Chapter 1062 Becoming a Monster

Burning the blood from the enemy in his hand, Xie Ming purged the flames of the sky, calmly watching the man lying on his back, lying in a pool of blood.

The shattered internal organs relied on the shaping of the angel’s power and barely continued to operate. With the hideous wound on his chest, the ribs and the beating heart can be vaguely seen. Even with such severe injuries, the knight leader is still alive.

Of course, this is the reason for the power of angels. But the main thing is that the obsession that can’t fall in his heart continues to support him.

“After a while, the water behind them should come over. Although it is a serious injury, as long as the angel’s power is still there, it should be no problem for you to support them until they come over.”

Xie Ming said lightly: “Of course, the premise is that Guy Lisa didn’t recover the angel’s power before then.”

“wait wait wait……”

In the eyes of the knight commander, Xie Ming had become a vague black shadow at this time. But even so, he still has something to ask.

“Why do you…why do you want to interfere in this matter…this originally…should have nothing to do with you…”

After just saying these two words, more blood overflowed from the knight commander’s mouth and nose, and his breath became more confused and weak.

“Yes… According to my plan, I will help you investigate the tunnel, and I will take everyone back to the Academy City.” Xie Ming, who was about to leave, paused, “But knowing Guy Lisa After her purpose and thoughts, this plan changed.”

“Just treat me as nosy.”

When the words fell, Xie Ming’s figure disappeared into this pitted battlefield along with the night wind that passed by.

“Nosy… Nosy…”

Closing his eyes, the knight commander could hear a few rushing footsteps, and his strong consciousness finally couldn’t bear the tiredness that came like waves.


Despite the vigorous fighting outside, Buckingham Palace is still so beautiful and quiet. But under the elemental vision of Forbidden Demon Eye, Xie Ming could see the golden figure in the center.

“Transforming toward angels? No…she found the boundary between humans and angels?”

Seeing this scene, Xie Ming couldn’t help but raised his eyebrows, looking a little surprised. Although the angels of this world are a bit embarrassing, they still have power. With a weapon, an ordinary person can actually sublimate his life directly to the level of an angel. This can only be described by an extraordinary talent.

But what he didn’t know was that Guy Lisa was able to make such a change, thanks to his shots.

If Guy Lisa was completely upgraded to an angel, Xie Ming could only use the power of Sparta to beat her to death to solve it. However, it seems that Guy Lisa does not want to be an angel.

But this is also taken for granted. The angels in this world are not the same as the angels in the DXD of the Devil’s High School. Although they are also high-dimensional existences, the angels in this world do not have any emotions, just like a cold machine.

For Guy Lisa who wants to make Britain stronger, this is totally unacceptable. If she had become a cold machine, how could she use this powerful force to help her motherland?

Thinking of these insignificant things, Xie Ming unknowingly walked to the door of the room in the middle of Buckingham Palace. Pushing open the door gently, he found that his target was standing in the center, holding Katina with his hands flat.

This weapon used for rituals is constantly emitting a sacred and noble light at this time. Against the backdrop of this light, Guy Lisa, a careless and violent woman, now looks like a nun with dignified conduct.

Of course, Xie Ming’s impression of the nun was not much better. After all, the silver-haired nun who looked holy and innocent at first had already defeated the meaning of the two words in Xie Ming’s heart for the nun.

Now if anyone mentions the word nun to Xie Ming, the first word that pops out of his head is: food.

But the most important thing is not that. But behind Guy Lisa, three pairs of translucent Shiratori wings appeared at this time.

“You are here.”

The light slowly dissipated, Guy Lisa opened her golden eyes and looked at Xie Ming: “Are you here to solve me?”

“No, I’m here to save you.”

Xie Ming said indifferently: “Save you from your own sad thinking.”

“I, sad?”

Hearing this, Guy Lisa was taken aback for a moment, then laughed. He laughed louder and louder, and even laughed until tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

“Hahahaha, sad. Yeah, sad. Not just me, this country, this world, it’s so sad.”

“A country has fallen into this sad status quo because of the bombing of three tunnels. A country has caused such a large civil unrest because of a weapon.”

“Being looked down upon by that kind of religion that only yells for useless things all day long, and when others play tricks, it becomes so chaotic. What is the meaning of the country? What is the meaning of the military? What is the meaning of the army?”

Guy Lisa gently wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said with a chuckle: “This world is really, too crazy. Humans are too fragile in the face of these unreasonable forces.”

“So?” Xie Ming asked lightly: “So, you have to join this unreasonable team and become one of them?”

“If you want to defeat a monster, you must first become a monster.”

Putting Katina on his shoulders, Guy Lisa pointed to her back: “Look, look at these three pairs of wings. If this news is announced to the world, Britain should be able to truly become independent. ”

“If I become a monster, I can protect this country. Then why don’t I become a monster?”

From the very beginning, Guy Lisa had the consciousness of sacrificing herself and set off this coup. When everything is over, she will hold her own strength, as well as the pain of Sister Sisters and her mother, and live alone in the corner of England for a lifetime.

When listening to her talk about her plan in front of the tunnel, Xie Ming had already discovered that the second queen’s eyes were full of determination to die.

Through a powerful force, he became the cruelest and most ruthless cold-blooded violent-kun in the history of the United Kingdom, and then carried all the sins and disappeared. Give this country to the people, not the royal family.

“The slabs and paperwork that record the production method of Katina have been completely destroyed by me. The Katina in my hand and the Katina in the hands of my mother are the last two.”

Guy Lisa glanced at the weapon in her hand, with an undisguised mockery in her tone: “Should I be grateful? After my body has become a monster, my existence itself has replaced Katina’s weapon. Even if you don’t use Katina, you can use Michael’s angelic power if you change other weapons.”

“However, in terms of the transmission of power, this orthodox Katina is still much better than other weapons.” Guy Lisa looked at Xie Ming, and there was a little bit of violent hostility in her eyes: “There is a sentence in front of you. Wrong, you, can’t save me.”

“Kill me, or be killed by me. Between the two of us, only these two results will appear.”

“Yes, do you want to fight?”

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