Chapter 1135 Tokyo Sky

Levinia put down the communicator in her hand, her face covered with gloom. Xie Ming stood up, took off his coat from the hanger on the side, and hung the Tianhuo Jingyan on his waist.

The location of Gramling’s hiding has been discovered, not because the British side caught Gramling’s trap. After detecting Loki’s trap, within Gremlin Ying revised the information for the second time. It’s just that the base camp of Gremling discovered this time directly overturned everyone’s inferences.

There is no geographical limitation of the dragon veins, and Gremlin has lifted this limitation through his own means long before. Their real base camp is very close to the academy city where Xie Ming and others are located.

The capital of Japan, the port of Tokyo, and Tokyo Bay.

You know, in the anti-Gremling alliance this time, Academy City did not express any official opinions on this magic institution, nor did it take any formal actions. The actions of Xie Ming and others were his personal actions in name.

What’s more, if it is located around the school city, it is impossible for all countries to directly launch missiles and incendiary bombs at the Gremlin base camp as before.

The Academy City is a powerful force that can set off a world war on its own. Directly launching a military attack on the country where the Academy City is located is undoubtedly declaring war on behalf of it.

Moreover, Tokyo is not a small place with a lot of people. As one of the most densely populated cities in the world, if there is a war against Gramlin there, it will not know how many innocent people will be killed or injured. The level of death and injury may be several times higher than that of Bagaiji.

One might not, maybe Japan, this country, may be finished directly.

Therefore, in any case, the anti-Gremling alliance and Gremling cannot be allowed to fight directly in that place.

After thinking for a while, Xie Ming was silent, took out the Demon Blade Nightmare from the portable space, and hung it on his waist with Tianhuo Jingyan. Levinia cast her eyes at the long knife Xie Mingxin took out, and then she was also slightly silent.

She understands that perhaps today she can really see how powerful this man will be if he does his best.

“Wait, Xie Ming!”

Intiqs stood up too, although there were still a few pieces of fruit stuffed in her mouth, the expression of the silver-haired nun was also very serious at this time.

“If you go to deal with a magician, how can you put me as an expert aside? I want to go there too!”


Xie Ming smiled slightly and patted Inticus on the head.

“Then, let’s go.”


Tokyo, in the eyes of the three, was strangely frightening at this time. Looking down from a high altitude, there are densely packed heads of people. The streets, roads, squares are full of people.

The vehicle was randomly parked on the side of the road, the door was opened, the key was not pulled out, and it was parked just like that. People just stood so densely, panicked, at a loss.

The crowded crowd has become a huge barrier. If you want to pass through the land, crossing this crowd is an extremely time-consuming task. And as for those who want to go empty…

In midair, a huge body covered with red lines was hovering at this time. It seems that the three figures of Xie Ming were found, and the creature opened a huge mouth full of sharp teeth, and uttered a long howl from the sky.


The sound produced invisible ripples in the air, and the howling wind kept blowing on the corners of the three people’s clothes.

Dragons, red dragons, monsters that are beyond the normal world of human common sense, are roaring in the sky above Tokyo so flabbergasted. I believe that the common people who are not afraid of big things have already taken out their mobile phones to take pictures.

People’s curiosity psychology is like this. As long as some strange creatures do not harm them, then they can take pictures and chat casually, and produce some strange thoughts.

What should I do if the body is found? Don’t panic, first post a circle of friends to calm down.

Well, that’s pretty much the truth.

So when watching some disaster movies or TV shows in the future, don’t talk about why the people in them are so stupid. It’s not that the actors are stupid, but in fact, most people are just that stupid.

Perhaps, it will be even more stupid than those screenwriters describe.

Do you really think that the meaning of the word ‘foolish people’ is merely a scornful term for the people by the rulers of feudal society?

At this time, the red dragon seemed to have discovered three little ants appearing in the airspace under his rule. This was undoubtedly a provocation against it. After the golden vertical pupil contracted slightly, it launched an attack.

The pitch-black wings shone with a sharp luster, like two big knives breaking through the air, slashing towards Xie Ming.

Unfortunately, its judgment was wrong. If it really had advanced wisdom, it would definitely not ignore the magic blade that exudes an unknown aura on the waist of the black-haired young man.

“I’m in a hurry, I have no time to accompany you.”

Xie Ming, whose hands were occupied by the black-bellied little devil and the food nun, could not draw his sword, but this did not mean that he had no combat effectiveness. You know, his fighting skills are also very strong.

The figure disappeared instantly, and when it reappeared, it had already reached the abdomen of the big lizard. After a few rounds of the body, his right leg swung like a long whip.


A few circles of the sound barrier appeared behind the body, and the blast wind blew the glass of the surrounding tall buildings and made a “creaking” sound. I was really afraid that it would break directly in the next second. People in tall buildings can only feel this degree.

The girls caught Xie Ming’s armpits saw with their own eyes that the scales on the terrifying creatures were kicked and shattered by a human blow. The muffled sound of the blow into the flesh gave them such a feeling.

“Ah, it seems to hurt…”

A matter of course, after all, at the next moment when Xie Ming’s legs plunged into the abdomen of the big lizard, this huge creature would once again passively fly high into the sky. And Xie Ming’s attack was not over yet.

Although serious injuries have been caused, this guy probably doesn’t have the strength to fly. But this also means that after flying high to a certain level, it will increase its speed by a certain proportion and plunge into the embrace of Mother Earth.

People standing on the land would never want to know what the consequences would happen if such a large object were smashed in free fall. In such crowds, there is no way to even run.

They were lucky, because Xie Ming also didn’t want to know what would happen then.

“The fluctuation of killing intent is 100%.”

Under Xie Ming’s deliberate control, the bloody mist isolated Indicus and Levinia, and a wisp of white appeared between Xie Ming’s black hair.

The wave branch of killing intent, god-man mode.

This is the ultimate move that can crush the meteorite. This is the pinnacle skill of the wave of killing intent.


“Da Chi Yan!”

The three bright red characters are reflected on the retinas of everyone in Tokyo, and the huge red dragon becomes dust in the air under the impact of the wave.

Behind the youth’s dark coat, the word “God and Man” written in blood slowly disappeared.

In the next second, the three figures disappeared into the air again.

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