Chapter 1043

The Roman Orthodox Church really made up its mind this time and must kill Xie Ming in this city. For this reason, they even did not hesitate to pay for the lives of people in a city.

The Queen of the Adriatic Sea was originally a magical technique for the city. The main gun on the Ice Warship has a range of four to five kilometers. Locking to the city of Avignon near the sea is not a problem at all.

Xie Ming has already checked, and the C document in his hand is genuine. So this time the arrangement of the Roman Orthodox Church can be said to be an out-and-out conspiracy.

If Inticus, Amakusa and others succeed in breaking into the papal hall, then the papal hall will become their cage, and together with the C essay, will become the bait for him.

If you fail to break into the Pope’s Hall, then the C essay will have an effect, and the world will set off a wave of boycotting the academy city. In this way, the Roman Orthodox Church’s ‘economic sanction’ plan on the academy city will succeed.

So no matter what, the Roman Orthodox Church will accomplish its purpose and deal a heavy blow to the scientific camp.

Of course, the management of the Academy City can’t be a waste, and it will definitely be aware of the small actions of the Roman Orthodox Church. At that time, it will inevitably be airdropped armed, or even bombs will directly smash Avignon to prevent the purpose of the Roman Orthodox Church.

In the end, the only victims were Amakusa and Inticus, and all the people living in Avignon.

The so-called war is like this.

“Yeah, so I hate magicians.”

Lifting his head, Xie Ming’s pupils were shining with blood, and the whole body was also wrapped in scarlet mist: “Then, you can try it.”

“See if my Satan’s butcher knife can save this city under the shelling of the Queen of the Adriatic Sea.”

“Oh, arrogant traitor to God. Let the sky fire from the Lord wash away your sins.”

Piageo sneered and turned off the remote communication magic directly. He took off the cross hanging from his neck and said coldly.

“Adriatic Queen Fleet, Barbara’s magic cannon is charged.”

With countless battle ice ships neatly arranged in the coastal waters, the giant ice cannons on the side slowly lifted up, and the magical power contained in the air and seawater began to converge, forming ice bombs in a giant cannon.

On the side of each ice ship, there are thirty to forty giant cannons. Counting the total number, it was just a round of all bullets, and Xie Ming had to face the crazy bullet rain of three or four thousand. If these shells land on Avignon, this area will directly become an ice sheet.

“Report, Barbara’s magic cannon has been charged.”

“Go to hell, traitor to God.”

A cruel and excitement flashed in his eyes, and Piageo placed his hand on the console in front of him.


“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom…”

Three or four thousand giant cannons are fired at the same time. What kind of exaggerated and magnificent scene is that? Just the recoil during launch caused all ice ships to translate dozens of meters on the sea, and the raised elevation angle almost caused the ice ships to capsize directly.

The clouds in the sky were directly beaten into hornet’s nests, and traces of distant shells could be vaguely seen in the dense ‘bullet holes’, pulling out white smoke in the air.

The artillery shells fired by the Adriatic Queen’s fleet are high-density ice shells made by magic. But even if the density is high, the mass will be slightly reduced in the friction of the air. The strips of white smoke are exactly the ice falling from the surface of the shell.


“Come on…”

At the moment when the Adriatic Queen’s fleet fired a cannonball, Xie Ming’s combat intuition was keenly aware of a crisis approaching from high altitude. Looking at the papal hall that formed a cage, Xie Ming took out the Demon Sword Nightmare from his portable space.

He had nearly ten ways to break the barrier of this degree. But since there is the easiest way, why should he give up the shortest distance?

One of Demon Blade Nightmare’s passive skills, ignoring any form of defense. Enchantment or something, in front of the demon sword’s blade, it is really no different from tofu.

When he walked to the door, he flicked a knife slightly, and an opening that could be passed by one person instantly appeared in the barrier. Without hesitation, Xie Ming walked out directly.

“Xie Ming!”

“Mr. Xie Ming!!”

Near the gate, Inticus and Wuhe, who were thinking about the barrier, ran over.


Xie Ming smiled and said hello: “Two guys who are causing trouble.”

“Ah… I’m very sorry.” Wuhe bowed his head and said apologetically after hearing this, “But, this is an order from the British Puritan side, we…”

“What! Wuhe, you don’t need to apologize to him!”

Inticus was akimbo, preaching: “This was originally a matter of our magic side. I wanted to say it before. Xie Ming, you scientific person is too much involved in the magic side! You! do you know….”

“Yes, yes, wait until I come back to listen to your complaints.”

Knocked on the head of Inticus lightly, Xie Ming said with a light smile: “Now, let me solve the trouble first.”

“Trouble?” Wuhe was taken aback for a moment: “But the C document has not been given by Mr. Xie Ming…”

“I’ll talk to you when I come back. Wuhe, you take the Intiqs, and now gather the Amakusa-like people to retreat from the city. Don’t wait for me, I will find it in time.”

He patted Wuhe’s head, squeezed Inticus’s face, and Xie Ming said gently.

“Then, first.”

Before the two of them could reply, Xie Ming’s figure disappeared in front of them. In the air, a strong wind and a few laps of sonic boom came again.

“…… That is, Mr. Xie Ming?”

“When will Xie Ming fly…” Inticus opened her mouth, then frowned, and realized that things were not simple: “No, absolutely not. Why Xie Ming wants to tell us back Elaborate?”

“Five Harmony!!!”

At this time, a girl in Amakusa style ran over and said in a little panic: “It’s not good! Let’s leave this city soon!”

“According to the intelligence, there has been a fleet of Adriatic Queens offshore France, and the lunatics of the Roman Orthodox have fired at this place!!!”


Wuhe and Inticus glanced at each other and shouted at the same time.

“Xie Ming (sir)!!!”


“Oh, what should I do…”

Standing high in the sky, looking at the thousands of huge ice bombs that were getting closer to him, Xie Ming fell into a little thought.

The easiest way is to use Yao directly to shake these thousands of shells directly into ice chips. Then fly to the Queen’s fleet offshore to deal with it.

“But it feels so troublesome…”

Scratching his head, Xie Ming sighed: “Forget it, let’s expose the ability that Aleister knows.”

It is better not to expose your hole cards easily.


“Yes, Master Xie Ming.”

Tianhuo Jingyan came out of its sheath slightly, and a stream of light flashed across the dark blade.

Lv.5, vector operation.


The killing intent wave broke out in an all-round way, forming a pair of extremely huge scarlet wings behind Xie Ming. Looking at the cannonball that was close to 100 meters away, his eyes flashed brightly.

“Give it to me, go back wherever it came from.”

Vector operation, angel level.

Group reflection!

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