Chapter 1114 The Sword of War

Marion didn’t have the slightest doubt about the authenticity of the man’s words in front of her. After all, judging from the knife he took out, this man was completely moved.

Her race is not human, but a kind of goblin, a black dwarf who is good at forging weapons. In other words, she is not a Grimlin fighter, but a logistician. The strength of her spiritual outfit can directly reach the angel level or even above.

So Xie Ming didn’t use magic eyes on her because it didn’t work.

However, as a magician, it is naturally impossible to have no fighting ability. Sometimes the one who is good at forging is a hundred times more dangerous than the one who is good at fighting. Because you never know what kind of wonderful and dangerous weapons the other party has.

Marion is good at forging weapons, but her forging is not limited to inanimate matter. Yes, she can transform living creatures into various objects. Table, coffee table, refrigerator, chair, sword, gun, halberd…

Forging living people is what she is best at. Therefore, as long as she has ‘material’ by her side, she has all kinds of weapons. Of course, this is just her interest. The ability of the black dwarf is naturally impossible to be limited to forging the human body.

The real scary thing about the black gnomes is that they possess technology beyond the gods, and can create weapons of the ‘god’ level. The sword of war is arguably the most outstanding work among them.

So outstanding, Xie Ming directly took out the demon sword nightmare as his trump card.

Although the sword of war is nicknamed “sword”, in fact, when it comes to the value of the attribute of “weapon”, it is at best compared to the predecessor of Tianhuo Jingyan. But when it comes to ability, that’s too much.

If the Demon Blade Nightmare is a god-killing soldier that is superimposed through various passive resident abilities, then the sword of war is a disaster magic sword that can summon the king of the doomsday of various religions. When it is completely liberated, it can select the overlapping religious aspects one by one, and cut off the residence of the gods in the aspect.

The disappearance of the abode of God is tantamount to the removal of God’s blessing and grace. It also means that various doomsday disasters that make gods headaches in various religious myths will be called out.

For example, by cutting off the heaven in Christian mythology, the sword of war can summon the beast of 666 or the demon Satan. Cut off Mount Olympus, then the Titan god, the father of Zeus, Cronus, who was suppressed underground by Zeus, will be summoned.

Of course, the function of the sword of chaos is limited to the forbidden plane. After all, this is a magic sword that creates disasters by cutting off the aspect, and in other planes, there is no such concept of aspect and demon god.

Mary Ann, who can forge a magic sword like the Sword of War, naturally has the most top-notch vision. So she could see the essence of the demon knife in Xie Ming’s hand at a glance.

It was an extremely crazy murderous soldier, capable of devouring souls, a demon with spirituality, just the appearance of a knife. She couldn’t even imagine that this kind of weapon could be used willingly?

But the strength of the other party is not what constitutes her retreat. Otherwise, how should she vent the anger in her heart?

That’s right, the reason she used the sword of war was because of the death of her friend, and the anger in her heart. She wanted to slaughter desperately to resolve her anger, not for the death of her friend.

Xie Ming saw through the essence of Marion, so the tone was so sarcasm.


boom! ! ! ! ! !

Accompanied by the chanting of spells containing power, an extremely powerful force shone from the sky, and a huge beam of light filled the golden scabbard of the sword of war. The flash exploded centered on her, and the phenomenon of fragmentation appeared on all the surrounding matter.

The air wave blows away all the snow in the surrounding area, sweeping clean within a certain radius.

Yes, including Xie Ming.

“Quickly draw a knife and cut.”

The flash and wind pressure did not affect him at all. The white blade of the sword cut away everything in front of him like a wolf tooth, and cut to the brown-skinned girl’s neck at a speed close to the speed of light. There was no mercy or mercy.

But the closer it gets, the slower the blade’s speed becomes. Because of the just spreading air wave, it has already turned into a fixed point at this time. What the demon sword cut open was a gray giant sword.

At the same time, Xie Ming’s spiritual level was constantly attacked by an emotion. This emotion is spontaneously generated in his heart and fear automatically generated in his body.

Instead of fighting the sword head-on, I would rather die.

This is the incidental function of the sword of chaos, which is equivalent to the effect of the gift. Even a veteran who has survived several battlefields can’t suppress this spontaneous fear of the body, which is commonly known as being directly scared to death.

Without any mental protection, facing the sword of war that Shikai releases, people would be scared to death at first. If you find a similar example, it is to face the san value test brought by the Cthulhu Cthulhu.

Of course, since the outer god incarnation has cut off the unknown number of Xie Ming, it is naturally impossible to be shaken by the gift effect of a sword. So the fear caused by the sword disappeared the moment it appeared.

He also observed the principle of the ‘grey giant sword’ spewed out in front of Marian through the eyes of Forbidden Demon.

Guided by gravity, resulting in jet airflow. The reason why it is observed in the shape of a gray giant sword is because particles in the air are involved in these airflows. This is formed by magic, a physical phenomenon.

To use a metaphor, it means that water mixed with artificial diamond powder is ejected under high pressure. In terms of sharpness and cutting ability, this jet stream is not inferior to any weapon in the world.

Xie Ming felt the stronger resistance as he moved forward. But his footsteps remained unchanged, and he was still advancing step by step.

The airflow cut by the demon knife left deep marks on both sides of Xie Ming.

And this sharp and sharp confrontation, the confrontation between the demon sword and the demon sword, has already shaken the whole world. Countless cracking sounds, centered on the collision of the two, continue to expand.

This also means that Gramling’s experiments in this city are being broken and being destroyed.

“What’s wrong? Didn’t you say that you want to cut off my head!?”

Although she knew that Xie Ming was moving on, Marion couldn’t help but mocked: “Now, the sword of war has been out of its sheath, but I am still alive!”

“Just want to die… Then, I will fulfill you.”

The formed mist-like killing intent radiated from Xie Ming’s body like frost, forming a faint blood mist on the ground. The arm holding the handle of the knife shook at an almost imperceptible speed.


Ding! ! ! ! ! ! !

The harsh sound was transmitted to everyone’s ears. The airflow that was originally concentrated jet suddenly turned into an irregular gust of wind as if it was disturbed by something.

Hanmang attacked her fragile neck at a speed that Marian could not detect.

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