Chapter 1161

“Here is your personal space…”

The one-eyed girl sitting on the shoulders of the youth, looking at the refreshing lawn, the slightly scaly lake, and the personal villa that is not too big or small, but looks very comfortable, she couldn’t help squinting her eyes.

“It seems that your taste is pretty good.”

“Thank you really, but I just copied my one-world residence.” Xie Ming shrugged, but almost shook the 20cm Demon God girl.


“Uh… sorry.”

He glanced at Otinus, who was holding his collar, staring at him with a dissatisfaction, and couldn’t help but give a wry smile.

He also mentioned to Otinus that when he was not fighting, he would spend more of his energy to restore his body to its original size, but Otinus refused.

“There is no need. I have calculated this state now. Moreover, sitting on your shoulders like this is more reassuring.”

“All right.”

If the other party feels comfortable like this, then Xie Ming can’t refute anything. Pay attention at most, and do less shrugging. As for the problem that a strange beautiful girl’model’ sitting on his shoulders will be looked at differently, it is not under consideration at all.

When did he care about other people’s eyes?

Okay, I still care…


CC, lying on the sofa in the living room, sat up, first looked at Otinus on Xie Ming’s shoulder, and then turned his gaze to Xie Ming.

“Finally do you not hide the strange xp in your heart?”

“Hey, I really liked the figure before, but it would be too much to call this xp! Also, Yui is still there.”



“Dad.” Turned into an elf and flew in front of Otinus, Yui’s pretty face was tight: “Mom, aunt, and sister are too much, no matter if Yui has more sisters now?”


“no surprise.”

Otinus stared at Xie Ming with dead fish eyes: “You guy is a harem man with a heart, do you have that kind of idea for me to restore my original body size?”


The corners of his eyes twitched a few times, and Xie Ming sighed deeply.

Well, take it, what should come will come. This is just a prelude. He is already enlightened.


“I understand the general situation. To put it simply, you abducted the big boss who could destroy a plane, right?”

CC gently clapped his hands, with a meaningful smile on his face.

“It seems that the strength of abduction is growing along with your strength.”

“……” Xie Ming stood up and walked to the kitchen: “I’m going to cook.”

“20 pizzas with different flavors, remember. By the way, what do you want to eat Yui and Otinus?”

“Stir-fried frog meat!”

“fried potato.”

“Did you hear me?”

“I see, my ladies.”

Watching Xie Ming enter the kitchen, the three women looked at each other, and finally Yui came to the side of Otinus and took the initiative to hold her hand.

“Sister Otinus, please take care of me from now on.”

“Sister…what do you call her?”

Otinus pointed to CC and asked calmly.

“CC mom.”

“…Then why call my sister?”


Yui showed a somewhat embarrassed expression: “But, Sister Ortinus, you are about the same height as me in the elf state, and you look about the same size as me…”

“I’m a demon! Demon! If you really count it, even the oldest country is not as old as I am!”

“Oh, do you still care about these little details after spending such a long time?”

CC knocked on Erlang’s leg, with a triumphant smile on his face: “Or, Yui and I will simply call you grandma.”


Otinus pulled down his wide witch hat and shouted at the kitchen: “Xie Ming! I want to draw your energy!”


Xie Ming, who was busy preparing materials, suddenly softened, and energy poured into Otinus’s body like a flood.

“What the hell…”

Peering out his head and looking into the living room, he found that Otinus, who had returned to his normal laughter, was looking at each other with CC. One was expressionless, and the other was smiling. Yui was in a dilemma in between.


“Dad!” Yui ran over and grabbed Xie Ming’s hand: “Don’t leave this kind of thing to your daughter!”


What can I do?

Although he anticipated that such a situation might happen, when it actually happened, he would still be embarrassed!

“That…Otinus, CC?”



“Everyone is so old, don’t care about small things.”


This is the sound of Yui slapped his hand on his forehead fiercely.

Why did she forget? My father’s nature is a pure, straight steel man with a hardness comparable to diamonds.

“Such a big…”

“I’m old…”

Otinus and CC looked at each other, and smiles appeared on their faces. One person, the breath of magic began to surge through his body. The other person took out a Western rapier from the portable space.

“My emperor, before eating, it is better to warm up and exercise, right?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t pump your energy too clean.”


After that, Xie Ming spent 100 exchange points to redecorate the villa. But after such a common enemy, the relationship between Ortinus and CC seems to have improved a lot.

CC no longer ridiculed Otinus casually, and Otinus no longer struggled to call this kind of problem.

Heh heh, everyone thought Xie Ming was on the first floor, but in fact, he was on the fifth floor.


The fresh air, the endless grassland, the gentle breeze, and the sky-reaching trees. The place where Xie Ming and Otinus sitting on her shoulders appeared was in front of this big tree.

Before returning to this world, Xie Ming had too many emotions in his heart. How are you all? What happened after that? what’s going on? Is the reconstruction going well?

But after the actual arrival, all these ideas were gone. Xie Ming felt the comfort and nostalgia that no world had brought him.

This feeling is like the whole world, the whole plane, are welcoming his arrival. It was like the ‘welcome back’ the family said to him after opening the door.

“I’m back, Bon. I’m back, Xiaoniao, Chihaya, Jingliu, Zhu Yin, Lucia…and the unscrupulous housekeeper by the way.”

“Everyone, where are you?”

Opening his closed eyes, Xie Ming stretched his arms and patted the giant tree in front of him lightly. The giant tree seemed to have the same spirituality, with emerald green gleams blooming, and the branches and leaves had no wind, expressing their welcome to Xie Ming.

“Xie Ming.”


With a soft answer, Xie Ming turned his head and looked behind him. There, the three girls were looking at him nervously, the fox ears on their heads shaking slightly.

“Who are you!? Why do you appear in Tushan!?”

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