Chapter 1048

I believe anyone who knows a little bit about Britain will know a little bit about Buckingham Palace. This is the residence of the Queen of England and one of the most famous viewing spots in London. National celebrations and royal celebrations will also be held in Buckingham Palace.

Here, the reason why it became the destination of Xie Ming’s trio was naturally because they wanted to meet the Queen of England here. In other words, the Queen of England and the three princes wanted to see Xie Ming.

It’s still a cliché. Perhaps for Xie Ming, defeating the “Water”, “Wind” and “Earth” of the right seat of God is not a big deal. But in the eyes of others, they don’t think so.

What’s more, there is a deep entanglement between the water in the rear and Britain. No one knows the strength of the rear water better than this group of senior officials in the UK.

And as the existence that defeated him, how could the members of the royal family not want to see Xie Ming?

Of course, there is more than one reason for wanting to see Xie Ming. After all, Xie Ming can be regarded as a helper hired by the British Puritan Church, and as the queen who rules the entire United Kingdom, it is natural to meet a helper who is about to help her country.

Under the leadership of Laura, Xie Ming and Inticus passed by countless knights dressed like medieval knights, and walked towards the conference hall in Buckingham Palace. However, along the way, Inticus did not show her previous enthusiasm. Instead, she pulled Xie Ming’s sleeve and hid behind him.

Nothing else, just because the eyes of these patrolling knights are really uncomfortable.

Contempt, disdain, anger, ridicule, hostility… all kinds of hostile eyes focused on Lola and Intiqs. Of course, Lola is the main head.

It is no wonder that the duty of the Cavaliers is to protect the Royal Family. But the Puritans used speech, religion, and public opinion to influence the speeches of the royal family. How could the Cavaliers not be hostile to Puritanism?

The origin of chivalry and Puritanism actually involves the birth of Puritanism and Roman Orthodoxy.

As we all know, the Roman Orthodox Church controls many European countries with the crucifixion as its core belief on the grounds of ‘religious belief’. In the United Kingdom, in order to prevent itself from being controlled by the Roman Orthodox Church, with the official background, it created a cross-belief religion.

This religion is British Puritanism.

That is to say, the birth of British Puritanism was a political prop created by the royal family in order to get rid of the Roman Orthodox religion to control the United Kingdom on the grounds of the cross religion.

Following the instructions of the English Puritan Church and following the instructions of the Roman Orthodox Church are both abiding by the doctrine of the Cross. So, why don’t we obey the religion of our country?

Because of this, Britain became one of the few countries that the Roman Orthodox Church did not control.

But how could the British Puritan personnel be willing to be political props and act as puppets of the royal family? What’s more, on the bright side, the royal family admitted that they obeyed the instructions of Puritanism.

With this acknowledgment, the British Puritanism grew rapidly, and finally became one of the three giants in the United Kingdom.

But for the Cavaliers, it was very unhappy. Because they obeyed the orders of the royal family, the royal family had to follow the instructions of the Puritanism. In such a non-indirect way, did the Puritanism have the right to instruct them to be chivalry?

Since then, the contradiction between Puritanism and Chivalry has become more intense. But under the control of the royal family, no real armed conflict has occurred yet. At most, it is the degree of ‘killing you with your eyes’, ‘following the orders from Puritanism,’ and ‘the strangeness of yin and yang on the lips’.

The British Puritans also understood this, so they began to form their own armed forces.

As the supreme bishop, Laura has long been accustomed to the gaze of the Cavaliers, and even smiled and waved hello to them, saying, “Thanks for patrolling.”

However, this kind of superior attitude made the patrolling knights even more uncomfortable. As a result, the anger was applied to Inticus behind Xie Ming through his eyes.

What can I say about this behavior…Xie Ming can only use three words to describe it, so naive.

Gently patted Inticus on the head and held her little hand. Xie Ming ignored these gazes and followed Lola unhurriedly.

As if infected by Xie Ming’s atmosphere, Indix was no longer so dodge, grinding her teeth, and staring back at the knights like a raging kitten.

After a few minutes’ journey, the three arrived in front of a room. Outside the gate, a man who could be called an orthodox English gentleman was waiting.

The neatly groomed blond hair, the handsome face with sharp edges and corners, coupled with the expensive and suitable suit and the grace that naturally radiates from the body, is the type of elegant and handsome uncle that young girls like most.

And his upright standing posture and calluses on his hands, coupled with a rather oppressive gaze, are enough to let people know that this is not a waiting person.

Seeing Xie Ming and the three coming, the man’s eyes first turned to Laura, and the pressure in his eyes suddenly increased.

“It’s not a good habit to let Her Majesty and Her Royal Highness wait for a long time, Supreme Bishop.”

The low and stern voice might make anyone understand that he is a serious man. But, sorry, Xie Ming is out.

Because the voice of the man in front of him is so representative. Xie Ming can directly associate two characters with the same voice without thinking.

“I’m really afraid that he will suddenly take out a bicycle (One Piece: Aokiji), or use his index finger to drill a hole in his temple (JOJO: DIO).”

However, Xie Ming’s thoughts that began to radiate were soon pulled back by the conversation between Laura and the man.

“Sorry, sorry~” Laura said with a smile: “After all, it takes more time to pick up people. And our two distinguished guests come from France non-stop? Don’t give people some rest time. It’s too rude, isn’t it?”

“Mr. Knight Commander.”

“Huh, distinguished guest.”

The man known as the knight captain cast his gaze on Inticus, and finally placed it on Xie Ming, his aura began to slowly radiate.

“Is that you? The man who defeated William in the Pacific, Xie Ming.”

“The frame I got, naturally I have to fight it back.”

As if not feeling the pressure, Xie Ming calmly looked at the knight leader: “After all, there is no reason to be beaten and not fight back, right?”


It seemed that something was certain, the knight commander withdrew his aura, with a little admiration and fighting spirit in his tone, as well as a little deep meaning.

“If there is a chance, please be sure to play with me.”


Xie Ming smiled slightly and said softly.

“If there is a chance.”

Withdrawing his gaze, the knight leader returned to his previous calm and seriousness, leaned forward and pushed open the door made of high-grade wood behind him, and said indifferently.

“Three, please inside. Her Majesty the Queen is inside. I have been waiting for a long time.”

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