still stared at Xie Ming closely: “I still want to work with seniors in the morning, learn from each other, eat together…together, do a lot of things. !”

“Senior Xie Ming has been helping me and teaching me! However, I don’t know anything about Senior Xie Ming! I also want to be the strength of Senior and be able to help Senior!”

“I also want to stand next to the seniors like Ace Desi-senpai!”


I have to say that Kirin Toto’s words completely shocked Xie Ming. When was it the last time someone expressed his feelings to him so directly?

Thinking of the ring that he solemnly kept in the portable space, memories can’t help but spring up in his heart.

But there is one thing to say. When Xie Ming heard Doto Kirin’s words, his first reaction was to worry about Doto Kirin’s life.

If I let Acedes know that such a junior is going to grab a man with her, I’m afraid he will directly drive up to fight with Absolute Zero. And I didn’t expect that Kirin Totodō would only make promises, but at this critical time, she would instead strike out with punches.

If Xie Ming didn’t like the little silver-haired girl in front of him, that would definitely be a lie. But this kind of liking is really not exactly the kind of gluttonous liking. Note that it is ‘really incomplete’ and these four words are to be emphasized.

After all, in daily contact, faced with such a plump figure that does not match her age, she is still very close to herself. He didn’t have any strange thoughts in his heart, and Xie Ming didn’t believe it when he said it.

But his love for Kirin Tofuji is more of his love for his younger sister and his appreciation for her talent. He wanted to see how far this genius of swordsmanship can go after his own teaching and training.

But at this moment, this weak-tempered girl had already plucked up the courage, so he had to make a reply that was worthy of the girl’s courage.

Respond in his own way. This is the respect for the courage of the girl.

“Yi Rin, I am definitely going to leave, this thing cannot be changed anymore.”

Seeing Tofuji Kirin, whose eyes were gradually graying, Xie Ming smiled bitterly and touched her head: “I also have my goals, and you also have your wishes. You should be able to understand this.”


“But, I’m only leaving temporarily. In the future, I will come back here. After all, what I applied to the school was a leave slip, not a withdrawal.”

There was a little light in Toto Kirin’s eyes.

“And Qi Rin, don’t you also have your own wishes? Save your father from prison. Isn’t that the original intention for you to come here?”

Xie Ming said gently: “You are still young, and you still have a lot of time and opportunities. You have a very bright future. If you stop at this time because of emotional matters, do you think you will regret it in the future?”

“You want to stand next to me and keep up with me. Then first of all, the world in your eyes must be the same as mine. For this, you need more life experience and more growth. ”

“Then… Senpai can slow down a bit and wait for me?”

Toto Kirin grabbed the hem of the clothes with both hands, and looked at Xie Ming with a blushing face: “I can feel that there is a high mountain in front of Senior that needs to be crossed. Therefore, I don’t expect Senior to stop.”

“But…Although I know this is very selfish and demanding, but…but!”

“I see.”

Xie Ming rubbed Kato Kirin’s head fiercely, and deliberately rubbed her hair into a mess: “Then wait until Kirin graduates from high school, how about?”


“By the time she graduated from high school, if Qi Rin can become the person who can make Wan Tian Luo Fan Xinglu have to show her true ability to deal with, I will take you into the world in my eyes. Would you like to accept this agreement? ”

“Wanyou Tianluo…Yes! I will work hard!”

“Very good, come on.”

Xie Ming smiled and sighed in his heart. A few years later, Fan Xinglu, who has grown up, can show his true skills and have to do it before graduating from high school. For myself, this is an impossible problem for the girl in front of me.

However, if she can complete the extremely difficult challenge that she has given her, then it would not be a bad thing for her to enter the main god space.

Seeing Toudo Chirin in front of him, Xie Ming could only smile secretly in his heart. But it is undeniable that he also has a glimmer of expectation in his heart.

Maybe the girl in front of me could really surpass the protagonist and become Fan Xinglu’s level of existence, maybe.

Just wait and see for yourself.


At Jielong Seventh College, Xie Ming followed Acedes to the gate of this school full of Chinese cultural style. Looking at the decoration of the school gate and the style of the houses inside, Xie Ming really had a sense of belonging.

Before arriving, he had notified Fan Xinglu in advance and asked her to send a guide or give permission to pass. After all, Acedes has been here before and knows how to go.

Originally, Fan Xinglu was too troublesome, so she wanted to give a pass directly to let Xie Ming and Xie Ming stroll around. As a result, he was strongly stopped by one person and strongly recommended himself to be the guide for the two.

Both Xie Ming and Acedes know this person.

“Hello, Your Excellency Xie Ming, Your Excellency Acedes. Since the Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival, I haven’t seen them directly.”

Petite and slender body, cute face and voice like a girl. The attitude is neither humble nor humble, polite and respectful, and not humble.

“Tiankuwu burial, Zhao Hufeng.”

Ace Desi squinted his eyes, “You offered to be our guide. It shouldn’t be that simple, right?”

“If you have any words and plans, it’s better to say them early.”

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