Chapter 1115 How is it so far?


Blade, stopped a little bit from Marion’s neck.

Because of a white palm, it gently pinched the sharp white blade. The owner of the palm is a young girl wearing a large and tall witch hat.

The space is completely shattered, and the world changes accordingly. Where everyone is standing, the weather outside, everything. All are completely broken.

The enchantment-like things that had been covering Bagaiji City had already begun to destroy at this time.

There was no surprise on Marion’s face, but there was a fleeting complexity in the girl’s single pupil. She let go of her hand, did not look at Xie Ming, just stood silently. But the sense of existence and horror in her body makes people can’t help but put their eyes on her.

If you talk to a group of well-trained troops, let you attack this girl. I’m afraid, those people will deal with you first.

This is the existence that brings panic and despair, Him.

Countless dark cracks and broken transparent fragments became the background of the three.

Single pupil girl, Mary Ann knows, Xie Ming also knows.


“How about you stop now, Godkiller of Academy City.”

Without even uttering the first letter, the blonde girl with a single pupil interrupted Xie Ming. The voice is calm and subtle, like a whisper, but it can be clearly transmitted to people’s ears.

As the girl’s voice evacuated and fell, the surrounding environment was completely turned into fragments. Bagaiji City was restored to what it should have been. As if the war before, the broken buildings looked like fakes.

However, life cannot be faked. Even if the fantasy is destroyed, the lives lost in it will never return. Kihara Kaqun and Kihara Pathology’s body lying on the side were quietly telling this.

“The experiment is over.”

From the beginning, the incident in Bagaiji City was a huge experiment. Xie Ming understood this, but he didn’t stop it. Because, Gramling’s experiment has nothing to do with the war.

Even without this experiment, greedy people will continue to be greedy, and war will happen sooner or later. Therefore, whether there is an experiment or not, what Xie Ming should do will not change.

The only thing he should save in this incident was the innocent people living in the city.

As for what kind of experiment Gramling conducted, he already knew. Because the man named Kihara Kaqun had already passed on information to Xie Ming when he came to this city to establish a safe zone.

The development of superpowers in the Academy City starts from the microscopic quantum world, and the knowledge of seeing and treating the world from a subtle perspective. From a micro perspective, to manipulate the macro world, each person will have different abilities according to different standards for viewing the world.

But things are relative. There is a knowledge of looking at the world from a microscopic perspective at the quantum level, so naturally there is also a knowledge of looking at the world from a macroscopic perspective.

This is holism.

Think of the entire world, and even the entire universe, as a huge system and network, and then control the entire network to perform fine-grained operations. The essence of holism is like this.

To make an analogy, to pick up an apple, you only need to use one hand and a few fingers to do it. Doing it in this way is microscopic.

However, picking up an apple, you can also drive an excavator, an excavator, or even driving armor, up to something like this, and carefully pick up the apple through delicate operations.

This method of hitting mosquitoes with a cannon is holistic.

Bagaiji City is regarded as such a huge network.

As for why such an experiment is to be done, it is actually quite obvious. Isn’t a certain incomplete demon lady who can’t control her huge power just need to exist for such a thing as holism?

It is a pity that the experiment is destined to be unable to continue because of the death of Kihara Kaqun and Marian Slinknaia’s rampage. And Xie Ming’s move to kill Marian also made Otinus have to show up.

Calmly put the demon sword into the scabbard, the horrific momentum exuded by the sword body slowly receded, and the murderous aura on Xie Ming’s body also returned to his body. He raised his head, his tone calm.

“If that idiot no longer has crazy thoughts, I don’t have to kill her.”


The demon girl still didn’t look at Xie Ming, the green single pupil swept towards Marion, stretched out her hand, together with the scabbard, grabbed the sword of war, and then used force.


As simple as breaking a chocolate bar, the sword of war is split into two halves. Rust quickly appeared on the golden scabbard, and finally became a substance of the same color as rust iron.


“To shut up.”

Otinus’ voice was still as light as a whisper, but Marion couldn’t help taking two steps back.

“The experiment has been ruined, and the sword is useless. The hard work is not proportional to the harvest. I really hope that you can think about why I can tolerate you until now.”

The slender words seem to be complaining, but they are not. This is just Otinus’s self-talk, just a temporary rise. She doesn’t care about other people’s answers or what they think.

Because no matter what they think, it’s useless. No matter what Gramlin did, she would not care. As long as the plan was completed, it didn’t matter how many people died.

Devil gods are not humans, this, Xie Ming understood from the beginning.

During the days in Academy City, he liked to eat French fries and potato dishes. It was Otinus who was able to hold the little girl’s outstretched hand.

Now it is Otinus who has stubborn lives, does whatever he wants, and brings fear and despair to people.

At the last parting, Ortinus said that the two will be a real life-and-death relationship. But she did not launch any offense against Xie Ming, nor did she harbor any malice against Xie Ming.

Perhaps it was a temporary rise? Or maybe something else.

The last time he parted, Xie Ming said that he would not attack his friends anyway, and he would cut off Otinus’ persistence. He did the former, but he couldn’t do the latter.

Because the time has not yet come.

So neither Otinus nor Xie Ming made any moves. From the atmospheric point of view, the two may be on the verge of breaking out. But the actual situation may only be understood by them.

Do you just watch the girl leave with the black dwarf? Xie Ming is not clear.

Do you just leave with the black dwarf? Otinus could not make a decision.

Fortunately, the appearance of Otinus will inevitably be accompanied by another person’s appearance. That person was the fateful opponent of the Demon God Girl, and an enemy who could never coexist.

The blond blocked his left eye, and the young man’s hand was inserted into the pants Kabuto casually, and appeared in this space.

The confrontation between the two has become a tripartite standout.

“Introduce yourself, my name is Orells, I am a semi-finished demon.”

There was a little depression and gloom in his pupils, as if a young man who was disappointed in the world and life, said lightly.

“Two people, how about this?”

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