Chapter 1066 The Fire on the Right

Just when Xie Ming, through the help of Skarhar, sealed the constitution of Guy Lisa through the original Luen, the battle outside Buckingham Palace has also come to an end.

The pretending Amakusa-style members, Kamikazu Hoori, and Agnis’s troops successfully gathered together and joined Inticus and Vilian.

The knight commander who fell in a pool of blood with a complicated look on the face of Shencra Huozhi, who was healed by the water from the rear, didn’t know what to say for a while.

When she first came to England, she didn’t know anything, she didn’t understand anything. So she asked the knight commander to teach her etiquette that belonged to the British. The knight commander agreed, but he was delayed again and again because of various schedule problems.

Until the end, Kamikazuhoori no longer needed the Knight Commander to teach anything, but the Knight Commander often invited her to attend some dinners and dances.

The two are not too familiar, but they are not unfamiliar either. Although he was worried about what banquet he always invited himself to, the knight commander was one of the few friends of Kamikazuhoori in England.

Seeing him become like this, Shen Lihuozhi still sighed and sorrowed in his heart.

In the end, everyone chose a different path.

“The Pope…”

The members of the Amakusa style looked at Kamikaru Kaori, trying to comfort her. But Shinsakuhoori smiled and shook his head: “Everyone, I’m fine. It’s just a little bit, some feeling…”

“This time, it’s really hard work, everyone.”

“Do not!”

Wuhe said happily: “We are all very excited! This time, we can finally help the Pope!”


Subconsciously scratching his face with his fingers, Kamiyakaori didn’t say much. However, the representative of the slightly raised corners of her mouth is also in a good mood. It seemed that the relationship between her and Amakusa was finally restored. Now, it is not in vain that Xie Ming made such a big circle to help them.

“I owe him again, what a big favor…”

Turning his gaze to Buckingham Palace, Shen Lihuozhi felt a little helpless: “But according to his character, he shouldn’t care about it at all.”

At the same time, the members of Amakusa style also started their own internal discussions.

“This time I owe a great favor to Master Xie Ming.”

“Really, it’s still unclear no matter what…”

“In that case!” A ray of light flashed in the words of Jian Gongzhai, who was the acting pope of Amakusa style, and his finger pointed firmly at Wuhe: “Wuhe, it is up to you to repay this favor on your behalf!”

“Hey? Hey, hey, hey?!”

Wuhe was stunned, his pretty face turned red in an instant, and he quickly said in surprise: “No, no, no, I definitely can’t! People like me…can’t help Master Xie Ming at all…”

“It’s ok!”

Jian Gongzhai gave a thumbs up, and his snow-white teeth flickered in the dark.

“The so-called men don’t need women to help too much! Men need only one thing! Come, come, I will show you the baby I found on the Internet…”

“This fallen angel maid outfit, and this big fairy light maid outfit! As long as you wear this outfit to help Master Xie Ming with housework and cleaning, Master Xie Ming will definitely be very happy!”

“Yes… Is that true…”

Looking at the cosplay clothes with a high degree of exposure on the Jian Gongzhai phone, Wuhe was shy and almost fainted.

“Yes! Believe in your body, five harmony!”

With his hands on Wuhe’s shoulders, the expression of Jian Gongzhai was very serious.

“You are the ultimate weapon of our Amakusa style! Use your hidden vomit~~~”

Before the words were finished, the acting pope received an angry blow from a female member in the abdomen, and instantly fell to his knees, and the phone fell to the ground.

However, his words were heard by some caring people.

For example, Shen Ri Huozhi, who has been worrying about how to repay Xie Ming’s favor, and the members of the Yanis army who have been rescued by Xie Ming. There is also Wuhe. Although he keeps covering his eyes, he can still feel the girl from the gap between his fingers, also sneaking at the clothes on the phone at this time.

“When will Xie Ming come back?”

Sitting on the shattered boulder on one side, Inticus kept dangling her feet, muttering in her mouth: “I’m hungry…”


Listening to the lively conversation behind the water that silently rescued the knight commander, the corners of his plain mouth moved slightly upwards, but it disappeared immediately.

He seemed to understand a little bit, what exactly was Xie Ming fighting for.

“What’s wrong? William.”

Although the expression of the water behind is very small, how can he hide it from Vilian who has been staring at him. After the third prince appeared in the water behind, her eyes never moved away from him again.

“No, it’s nothing, it’s just…!!!”

Just about to answer Vilian’s question, the face of the water behind changed instantly. What changed at the same time, there was also the gods of fire weaving on the side. It was just a blink of an eye that blocked everyone in the room.

The water behind was holding the blue and white giant sword with both hands, his face became extremely dignified, and the blue veins were faintly exposed on the arm holding the weapon. The sword of the gods of fire has also been slightly out of its sheath, and the whole body is taut up and down.

There was no reason why the two were so nervous, because in front of them, a red-haired man with flaws all over his body appeared before them.

His body is weak and weak, and he has not undergone any exercise. His expression was relaxed and casual, as if he had stepped into a sanatorium instead of a battlefield. It feels like that he and everyone are not in the same environment.

This strange feeling makes people look very uncomfortable. But the oppressive feeling brought about by this strangeness caused the two saints to instantly enter a state of fighting to death.

That’s right, at the moment they saw this man, Kamikazuhoori and the water behind were already mentally prepared to die in battle.

Ask why, because they all know the title of this red-haired man.

“The leader of the right seat of God, the fire on the right.”

The voice of the water behind became colder than ever before: “Why are you here?”

“It’s too much. When facing my colleague and leader, shouldn’t his attitude be a little respectful?” The tone of the fire on the right was extremely light and cheerful: “Well, now we should add the word’pre’, that’s right. Bar?”

“In short, my uncle came here for two purposes, one is to bring applause to your wonderful performance.”

As he said, the fire on the right patted his hand gently, and swept his eyes across everyone in front of him with a cynical smile.

“Yeah~ It’s really wonderful. I didn’t expect to be able to achieve this level only with a little pagan and an abandoned army of trash. It is really full of drama and feasts my eyes on this uncle.”

“It’s not in vain that the uncle specially forced France to blow up the tunnel. Your performance is worthy of the uncle’s applause for you.”

Ignoring the eyes of everyone about to spit out fire, the fire on the right stopped on Inticus, who was wary and angry.

“As for the second point, this uncle needs to take something from you.”

“Give me the list of banned books, and hand it over.”

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