Chapter 1080

“Death to death, death to death, death to death, super dying!!”

Through the trunk that has been completely torn apart, Jianqi loves to look at Emperor Yuangen, who is approaching quickly, with a face of self-defeating and self-defeating: “Why did I want to shoot at that time! It’s super irrational, super suicidal, OK!? ”

“But, you still shot the silk flag.”

In contrast to the cold sweat that kept flowing on his face, Takiju had a slight smile at this moment. Even if her companion’s action directly dragged the two directly into this death crisis that had nothing to do with them, she was still in a good mood.

“So, I regret it now!!!”

One turned over and lay on the back seat, and Jian Qi’s favorite shouted to Zuo Tian Leizi in an angry voice: “Hey! If you want to survive now, come over and help!”


Zuo Tian Leizi quickly gritted his teeth to prop up his body: “What can I do to help?”

“Under the rear seat, there are two boxes of portable combat vehicle missile warheads. Take them out and put them on the rear seat. Then listen to my order, aim at the birdman behind and launch together!”

“At this life-threatening juncture, you must not talk to me about killing people. If you say anything, I will throw you out super directly, and you will go with Takiju without hesitation!”

“I… I get it!”

Seeing that Zuo Tian Leizi did not have any complaints or rebuttals, he forced his body to take out the box from under the back seat, and Jian Qi’s favorite face improved a little. But thinking of the identity of the enemy who was chasing afterwards, my mood suddenly changed.

The missile warhead used against the tank sounds very powerful, if it is changed to other enemies, it will definitely be enough. But what they have to face is a monster that is stronger than their Item leader, Mai Ye Shenli.

The fact that Lv5 is full of monsters is already the common sense of everyone in Academy City. But if there is no real contact, no one knows how powerful Lv5 can be.

But they got along with Mai Ye Shenli day and night, and they carried out many missions together. That kind of destructive power and combat power had already been deeply imprinted in their minds.

Although Mai Ye Shenli has always sneered at the Lv5 ranking, thinking that if her abilities were not limited by physical fitness, then she would definitely not be the fourth place in the mere. Regarding this, they are half admit and half negative.

If it is a real struggle between life and death, then the silk flag’s favorite can guarantee that Maiye Shenli can defeat the third-ranked super-electromagnetic gun. After all, it was just a naive student girl. But if you go further, it is really a qualitative difference.

And what they had to deal with now was an opponent that could not even defeat Mai Ye Shenli. These two boxes of warheads really can’t bring any sense of security to the silk flag favorite.

But this is the end, what can be done?

“That super bastard super pervert man!”

Thinking of this, Jian Qi’s favorite couldn’t help cursing in his heart: “If we weren’t super-influenced by you, how could we have done such super-irrational behavior! If we die, we will have to be a ghost. Pass you!”

He kept muttering in his heart, and the movements on his hands didn’t stop. One hand directly grabbed the three warheads, aimed a little, and fired directly at the birdman behind.

“Boom boom boom!!!”

Three successive exploding fire lights directly buried the figure of Emperor Yuangen, but the silk flag favorite did not stop for half a second, and he took out three warheads and launched them, and shouted at the next to Saten Leizi.

“What else to look at! Follow me and shoot at the birdman behind! Your physical fitness is not good, just launch one by one! Pay attention to aim, don’t blow up our car!”

“Ah, uh!”

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom…”

The continuous whistling and explosions are transmitted to the three pairs of ears in the van, but they are different from Saten Tearko, who can only fire warheads mechanically. The more the warheads are fired, the more they fire the warheads, they are the favorite of Kinchi and Takiko. The more ugly the expression.



Takijuri said without expression from behind: “The opponent’s AIM diffusion field has not changed, and the sound of the explosion continues to approach us at the same speed as before.”

“Our attack did not affect the second place.”

“Ha…. Damn it!”

But even if they know it’s useless, what can they do? As the warheads in the box continued to decrease, death and despair approached the three of them step by step.

Finally, Jian Qi’s favorite caught an empty space. And Zuo Tian Leizi also fired the last warhead in his hand.


The car fell into a suffocating silence, and no one could speak. Although at the moment when he shot towards Emperor Yuangen, Jianqi favorite had already expected this result.

But when faced with this situation, it still makes people feel a little desperate…Just like at that time, the four of them were sitting on the ice floes, looking at the endless ocean… ..

“Now, Takipot.” Genchi put his favorite chin on the back of the back seat, and said with a wry smile: “Do you think that super pervert will come over…”

“…I think it’s difficult.”

After Takiju was silent for a while, he said calmly: “One is that he doesn’t seem to be in the academy city. The other is that he doesn’t know our current situation.”

“Is it… there is no way.”

Seeing Emperor Yuangen with a playful smile on his face getting closer, Jian Qi’s favorite sighed, and a trace of determination appeared in his eyes.

“Stop, Takiju.”


The van, slowly stopped. The silk flag’s favorite, after Takihu was put in order, Saten Leizi got out of the car one after another.

“That…really, I’m very sorry.”

Zuo Tian Leizi ran in front of the two of them, and bends down deeply: “Really, thank you very much, and I am willing to do this for someone who I have never met. If it is possible, if… If you have the opportunity, please don’t hesitate to both of you, please leave me decisively and live on.”

“Well, if there really is that kind of opportunity…” Jian Qi loves to pat the shoulder of Zuo Tian Leizi: “Although I regret it, I heard the feeling of’thank you’. not bad.”

“Please don’t blame yourself.”

Touching the head of Zuo Tian’s tears lightly, Takiju’s face remained expressionless after he was sorted out. But in her erratic tone, Zuo Tian Leizi could feel the gentleness of this sister.

“We came here only when we were psychologically prepared. We have seen so much darkness, but when the light appears beside us, we are really…somewhat unwilling to let go.”

“Being killed to help an innocent little sister is much better than dying in an unknown alley on the way to a mission.”

“That…that, can you please tell me about your lives? My name is Zuotian Leizi.”

“Jianqi favorite.”

“Taki Pot rearrangement.”

The two slowly walked forward, raised their heads, and looked at the man with Shiratori wings.

“Huh? Have you given up meaningless escape? That’s great.”

Emperor Gakone inserted Kabuto with one hand, and the fingers of one hand hooked, with a pretentious smile.

“Then, let me see your last struggle, right?”

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