Chapter 1063 Dream Call

The knights of knights all over the UK suddenly lost the power of angels in their bodies at this moment. This huge power slowly gathered on the second prince in Buckingham Palace along the veins of Britain.

This also caused the pressure on the Puritan magic forces that were fighting against them to suddenly decrease, and in an instant, the situation on the battlefield was overturned.

It’s just that the two people who commanded the magic force to fight, Eliza and Lola, didn’t make their expressions much easier. The reason is that Katina II in Eliza’s hands has been completely turned into fly ash at this time.

There will be such a situation, the two can only think of one possibility.


A look of helplessness appeared in Laura’s eyes: “This is really beyond our expectations.”

“…” After a moment of silence, Eliza sighed deeply and turned her gaze in the direction of Buckingham Palace: “That stupid daughter.”

“What should we do now?”

“What do you mean?”

“How to solve your daughter’s problem, you stupid mother who dotes on her daughter.” Laura spit out angrily: “It’s rare that I invited such a powerful aid, but because of your inaction, it became what I am now. Condition.”

“Hahahahahaha, it really is like that.”

Eliza touched her head and let out a hearty laugh: “No way, as a mother, I always want to witness the child’s own growth and choice. When the child’s choice is wrong, it’s also The responsibility of the mother.”

“The question is whether you can bring her back now.” For her friend, Laura was really helpless: “That’s an angel, an angel, what should I do?”

“Let’s come less, you should have thought of the things I thought of.”

Couldn’t help but turn over Byakugan, Eliza looked at Lola with contempt.

“I don’t believe you didn’t bring that thing left in the storage room of the British Museum.”

“Hey Hey…..”

Laura stuck out her tongue pretending to be cute, and just wanted to take it out, but she moved for a while.

In the same way, Eliza paused, even though the coup did not shake her a lot, there was a hint of disbelief in her eyes at this time.

“In the end what happened…..”

“So much angel power… disappeared?”


Inside Buckingham Palace, looking at Guy Lisa who pointed at him, Xie Ming sighed softly in his heart.

The main reason why he wanted to intervene to take care of such a nosy that has nothing to do with him, in fact, the main reason was that he saw some shadows of himself and Lelouch in Guy Lisa at the time.

Turn yourself into violence -kun, endure all sin and hatred and then exit. And one is Britain, the other is Britain, the same country on different planes.

This can only be said to be a kind of fate.

After learning about Guy Lisa’s thoughts, Xie Ming looked at her as if she was looking at her own junior. No one knows how painful the path she chose is better than Xie Ming.

However, compared with the Zero Soul Soul Song planned by Xie Ming and Lu Lu Xiu, Guy Lisa’s plan contains too much immaturity and innocence.

After all, this world is different from the rebellious Lelouch world. There are still gods and demon gods in this world that can easily change the rules of the world, and the terrible existence of one thought to destroy the world and create the world.

That is the operation of the rules, which is difficult to contend with. To them, the world is like clay, and the basic rules for building the world can be changed arbitrarily. Even Xie Ming, who had activated the Chilong Emperor status, couldn’t stop them from making this change.

The Red Dragon Emperor’s state is to forcibly increase his power to be able to fight against the existence of the fourth-order high-stage, or even beheaded. The only thing that can be guaranteed is that he will not be affected by the other party and engage in pure strength confrontation.

This can be done thanks to the ignorance of any control effect brought about by the power of Sparta. Otherwise, no matter how strong he is, he will not be able to resist changes in the rules.

After the life has been sublimated, the surrogates have obtained the qualification of Master to live in the rules. Of course, if you have frequently come into contact with the rules before, then the surrogate may be able to master the preliminary rules after completing the sublimation.

This is the case with Xing Ye, the leader of the fantasy air adventure group in the main god space, and the fourth-order walker Xing Ye who is known as the dominator. That’s why he was confident that he could use the strength of the fourth-tier low-level to entangle the lion and the eagle.

As far as the preliminary Master lives in the rules of space, the danger of the space-time tunnel has been greatly reduced. Even if it is the turbulence of time and space, he can get out of it in time, instead of fighting for luck like Xie Ming.

Different visions led to different plans. For Guy Lisa, her plan was only a temporary plan after the tunnel was blown up. She lacked the most necessary elements of the plan, which was rigorous and rigorous.

Xie Ming and Lu Lu Xiu’s plan was to thoroughly explore and learn the fundamentals of the world, and thus spent a lot of time and prepared a lot of back-hands before they implemented it. Compared to them, Guy Lisa really seemed a little ignorant of the world, acting on impulse and passion.

But it is undeniable that her starting point is good, and her thoughts and resolutions have also touched Xie Ming slightly, so Xie Ming decided to nosy.

“You said, you are ready to become a monster and carry on with hatred and curse, right?”

Looking at Guy Lisa lightly, Xie Ming looked calm.

Guy Lisa didn’t reply, just raised the weapon in her hand and expressed her determination with action.

“Then let’s take a gamble…”

The corner of Xie Ming’s mouth was slightly raised, and he took out a simple book printed with various types of chess pieces from his portable space, and turned a page of it.

“If you can bear it, I will take Inticus and leave immediately, and will not interfere with any of your decisions.” Xie Ming said lightly: “But, if you can’t bear it…”

“Oh, interesting.”

Guy Lisa smiled fearlessly: “Then, let’s try it.”

According to Guy Lisa’s original idea, it was a life and death duel with Xie Ming. After all, she can fully display 90% of Michael’s strength, so she should be invincible in this world.

But because of the angelic body, some sense organs have also been greatly strengthened. It is precisely because of this that she dare not do anything with Xie Ming easily.

If you do it, you will die. This was the only thing Xie Ming felt when she stood in front of her.

Therefore, she would accept Xie Ming’s bet. As for whether the other party is shameless? Guy Lisa didn’t worry about this at all. The man in front of him didn’t even bother with this behavior.

“Accepted… also good.”

The energy in the body was continuously turned into magical power, injected into the page opened by the Book of Congzhe, Xie Ming was gradually surrounded by the deep black light and bloody red light, and said four words faintly in his mouth.

“Fantasy call, Berserker.”

The unconscious etheric body sleeping in the Hall of Valor, under the connection of the Book of Servants, descended on Xie Ming.

“In my name, the 100th emperor of the sacred British Empire, Xie Ming·X·Britain!!”

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