Chapter 1067

The words of the fire on the right are enough to arouse the anger and killing intent of anyone present. For their own desires, forcing France to blow up the Anglo-French tunnel? !

Did he know that because of him, Britain is now facing a national crisis! ?

Did he know that because of him, so many people can only eat fluid food now! ?

Did he know that because of him, a world war was about to break out! ?

He knows it all.

But what does these things have to do with him?

Britain’s national crisis, the survival of the people, what matters to the fire on his right. As long as he can accomplish his goal, how many people die is just a number for him. He wouldn’t even take a look at even this number.

Unreasonable people have unreasonable power. It is precisely because there are too many such things that so many tragedies occur in this world.

There is no doubt that the fire on the right belongs to this kind of existence.

“What do you want to do to take away the banned book catalog?” The water behind asked in a deep voice: “You should understand that taking away the banned book catalog alone will have no effect.”

“Ah~ it’s true.”

She shrugged helplessly, and the fire on the right replied arrogantly.

“Although this uncle is very strong, he can’t control the banned book catalog under the protection of the mobile church. After all, if she accidentally kills her, it will be the uncle that will lose more.”

“With the current situation of this uncle, I am afraid that it is impossible to defeat the two guys staying in Buckingham Palace. So, this uncle is thinking about it…”

The look in his eyes became a little dangerous, he glanced at everyone present, and the fire on the right showed a malicious smile.

“If you use your lives to coerce the guy with the magic eye, will he help the uncle get what he wants from Buckingham Palace?”

“The one you use in the UK to control the banned book catalog…what is it called… By the way!”

The fire on the right knocked his hand and said happily: “The remote control spiritual device that controls the’automatic secretary’ technique in the brain of the banned book catalog.”


“What? You don’t know.”

Raising her eyebrows, the fire on the right suddenly laughed wildly: “Hahahahaha, this is really a masterpiece! Originally, my uncle thought that you only treated this item like this when you knew it, so that she could easily control it. But I didn’t expect it. , You really look at this prop as an adult.”

“The so-called remote control spiritual device is able to activate the automatic secretary in the prop brain from a long distance, so as to arbitrarily mobilize the knowledge of the banned book catalog to use. Even under special circumstances, it can directly destroy the prop brain.”

“When I learned about this, my uncle laughed so much that my abdomen hurts. I train the props as adults, give her hope and then give her despair! You ask the UK for advice, but you can play a lot more than the Orthodox Church in Rome.”

“You guy!!!”

“Stop, the saint of the far east!”

But the water in the back was still a little too late to shout, and the power of the saint had completely exploded from the gods and the fire, turning the sword into a black shadow and cutting the fire to the right.

One shot is a big move, combining all the essence of the Amakusa style sword drawing technique, only flash! It doesn’t even take a hundredth of a second from drawing the knife to drawing it. It is powerful enough to cut the earth and cause knife marks for several kilometers.

However, a flash came faster.


The earth was shaking, and the roar sounded like the end of the world. The city of Westminster, which was already scarred, seemed to be erased at this time. The ruined walls left around have completely disappeared.

This is the ultimate destruction, this is the crush brought about by the absolute power gap.

If it weren’t for the water in the back to protect the others in time, everyone except the water in the back and Inticus would be instantly evaporated. But the price of the water behind to protect everyone is the end of serious injuries.

Protection is always more difficult than killing the enemy, but he is still protected after all.

“Female… Female… Female Pope!!!”

Seeing that Shinsakuhoori had disappeared, Wuhe couldn’t help letting out a mournful cry. All the members of Amakusa style have similar expressions. In despair, with a trace of death.

Finally, it was finally recognized by the Pope and finally fought with her. But is that over?

They want to believe that the gods are still alive. But the embarrassing scene around and the injuries on the water behind told them that even if it was a saint, it was impossible to survive that blow.

However, in fact, Shinshitsuhoori really survived. Leaning on someone who was cautiously displaying the original Luen in Buckingham Palace, he was directly seriously injured. My hands almost tremble, leading to abandonment of all previous efforts.

“Cough…cough cough cough…”

Lying a few kilometers away, Kamiruhoori felt that all his bones were about to be crushed. She didn’t even think that she could survive the blow that was enough to sink an island directly.

But after a closer inspection, he found that he didn’t have any injuries at all.

Of course, although there is no injury, the pain that matches the injury still exists. That’s why, Divine Split did not get up for a long time.

Well, in fact, there is something wrong with what I said above, even if the water behind is not protected, other people will have nothing to do. After all, Xie Ming’s 100% damage bearing link is still connected. However, if Xie Ming suffered so many injuries at once, Xie Ming would not die, and the injury would be more serious if he died.

But… the original seal of Luen assigned to Guy Lisa will be wiped out and must start all over again. The reason why Xie Ming knew that the fire on the right hadn’t appeared after it appeared, was for this reason.

I’m almost done, you pig teammates can’t give me time? Even rushed to get beaten by himself? It’s almost…

Naturally, the people at the rear facing the fire on the right did not know this. In other words, besides the horror in front of them, they can no longer think about other things.

“Da, da, da, da…”

Stepping on a relaxed pace, the fire on the right emerged from the smoke. He himself has not changed much from before, except that on his right shoulder, there appeared a right hand that seemed to be nothing but substance, constantly squirming.

There is no skin on it, twisted and disgusting, and the nails on the fingers are sharp and slender. They look like ghost claws stretched out by evil spirits in the nether, trying to drag people into hell.

Strange, distorted, powerful, and creepy, this is the most appropriate description of this right hand. The fire on the right is the most powerful and the only one to rely on.

“Is it dead? I should be dead.” The fire on the right muttered to herself: “Judging from the damage caused by the blow just now, that woman can’t bear it. However, this uncomfortable feeling is again what?”

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter whether you die or not. Anyway, there are so many hostages here.”

Looking up at the crowd, the fire on the right laughed.

“Or, let’s exclude some unimportant people first?”

His gaze looked at Vilian and the knight commander who was still in a coma.

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