Chapter 1160

Otinus survived, in a very special way.

In the final analysis, Xie Ming didn’t know much about the existence of Demon God. He understood Otinus, not the devil. Demon God is such an unclear thing, except Demon God himself, who can figure it out?

You call Kamaike and Malai, let him explain in detail what a demon god is. You see, he said it clearly.

According to the original words of Otinus, because after her last crossbow shot, she will usher in a complete breakdown of her body and die. Originally, these energies should disappear in the world. But at this moment, Xie Ming linked Otinus and used his life origin to prevent this from happening.

So after feeling this link, Otinus thought that he was dying, so he simply filled the big funnel in Xie Ming’s body by the way, so he simply injected all his dissipated energy into Xie Ming’s body through the link. .

And it was for this reason that something that even Otinus hadn’t expected happened.

Her body has completely collapsed, and all her remaining energy has been injected into Xie Ming’s body, but her consciousness has not disappeared, but has entered a space.

Her own energy wafted everywhere in this space, automatically gathering to form her body. Then she felt the life connection between herself and Xie Ming, and saw Xie Ming’s greatest secret.

Kabbalah Tree of Life Catalogue.

After obtaining this thing from Tier 1, it has been hidden in Xie Ming’s body. Only when Xie Ming actively stimulated it, did it lazily spit out a little energy.

The essence of the catalogue is a ladder for the sublimation of life and a design drawing for the creation of the world. Even if there is not a single point in it, the catalog itself still has its own role.

Convergence, the law of creation, the secret of life… Otinus, who should have dissipated, used the life link with Xie Ming to come to Xie Ming’s body where there is the secret of the Kabbalah tree of life. In the space.

No matter how weak she is, her personality is a demon god, and her life level belongs to the level of a god. Then of course she could enter this space that Xie Ming couldn’t enter.

Therefore, she survived.

Just by being affected by the features of the Kabbalah Tree of Life Illustrated, the broken Demon God can survive. Even Otinus has never seen such an Ultimate catalog of gods.

Then she began to explore what kind of state she was now, and then came to a conclusion.

He is now equivalent to Xie Ming’s companion demon god, and he and Xie Ming are in a state of sharing life and death. In essence, she still belongs to the Demon God. However, there is no power. If you want to use the power of the devil, then you need to transform Xie Ming’s energy.

Even if she wants to show up in reality, she needs to consume Xie Ming’s energy. And the larger the body, the more energy it consumes. So after roughly calculating Xie Ming’s energy recovery rate, she chose the best plan.

Maintaining one’s body at about 20cm without using any force will only take up about 70% of Xie Ming’s energy recovery speed. You can use Xie Ming’s energy to use magic, but you can’t use the power related to the devil.

After all, the consumption of the Demon God’s power is too great, even if Xie Ming is drained a few times, it is impossible to use it. When will Xie Ming solve the energy consumption problem, then the demon god Ortinus can reappear.

This situation, of course, has been informed to the major leaders. Of course, Otinus is not an idiot, and of course cut out some content that would make them worry. The leaders are not idiots, and naturally they can guess what Otinus is concealing, and they all tacitly expressed that they will not be held accountable.

Under the tacit understanding of the two sides, the world’s trial of Otinus came down.

“Stay where you are closest to happiness, and watch it forever. This is the greatest punishment that mankind has given after defeating the devil.”

For this punishment, Otinus did not refute. After all, she can no longer leave the humans around her, in all senses.

Naturally, if Xie Ming leaves the forbidden plane, Otinus will naturally follow him. Therefore, the main god space has also made corresponding measures for this.

Otinus was given the identity of a contract elf by the main god space, which was equivalent to giving her a pass to enter the main god space. After all, the connection between the two is connected with the Kabbalah tree of life catalog through the title skill, it is difficult to separate.

But although Otinus can enter the main god space, it does not have much effect on Otinus itself. After all, she is living and dying with Xie Ming, and she will die if Xie Ming is dead. But she was hurt, but nothing happened, but it would aggravate Xie Ming’s energy consumption.

In terms of strengthening, Otinus has come to an end on the road of magic, and has been finalized, it is impossible to transform or accept the strengthening of other planes.

The last thing is equipment. The equipment can be used, but her own body of the devil is hundreds of times stronger than any magic wand. Unless it is the level of the main god’s gun, it is not useful at all.

And you ask Xie Ming to buy something like the Lord God’s Gun? Or hire someone to forge it?

This is why, after learning that he could travel through various worlds together, Otinus didn’t feel much excitement. After all, as long as she is with Xie Ming, she is already satisfied enough.

Otinus’s problem is almost like this, followed by Xie Ming’s problem. First of all, it is half good and half bad news. Under Otinus’ life backfeeding, all his attributes have reached the 300 mark.

In other words, when the rest time is over, he will enter the fourth-tier upgrade mission. There is no retreat, either sublimation or death.

But before he agreed to go on a mission with CC Yui, he couldn’t keep the appointment. It is conceivable what kind of expressions the two will show after learning the news.

The second one is bad news. Although Otinus’s life is back-feeding, his life origin has not been repaired too much. Now, as shown on his guard, the time he can fight is three minutes.

That’s right, after several turns, Xie Ming returned to a wonderful time of 3 minutes and became an Ultraman who can fight on the earth again. It is gratifying.

The third article is good news. After explaining the incident to everyone, as expected, Misaka Mikoto was furious, the bee-eater fucked with a smile, and the faces of the others were not much better.

But thanks to Xie Ming’s efforts, everyone finally got the understanding. Everyone also welcomed the new member of Ortinus.

The last one is really good news. Xie Ming, who had been lying in the hospital for nearly half a month, got the three vaccines in a bulletproof suitcase handed to him by Underworld Chase.

One is a vaccine that can transform normal people into the Star Vessel generation.

One is a vaccine that turns toxins into controllable abilities, and makes Xingmai generations become abilities.

The last one is a vaccine that extracts all the abilities and star power in the body of the supernatural being, and forms a universal crystal in the body.

Xie Ming’s main purpose of coming to this plane was finally completed at this time.

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