Chapter 1079

“I always feel… I have been running today…”

Shutting through the crowd, Zuo Tian Leizi suddenly had such a thought in her heart, causing Jōnin to show a wry smile on her face.

But right? Since I finished my meal in the morning, I joined Chuchun Shili and planned to cook lunch together in the monastery at noon, but I encountered this kind of thing inexplicably.

Now it is two o’clock in the afternoon.

In other words, she has been running for nearly an hour, and she is still trying her best.

“If I live this time safely, I will participate in the school’s marathon. Absolutely, I can win prizes…”

Zuotian Leizi, who was pale, could only think of something insignificant, to relax his mood.

“How far is it from the nearest guard…”

I want to take out the phone, but I feel that my arms are a little numb. If I want to take it out, I have to stop and slowly take it out of Kabuto outside my clothes.

But once she stopped, she would immediately lie on the ground, unable to move. At Maiye Shenli, he only had a rest for less than half an hour. Up to now, I haven’t eaten a mouthful of rice or drank a mouthful of water.

“I’m hungry… I’m thirsty… I really want to rest…”

Although he knew that he couldn’t think about it, Zuo Tian Leizi couldn’t help it. But there is no way, I still have to grit my teeth and persevere.

However, at this moment, a voice sounded from the girl’s front and above. With a frivolous tone, full of malice.

“You can really run, miss.”

The sound of flapping wings made Zuo Tian Leizi stop. Sure enough, as soon as he stopped, his body immediately lost its strength and sat on the ground. But compared to physical fatigue, the things in front of her can attract her attention more.

“God… Angel…”

Three pairs of gelatinous white wings flapped slightly, and the brown-haired boy in a high-end suit put Kabuto with his hands and landed slowly from mid-air.

“Well, you don’t need to keep running anymore.”

Emperor Yuangen smiled, but it was by no means kind, but a smile full of malice, contempt, and sarcasm.

This smile is telling one thing.

“After being caught by me, you cannot escape.”

What kind of angel is the boy in front of me? It has wings like angel wings, the evil spirit outside.

A piece of news that I had read on the Internet was suddenly recalled by Zuo Tian Leizi.

Among the seven Lv5s of Academy City, the first is white-haired and red-haired, with a mixture of murderous and crazy gender-unidentified people in his eyes, vector operation, one side is passable. And ranked second, it can create special substances that are not part of the world, and six white wings will be spread out behind when the ability is activated.

“Weiyuan material, Emperor Yuangen…”

Zuo Tian Leizi murmured.

“Oh, know me.” Emperor Yuangen said with a pretentious smile: “It’s really an honor for me, miss. But since you know who I am, you should understand a little bit too.”

“With your weak ability, it’s impossible to escape from my hand. So you can’t get hurt if you obediently catch it.”

The crowd around, I don’t know when it has disappeared. On the empty street, only Emperor Yuangen and Zuotian Leizi were left. Of course, even if it wasn’t like this, Emperor Yuangen wouldn’t put the opponent in his eyes no matter how many people came.

Unless the one who comes is the bastard who is even more defiant than him, one side will pass.


Even if there was someone who could easily kill her in front of him, Zuo Tian Leizi couldn’t help but ask.

“Why are you hunting me? Am I offending you?”


Emperor Yuangen raised his eyebrows and faintly looked at the girl in front of him: “Don’t you know?”

“How could I know!”

“Oh…Is that so? Then, let me tell you.” From Kabuto, Emperor Yuangen took out an Indian poker that Saten Tearko was very familiar with: “You have this kind of poker on your body, right? .”

“…Just for…just for…just for this kind of thing?”

Saten Leizi had a face of disbelief, his hands trembling, and he took out the same style of Indian poker from Kabuto: “Because of this gadget, you made Flanda seriously injured. You chased me until now?”

“You guys, is your brain still normal?!”

Because of the fatigue and the speechless news, Zuotian Leizi’s brain was a little abnormal. She threw the poker in her hand fiercely, and shouted with tears in her eyes.

“Here you are, take it!!”

“Thanks for your cooperation.”

Without paying any attention to Saten’s tone of tears, Emperor Yuangen easily caught the Indian poker that was thrown over and chuckled lightly.

“This is not a trivial thing. Recently, scientists in Academy City are very popular to make this kind of Indian poker with their own technology, so as to preserve their own success.”

“As long as you analyze this poker with a special analysis method, you can easily gain the skills and experience of a scientist? Isn’t it, very magical.”

Putting the poker into his inner Kabuto, Emperor Yuangen continued to smile and looked at Saten’s tears.

“Well, since you already know about this, you are no longer an innocent person. Miss, get ready, have you said goodbye to the world?”

“…Someday, you will be met with retribution.”

Zuo Tian Leizi endured the fear, gritted his teeth, and slowly said, “Outside the evil spirit!”

“Yeah, you are right.”

Looking at the other’s expression, Emperor Yuangen became more happy.

“It’s just a pity, you can’t see this anymore.”

“You… super bastard!!!”


From the building, a petite figure wearing hot pants leaped down, clenched fists with both hands, and smashed at Emperor Yuangen fiercely. However, it was blown directly by a piece of wings.

“Um!!! But the angle is just right!”

The silk flag flying upside down in the air loves to endure the pain most of her body, and once again opened the two cans of nitrogen bottles that she carried with him, and after replenishing the newly damaged nitrogen armor with nitrogen, he turned around and ran.

Of course, during this process, Zuo Tian Leizi had been picked up by her handily and resisted on her shoulders.

Not far away, a van rushed out of the corner. Jianqi’s favorite hit directly through the trunk of the van, and jumped in against Zuo Tian’s tears.

“Takipot! Run! It’s really troublesome!”


Although his face was still expressionless, there was also a little cold sweat on Takiju’s face. The soles of the feet had already stepped on the accelerator, and under the agitation of the engine, the van whistled away.

Emperor Yuangen just watched everything happen, and then laughed.

“Puff ha ha ha ha ha, what is this? I am not mistaken, am I right? Do you really think you can escape in my hands?”

“Interesting, so let’s play with you.”

“This cat and mouse game.”

The six white wings spread out again, and Emperor Yuangen’s body slowly floated into the air, turned into a streamer, and chased the van.

What happened here was captured by several surveillance cameras.

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