Chapter 1049

The structure in the room was not as magnificent as the palace Xie Ming had seen before. After all, it’s just a conference room, so there is no need to waste money.

What’s more, nouveau riche decorations like splendor are no longer popular nowadays. What modern people pay attention to is low-key luxury.

That’s right, even if it’s just an ordinary meeting room, people feel the low-key luxury of the decoration inside. The placement of the sofa, the design of the platform, the style of the chandelier… everything can make people feel the aristocratic style of the British royal family.

However, none of the people present showed any expressions of soil buns. The Knight Commander and Lola are used to coming, and Xie Ming is more knowledgeable. And indix…

Hmm…. If you put a plate on the table in the middle and look up at the stars, I’m afraid this foodie will drool directly.

After all, this guy is really chewing peony when he eats. He can eat anything as long as he is hungry. No matter how delicious things are for her, she only needs the thought of “delicious”.

“Now, Xie Ming.”

Tugging at Xie Ming’s sleeves, Inticus said in a low voice with a bad look, “I always feel that you are thinking about something rude again.”

“No, it’s your illusion.”

Xie Ming replied without changing his face.

“Hahahahaha, it’s finally here!! I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”

From not far away, a lady who looked energetic and seemed to be only about 50 came over, with a hearty smile on her face that didn’t match her age. If you look at the appearance of her spirit, she can even be compared with Inticus.

I believe that as long as you have read the news, you will never fail to know this lady.

“Let me introduce to you.”

The voice of the knight commander on the side was solemn and solemn: “This is our Queen of England, Ms. Eliza.”


Eliza greeted her and looked at Xie Ming with interest.

“Young man, you look great! Are you interested in becoming my son-in-law? I feel that with your help, I won’t be so worried about my three daughters now.”

“Please forgive me for solemn rejection, my mother.”

The speaker was a woman standing in front of the sofa. A luxurious blue dress, the skirt just fits the curve of his legs, showing his slender figure. There are only two words that give people the first impression: coldness and knowledge.

She pushed the monocle she was wearing on her left eye: “I didn’t intend to follow the mother’s orders to marry someone who doesn’t trust.” Then, the woman looked at Xie Ming with a cold expression: “I’m rude. , I am the first queen Limeya.”

“That’s it, what a joke.” Another blonde woman dressed in a red dress dressing herself up was exaggerated and gorgeous, but on the contrary she looked very gorgeous, with a dangerous smile on her face: “Being able to fight doesn’t mean that he has other aspects. Just to be the son-in-law of the royal family!”

After taking a look at Xie Ming, the woman grinned: “I am the second queen, Guy Lisa, but if you can prove yourself, I don’t mind.”

“Wh…what are you talking about! Sister Guy Lisa!”

The last one is a woman who gives people a gentle feeling like water. Although she is no less inferior to the other two when it comes to beauty. But in terms of atmosphere, they are more like royal princesses than them.

Gentle, virtuous, and kind, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

But at this time, her pretty face was already red, obviously because of the things discussed at this time: “The important matter of the marriage contract, how…how can it be such a trifling matter!”

“Ah… I’m very sorry, I’m the third queen, Vilian.”


Seeing the different performances of her three daughters, Eliza sighed, with a very headache: “It is precisely because of your extreme personality that I am so worried.”

Then he raised his head and looked at Xie Ming.

“How is it? Young man, do you want to think about it?”

“Thank your Majesty the Queen for your kindness.” Xie Ming said calmly: “But I don’t think I can be worthy of the three princesses.”

“And with the current situation, it seems that it is not appropriate to discuss these.”

“Hahahaha, what a staid boy!”

When Eliza heard the words, she couldn’t help laughing happily: “Young people need to be humorous and energetic! Don’t just look vicissitudes of life at a young age. You know, you can grow in the days to come!”

“But…Yes! It’s time to get to the point! The facilitators have arrived, and representatives of the Royal Family, Cavaliers, and Puritanism have also arrived. It’s also time to start this combat meeting!”

“About this time, the Eurotunnel explosion!”


To say it is a combat meeting is actually to tell some of your own speculations, and then express your own opinions, so as to discuss what kind of countermeasures the UK should have next.

But it is worth mentioning that in the combat meeting, Queen Eliza did not say her thoughts at all, but instead left it to her three daughters for discussion. He is just leading the main direction of the meeting.

But because of this, Xie Ming truly realized what kind of person these three queens are.

As Eliza said, the personalities of her three daughters are too extreme.

The first prince, Li Maya, was as clever and sensitive as the rumors, and analyzed the causes and consequences of this incident in a simple and clear way. He pointed out bluntly that this incident was definitely a French move, and it was also closely related to the Roman Orthodox Church.

But the words are full of distrust of anyone. It is simply a patient in the late stage of persecuted delusion.

The second queen, Guy Lisa, is outgoing and rude. The first idea to solve the problem is to use force. Sending troops to France and launching war to maintain the image of the country’s authority is like a beast that is eyeing its prey.

The third prince, Vilian, is as gentle and humble as she feels. She hates force and war. She thinks about everything: as long as she understands each other, she can solve it. This idea is good but not realistic, especially now that the smell of gunpowder is strong.

Xie Ming said that she was the most like a princess. But this is not a good comment. The princess in reality is not as beautiful as in fairy tales. If there is no ability, then the princess is actually a vase, a prop for political marriage.

Even if Vilian works hard, her own image is good in the hearts of the people, but her ideas and propositions cannot bring benefits to the country, then she can only be a prop responsible for external social interaction.

Compared to the [brain] of the eldest sister Limeya, the [military] of the second sister Guy Lisa, and the [Ren De] of the third sister, Vilian’s [Ren De] is somewhat dispensable for the country.

Throughout history, the benevolent -kun master can lead the country to prosperity. But only the benevolent -kun master, then the country will only be ruined.

After all, the world is not gentle, nor correct.

If you want to maintain your own tenderness and correctness in such a world, then you can only do things that are neither tender nor correct in the eyes of others. No one can treat the whole world gently.

All that can be done is to protect those around him, a little gentleness.

Looking at Inticus who was already dozing off, the corner of Xie Ming’s mouth couldn’t help being hooked slightly.

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