Chapter 1044: Common Enemy

“How is the situation?”

Standing in the main control room of the flagship of the Queen’s Fleet, Piageo asked in a deep voice, “Did you hit the target?”

“Report… Report to the Bishop…”

In the communication magic, the observer stammered.

“The shell did not hit the target. Instead, it was bounced back by the target…!”

“What did you say!!?”

“Bishop! There are still 30 seconds to bomb this area!”

“Continue firing the cannonballs! Stop the cannonballs in the air!” Piageo roared, “Damn devil! What tricks did you use!”

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom…”

With another salvo, thousands of high-density ice shells erupted from the muzzle of the ice ship again, and nearly a hundred ice ships once again moved dozens of meters above the sea level.

Because it is a magical creation, the Adriatic Queen’s fleet does not need the problems of overheating the barrel and the bombing of the barrel caused by the continuous firing, but this is after all a warship on the sea, which cannot offset the physical problem of recoil.

So if you want to fire a shell again, you first need to stabilize the balance of the ship. Otherwise, because of recoil directly overturning, the fun would be great.

As the commander of the fleet, Piageo still understood this truth. However, he overlooked a problem.

That is how Xie Ming reflected the shells back. And, will this reflection reflect the shell they fired this time?

The people of the Orthodox Church in Rome have not really experienced wars, nor have they really felt the ever-changing battlefields. They are used to threatening others with their powerful power and influence and forcing others to obey.

So when the power stronger than them comes to them, they will appear so impatient.

“Oh, another wave of gifts?”

Following the rebounding shells, Xie Ming, who was keeping the angel-level vector operation state, saw another wave of shells and his eyes suddenly brightened. He was worried that this wave of shells would not be able to ruin the group of guys to the bottom of the sea.

“Group reflection.”

The figure appeared in front of the shell that was about to collide, and a wave of fluctuations spread again. The thousands of shells were stopped for a short time and quickly turned their directions.

Then, under Xie Ming’s gaze, the two waves totaled nearly 5,000 ice bombs, which fell extremely densely into that sea area.

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom…”

The deafening roar, the countless splashes that exploded, and the fleet that was directly beaten into a hornet’s nest.

However, Xie Ming did not leave there. With the lessons learned from the previous time, he must completely bury the Adriatic Queen’s fleet here this time.

The ten forms of the Holy Spirit should be regarded as something like a nuclear bomb on the magic side. However, the Roman Orthodox Church, like an idiot, easily mobilizes the deterrent effect of nuclear bombs to attack other forces.

This kind of idiotic force, it is no wonder that the British Puritanism is looking for a school city to cooperate.

“Forget it, this kind of thing has nothing to do with me.”

The scarlet wings behind him slowly disappeared, and countless huge white balls of light appeared around Xie Ming.

Lv5 ability switch, atom collapse.

“I will dissolve everything for you, and see if you can reappear in a short time.”


Following the command of a finger, a huge white beam of light shot out from the white ball of light, enclosing every ice ship in it.

“Boom boom boom boom boom…!!!”

Ignoring the bursts of explosions and the water vapor in the sky, Xie Ming’s Forbidden Demon Eye scanned the sea surface and restored all the magic elements remaining on the sea surface to nature.

“This time, it should be almost done.”

Putting the pure flames of the sky at his waist into the sheath, Xie Ming instantly moved back to the two women through the space coordinates printed on Wuhe’s body.

“Yo, I’m back.”

“Mr. Xie Ming!”

“Xie Ming!!!”

“Hey! Indix, let me go! Did you use such a ‘passionate’ action to welcome my return!?”


“It seems that the strength of this man has been greatly improved…”

In the windowless building, Aleister looked at the scene of Xie Ming’s battle observed through a satellite that was an era ahead, with a calm expression.

“It’s no wonder that he came back this time and looked more confident than last time.”

“So, what are you going to do?”

A vague figure appeared near Aleister. The voice sounded like a chaotic noise, but it made people understand the meaning of the words.

At least, Aleister understood.

“Not much.”

Rarely, Aleister’s mouth raised a smile: “He will be the enemy of the magicians. As long as this does not change, we will never have a conflict.”

“How ugly is a creature like Demon God. How unfair this aspect of fate is. I and him know this truth well. So when fate falls on him and the people around him, he will be with you. Like me, rebellious against fate.”

“I just need to continue my plan, and then assist him.”

Yes, as Xie Ming thought, Aleister would not regard Xie Ming as an enemy at all. Because Xie Ming’s existence itself is the enemy of his enemies.

The power of killing the gods in him is the enemy of all cross religions. His eyes that obliterate magic are the enemies of all magicians.

And the enemy of the enemy is one’s own allies. The goal that the two will eventually achieve is the same.

He will not stick to success, failure, gain, loss, glory, frustration. As long as the trend is guided to flow in the same direction regardless of development, then everything is the same.

His purpose is to erase ‘magic’, so as long as the existence of ‘devil god’ disappears, magic will naturally decline or even disappear. And everything he did now was prepared to fight the demon god.

But Xie Ming’s power of killing the gods and forbidden demon eyes can also defeat the demon god. So, is it important that one’s own somewhat dangerous plan is important, or is it important to win over Xie Ming?

If Xie Ming is a moody and unstable factor, then Aleister may not value Xie Ming that much. But Xie Ming’s essence, he already knew.

As mentioned above, the magician will sooner or later threaten the people around him. The Devil God, sooner or later, will bring danger to him and the people around him. At that time, Xie Ming will definitely take a knife.

Therefore, Aleister doesn’t need to be impatient, he doesn’t need to play any conspiracy against Xie Ming. He only needs to assist Xie Ming and complete his plan in a way that will not touch Xie Ming’s bottom line while waiting.

“Seek common ground while reserving differences, isn’t that the truth…”

Looking at the murderous wings stretched out from behind Xie Ming in the picture, Aleister chuckled and closed the video. Subsequently, two other screens were opened.

A hedgehog holding a broken egg and wailing up to the sky, a premature aging teenager looking impatiently at the tea-haired girl eating ice cream happily (?).

“This time, let them follow, see and see…”

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