Chapter 1162


Xie Ming raised his eyebrows, and asked the three fox demon girls, “Isn’t this Fengji City?”

“Wind Festival City…”

The three fox demon looked at each other, and the youngest of them stood up and asked with a little tentative meaning: “Excuse me, are you?”

“Xie Ming, or you can call me… Uranus Temple Hu Tailang.”

“Uranus Temple Hu Talang…”

“It’s you.”

The eldest fox demon girl did not open her mouth, her long golden orange hair was windless, her light green pupils instantly turned red. A faint hostility radiated from her.

“…What the hell?”

Xie Ming frowned, looking at the girl who was clearly in a fighting state, Tianhuo Jingyan’s scabbard lowered slightly: “I just want to ask for some news, and there is no hostility.”

“It’s useless to say more!”

The elder fox demon girl turned her hands into claws and lightly hit the ground towards Xie Ming. The majestic aura and unknown energy flooded the girl’s slender and tall body. Accompanied by her movements, the crisp bells echoed on this emerald green lawn.


The back of Tianhuo Jingyan’s blade steadily stuck the girl’s claws, and Xie Ming’s pupils turned into emerald green: “This girl, I have finally returned to this nostalgic world, and I don’t really want to be with people. Start a fight.”

“If you don’t want to tell me the news, I will ask other people to ask. Or is it that your race just likes to shoot at others without listening to explanations?”

“For you, there is no need to explain! Uranus Temple Hu Tailang, or Xie Ming is better!?”

The girl sneered, her white and small feet suddenly kicked out, and under the blessing of energy, or demon power, layers of whirlwind erupted.

“…… It seems that you know something about it.”

Touching the ground with his toes, he drew a little distance away from the girl’s attack. The blade of Tianhuo Jingyan turned over, and Xie Ming said lightly.

“Since you like to use force, if I defeated you, can you tell me what happened?”


The bright red pupils stared coldly at the human being in front of her, and the fox demon girl coldly replied: “If you defeat me, I will tell you everything we know.”

“But if you lose the battle, you will leave it to our disposal.”


Feeling that Otinus had returned to his body, and the flames of the sky returned, Xie Ming calmly looked at the girl.

“I haven’t asked the girl’s name and identity yet.”

“Tushan the king of fox demon, Tushan is red.”

The fox’s ears with some light pink fluffy flickered, and Tu Shanhonghong assumed a fighting pose: “Don’t say I won’t give you a chance, let the horse come here.”

“give me a chance…..”

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Xie Ming sighed: “Understood, Honghong girl. Then, please enlighten me.”

“Quickly draw a knife and cut.”

The icy light of the knife flickered, and in an instant he came to Tu Shan Honghong’s face. However, he was caught by one hand.


The blade and the palm of the blade collided with each other, making a clear sound of steel collision, but the powerful force attached to the blade was still firmly applied to the fox demon girl. The ground sank, and the cracks spread to the surroundings.

“These hands are weird…”

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the arm holding the blade shook in an instant. The powerful vibration was transmitted along the blade to the girl’s slender palm. Although it did not cause much impact, it also allowed Tianhuo Jingyan to successfully pull it out from her fingers.

“Use demon power to strengthen the body, combined with these strange hands, plus she said that she is the king of fox demon… In other words, the world of Rewrite has become a cultivation style? What kind of change is this.. …”

I felt a little speechless in my heart, but Xie Ming’s offensive did not stop. The body twisted, and the sky flames turned into cold light and broke through the air again. The speed of the knife skyrocketed again.

“Your knife is useless in front of me!”

Tu Shan Honghong waved his palm again, trying to imprison Xie Ming’s knife, but this time she caught it.


“The flag is not a mess, girl.”

The figure flickered slightly, and the trajectory of the blade of Tianhuojingyan in the air instantly became obscure and weird. Coupled with the skyrocketing speed, even the extremely strong Tushan Honghong in his eyes could not be caught for a while.

“In that case…”

The demon power quickly circulated in his body and poured into his feet, Tu Shan Honghong gave a clear drink, and the soles of his feet suddenly stomped on the ground. The next moment, violent air waves spewed around.


The fist slammed out in one direction suddenly, like a cannonball fired, and a large hole with a diameter of two meters appeared in the dusty air wave. But Xie Ming was not there.

“Good eyesight is an advantage, but relying on the eyes to catch the enemy is the most undesirable thing.”


The sound coming from behind caused Tu Shan’s red fox ears to stand up directly, and he punched directly behind him without even thinking about it. However, it missed.

“Wearing such light and fluttering clothes, and fighting with the opposite side, don’t you think that such long sleeves get in the way?”

“Damn it!”

The hidden blade light flashed lightly, provoking the girl’s fist that was about to strike. Xie Ming stepped forward slightly, and the blade rested on the girl’s neck. The emerald green eyes with a circle of rainbow light calmly stared at the bright red eyes.

“More, continue to fight?”


The demon power slowly calmed down, and the red eyes returned to light green. Tu Shanhonghong let out a cold snort, and looked up and down Xie Ming: “It seems that after so many years of walking, it’s not just to spend a lot of time.”


Putting the flames of the sky into the sheath, Xie Ming raised his eyebrows: “What do you mean?”


Without answering Xie Ming, Tu Shan Honghong turned and walked towards the other two fox demon girls, the bells on his ankles and belt made a crisp sound.

“Yaya, Rongrong, ready for the welcome ceremony.”

“The city of fox demon: Wind Festival City, after a thousand years, finally ushered in its legendary master.”


“Huh, it’s you…”

Carrying a big gourd, the black-eyed fox demon girl arrogantly scanned Xie Ming: “The legendary boy who saved the world, Xie Ming. Being able to win my sister’s hand in the competition, it seems that the legend is not fabricated. ”

“Master Xie Ming, please here.”

Another squinted girl with long pale green hair and a mark on each cheek was slightly bent and spoke softly.

“After the welcoming ceremony, we will tell you everything. Now, please follow your sister’s arrangement first, okay?”


Looking at Tu Shan Honghong who was going away, and then at the two girls beside him, Xie Ming pinched his eyebrows.

“Well, I hope you can explain it clearly to me then.”

“Of course.”

The squinted girl chuckled and stretched out her hand to guide: “Then Master Xie Ming, please here.”

“Just call me Xie Ming.”

“Okay, Master Xie Ming.”


Xie Ming probably understood what kind of character the other two fox demon girls were.

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