Chapter 1036 Fan Xinglu’s Gift

“…As expected to be the Queen of Freezing, Your Excellency Acedes. There is indeed something underneath, and I want to ask the two lords.”

Slightly clasped his fists and saluted, Zhao Hufeng looked at Xie Ming.

“Your Excellency Xie Ming, is the injury of your teacher some time ago, and the earth-shattering explosion outside the Xuezhan city, do you have anything to do with you?”

“Oh, why do you say that?”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows and asked with interest: “Did Senior Fan Xinglu tell you?”

“No, the master didn’t say anything.” Zhao Hufeng shook his head slightly and said with a wry smile: “But we can all see these days that the master is in a very good mood. There is only one thing that can make the master so happy.”


“In the entire learning war city, there are only a handful of people who can satisfy the master in battle.”

“The founder and current captain of the Urban Star Hunting Guard, known as the strongest witch in the history of Asterisk, Hurga Lindoval, the witch of time. It is possible to inherit the name of the strongest witch, Levov Black The head of the academy, Ophelia Landaufenlu, the lonely poisonous witch. Now, she should be called a student of the Star Guild Hall.”

“After that, it will be your two.”

Zhao Hufeng said with piercing eyes: “Acedes, the queen of ice, and Xie Ming, a traveler who has left legends all over the world. But today, the master said that he would have an informal match with the queen of ice. Then, there is only one answer. .”

“Exclusion method.”

Hearing this, Xie Ming couldn’t help but laugh and said: “Indeed, I had a discussion there with Senior Fan Xinglu that day, and the movement was quite big.”

“Sure enough…”

After Zhao Hufeng was silent for a moment, he asked in a deep voice, “So, what was the outcome of that match?”

“Win or lose? Do you care about this boring thing?”

Hearing the question, Xie Ming waved his hand boredly: “The only thing that needs to be decided is the competition and the battle of life and death. The two words stand for learning and progress. Both of us got what we wanted and won. It doesn’t matter what it is negative.”

Yes, neither Fan Xinglu nor Xie Ming took the duel that day seriously. Xie Ming always referred to the battle that day as a battle instead of a duel. Because neither of them really came to fight.

Fan Xinglu’s body is only 9 years old, and the martial arts accumulated over thousands of years simply cannot be fully utilized.

Xie Ming also tried to assess his actual combat power, but he didn’t turn on a state that could greatly improve his strength.

And for the two of them, the decision to win or lose is too naive. Fan Xinglu became stronger for more enjoyment of fighting, and Xie Ming became stronger for better guarding the people around him.

So the two people actually didn’t care about this kind of battle.

“…….Been taught a lesson.”

Zhao Hufeng clasped his fists and saluted, and then looked at Acedes: Then, your Excellency Acedes, why do you want to have an informal match with the master? ”

“You don’t understand this?”

Ace Desi looked at Zhao Hufeng like an idiot: “Challenge the strong, isn’t it a matter of course?”

“………I see.”

With a wry smile, Zhao Hufeng shook his head. He also didn’t understand what happened to him today. Perhaps, when I learned that my respected master might be surpassed by others, something unusual appeared in my heart.

When Fan Xinglu teaches all his disciples, he will make a statement with them in advance.

“The old body teaches you, and the preservation of the essence is for the old body. The old body teaches you, and you come to satisfy the old body. There is only one return for the old body’s needs. So, grow up and surpass the old body.”

At that time, Fan Xinglu’s happy smile and his amazing courage, Zhao Hufeng has not forgotten.

“Sorry, it took some time for both of you.”

Suppressing the mixed thoughts in his heart, Zhao Hufeng looked at the two of them: “Two, please here.”


Huangchen Hall, between Xuanwu.

There are countless tall stone pillars standing here, extremely spacious. Although the light is a bit dim, it does not affect the battle of Star Vein generations. Several students in school uniforms have already stood on the stone pillars.

“Master, Excellency Xie Ming and Excellency Acedes have been brought here.”

After leading the two into this room, Zhao Hufeng clasped his fists and saluted the petite figure in the middle.

“Well, I have worked hard for Hufeng.”

Sitting on the stone pillar dangling her white calf, Fan Xinglu said happily: “Then, you will fall into it. Let’s watch the battle.”


After several jumps, Zhao Hufeng added to the vacant position, and together with the others, he set his sights on the two of Xie Ming.

“Oh, boy Xie Ming.”

Fan Xinglu said happily: “I heard that you are leaving this city?”

“Senior’s news came really fast.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “After all, what I need now is opportunity rather than experience. So, I want to continue my journey.”

“Well, now that you have made a decision, the old man doesn’t greet you too much. This should be a parting gift from the old man.”

With a slight wave of his small hand, the space in front of Xie Ming fluctuated. What followed was a small cloth bag.

“This is…..”

I was not polite. After taking the cloth bag and opening it, I found that the space inside was much larger than it looked. Five or six bundles of talisman were neatly placed inside.

“Used some small means to expand the space inside.”

Fan Xinglu waved his hand carelessly: “The talisman inside, you only need to inject the star power talisman into it. You can use it. Each type of talisman body has one hundred for you. You can use mental power to sweep it for the function. clear.”

“…Thank you, senior.”

Xie Ming smiled, and slightly clasped his fists to salute: “When I come back, I will discuss with Senior again. I hope that then, Senior will not refuse it.”

“Hahahahaha, that’s why I like you kid.”

Hearing this, Fan Xinglu burst into laughter and jumped off the stone pillar: “My old man has remembered what you said, so don’t break your promise.”


Putting the small cloth bag in his arms, Xie Ming said with a light smile: “Then, it’s time to get to the topic. Juniors, just go to the side to watch the battle.”

“Well, go ahead.”

Seeing Xie Ming walk aside, Fan Xinglu turned his gaze to Acedes.

“Little girl, it looks like you have been looking forward to it for a long time.”

“Of course, Senior Wanyou Tianluo.”

Acedes showed a warlike smile: “This time in the duel, I will quickly defeat you!”

“Oh, defeat the old man.”

Fan Xinglu suddenly became interested when she heard this.

“Indeed, if you can use Absolute Zero arbitrarily, there is no chance of winning in the face-to-face confrontation with the old man who has not yet developed a countermeasure. However, your star power is not enough for you to continue using that trick, right?”

“Unless you have other cards, or you are sure to beat the old man with absolute zero before your star power runs out. What are you going to do?”

“These things, after you start, you will understand.”

“Well… I hope you can give the old man a surprise.” Fan Xinglu’s face wore an innocent smile.

The scene slowly calmed down. The disciples standing on the stone pillar also gradually held their breath.

Acedes stared at Fan Xinglu and lightly touched the school badge on her chest.

“Star Guide Hall, Acedes, challenge Jielong and Fan Xinglu.”

“accept the challenge.”

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