Chapter 1136 The Source of Mythical Monsters

Let alone Xie Ming’s behavior, how shocking the people in Tokyo are. Anyway, President Robert and the others who were observing through satellites in New York clearly saw this exaggerated scene.

“Hahahahaha, this is really a masterpiece.”

Queen Eliza slapped the table and smiled boldly: “It’s so exaggerated, maybe the group of people in Tokyo thought it was a big movie.”

“Xie Ming…”

The accompaniment of Shinsara Hoori covered his head with a headache, always feeling that this man’s style and behavior have become more casual and unruly since his trip to Hawaii.

“That guy is…”

Russian adult education is a bit complicated, after all, it is this guy who made Russia the way it is now. It must be fake if you don’t hate it, but he actually helped Russia a lot. If he does not resolve the fire on the right, then Russia will really become a defeated country defeated by the world’s common crusade.

But seeing this exaggerated scene, people who believe that there are some ideas in their hearts will give up completely.

As for President Robert and Ms. Luo Zilin, they are still anxiously talking with the Japanese government. After all, the Japanese government must try its best to delay and prevent the United States from interfering in domestic affairs.

They don’t know what the main god’s gun is. They only know how severe the country will be if the US missiles are launched to their own capital.

That way of responding as if reading a speech has already caused the robust President to smash the third phone call. And Ms. Luo Zilin on the side? Under the commander in charge, let them take more calls.

According to this appearance, there should be more electronic debris on the floor of the conference room.

The Japanese army is not doing nothing. In fact, the government is constantly mobilizing self-defense forces to attack the ship’s graveyard in Tokyo Bay. However, all attacks were blocked by unnatural forces.

High in the sky, a huge fierce eagle flying at a speed comparable to a supersonic aircraft, with its sharp beak and claws, it used its sharp beak and claws to catch and explode one fighter bomber after another.

On land, huge wild boars, flame giants, and ice giants waved their elemental spears, piercing armored vehicles and tanks one by one.

On the sea, wearing a blood-stained white dress, with skin like a broken baby, there are girls with patches of different colors standing on small wooden boats everywhere. In front of her, there is an ice surface with a radius of more than one hundred kilometers. All the warships were frozen by the ice and could not operate, and they all ran aground.

Performed in modern Tokyo in the 21st century, it is the ultimate fantasy movie of the modern army fighting mythical creatures. I am afraid that no matter how good the director and how powerful the special effects, he can’t make the picture at this moment.

Not only that, secret military bases around the world have also been attacked by magicians from Gremling. It’s just that they were also blocked by magicians from various large organizations.

The death fight, the death fight between magicians without any rules, is erupting worldwide.

The Gremling organization, at this time, actually demonstrated its ability to form an association against the world. Even if it has been calculated for a long time, even if it is mentally or unintentionally, it can cause this kind of result, which is enough to prove some things.

But when this kind of thing happens, it is naturally impossible to do nothing at the Academy City. The next generation of high-tech aerial machinery has taken off from the airport and began to attack the monsters.

And Xie Ming and the three people came to the key figure that caused the monsters to appear. This was a lady wearing pink maternity clothes with golden wavy curly short hair. The age seems to be between a college student and an adult woman, holding a gold chain connected by gems.

Originally, according to Levinia’s plan, Xie Ming wanted to fly directly to Ortinus to stop the forging of the Lord God’s Spear, but on the way there would always be mythical monsters attacking civilians one after another. .

Solving these monsters greatly slowed his speed, making it impossible for him to go directly to the destination.

The enemy once again used Xie Ming’s character and successfully delayed him. If you can’t reach it, then forget it, but if you don’t care about the tragedy that is about to happen in front of you, then Xie Ming is no longer Xie Ming.

Even if he knew that this was the enemy’s strategy, he had to step in. But this does not mean that he will be induced and controlled by the enemy in this way. His left arm is holding the nun called the banned book catalog.

According to Inticus’s guidance, the source of the monsters was successfully found. That is, the pregnant woman in front of me.

“Yeah~ I finally found it here.”

The pregnant woman turned the golden chain in her hand, with a successful smile on her face: “Let’s introduce myself first. My name is Freya. I am a magician named after the goddess symbolizing abundance.”

“Even in our Grammlings, there are only a few members who are suitable to deal with you. And the best person who can delay you is me☆~ So, please forgive me~”

“A countermeasure for the Demon Eye of Forbidden…”

“That’s right☆~”

Freya said emotionally: “Instead of talking out of thin air, let you actually take a look.”

“COST1•Bai•Summon Muning.”

“COST1•White•Summon Fujin.”

“COST1 Black Summon Ratatsk.”


Following the jewels thrown by the girl, countless red threads began to weave around the jewels, and mythological monsters appeared in front of the three of them.

Dark crows, burning giants, knights holding spears, ferocious wild boars, giant dragons swimming underground…the endless stream appeared in front of everyone. The power of the Demon Eye of Forbidden cannot be effective.

“Magic of production…”

The power of the Demon Eye of Forbidden is to return the unnatural things to the natural arrangement. Then, what about the born creatures? The definition of it is natural? Or is it unnatural?

The answer is the former, after all, the birth of life is a natural rule. Even if it contains abnormal bugs, the Demon Eye of Forbidden City cannot define the concept of’birth’ as ​​unnatural.

Because this is undoubtedly denying, all the creatures in this world.

And through the elemental vision of the Demon Eye of Forbidden, Xie Ming also successfully understood the essence of the opponent’s magic.

The source of magic power is pregnant women. But the manipulator of magic is not her. It’s the unborn child who is broken in the stomach.

“Come on, my bastards.”

Freya waved her hand and said loudly.

“Crush the enemy in front of you to pieces!”

The army of monsters began to rush forward. The next moment, Xie Ming clamped the girls on his left and right again and jumped back.


The floor shattered, and a huge, hideous bite bit everyone.

“Really, what are you hesitating!?”

Levinia took out the wand that turned into a Western rapier, and as she waved it, the wind blade broke through the air, dismembering the dragon and monsters. Then he was ready to wave directly again, tearing the enemy far away.

“Wait a minute, Levinia.”


“Wait a minute.”

Xie Ming said in a deep voice, “Give me some more time.”

“Indix, the analysis is almost finished.”

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