Chapter 1182 The Reincarnation Of Death

Since the consciousness was thrown into it, it naturally meant that the two pieces of equipment under the guidance of Yaodao Village Masa and Qixingxing were unusable. All he can rely on is the talented skill Rewrite.

Needless to say, the first input of consciousness was a failure.

I don’t know if anyone remembers that Xie Ming’s identity of Uranus Temple Hu Tailang was adopted by the Uranus Temple couple in the orphanage in the country of planting flowers. Therefore, he came to Fengji City and met Xiaoniao and others.

As a college student who can study independently in a foreign university and can handle the tuition and living expenses by himself, even when he is five or six years old, he has many ways to survive and be independent.

After all, the talented skill of Rewrite can directly give a child the physical qualities of an adult. So leaving the orphanage didn’t cost him much time. But this world is not the world he is familiar with after all. Whether it is the Guardian or Gaia, they are watching different orphans from all over the world.

The orphanage Xie Ming stayed in was an orphanage set up by the guardian. His abnormal situation was naturally noticed by the guardian, and it didn’t take long for Xie Ming to be caught by the guardian.

Then, all the identities that he spent a lot of brainpower to deal with were cancelled by the guardian. He was semi-mandatory by the guardian, and was thrown to the training organization for combat training.

Not every guardian is Mr. Esaka. Even if Xie Ming showed strong ability through Rewrite ability, he would also be jealous and hostile to others. Moreover, the guardian organization of the flower country is different from the organizations in other regions. There is such a big power as the family here.

In other words, the guardian organization of the flower country is controlled by the major families. How could Xie Ming, who was a fledgling and still a child, ever played with these guys?

Xie Ming joined the Guardian organization, although it is semi-mandatory, but he also has the idea of ​​using the power of the Guardian organization to go to Japan to find clues to the birds in the main mission. And this idea was quickly noticed by these families.

No matter how powerful these families are, their influence is limited to the guardian organizations in the country. Xie Ming’s idea of ​​going abroad was understood by them to reject the olive branch he had thrown out. In addition, some of the younger generations who were unhappy about Xie Ming chewed their tongues with their parents in the same period…

Under the superimposition of various factors, Xie Ming was besieged to death when he had two fists and four hands. The first time I consciously invested, I failed.

Although I feel disgusted with the darkness of those families, it is not without gain. At least Xie Ming learned of the existence of the Guardian and Gaia, two organizations that split the world. Thus, the second consciousness input began.

In the second time, Xie Ming only showed different abilities through his first experience, but he didn’t show so extraordinary, just an average level. Therefore, he successfully survived the training period and became an ordinary member of the Guardian.

Just when he honestly accumulated merits and began to prepare to enter Japan, the second conscious investment failed. Because the main mission revealed that Qianli Zhu Yin died.

The first dead end appeared in front of Xie Ming, how can he enter Japan and get in touch with the main characters. Excellent grades can choose where to stay, but it is impossible for the major families to let him go.

With average or low grades, he can only change his garrison location by accumulating merits. But time is too late, and the main character Qianli Zhu Yin will suffer dangerous death.

But the second time of consciousness input has also received vital news. Ten years after the consciousness input, Qianli Zhuyin will be in danger.

So if the path of the guardian is unworkable, what about the path of ordinary people?

With this idea in mind, the third consciousness input began.

This time, Xie Ming didn’t show any special abilities, just behaving like a precocious child. So, he waited for the Uranus Temple couple who came to Japan to come to the flower-growing country on a business trip.

The opportunity came. Xie Ming, who had such an idea at the time, tried everything he could to get the Uranus Temple couple to adopt him. The two failures that even the main line characters have not seen have made him feel a little impatient.

However, even if he tried his best to express himself, the Uranus Temple couple still did not choose him. The only hope passed from him. What the Uranus couple chose was an ordinary child who was unremarkable and listened to adults.

At that time, Xie Ming understood that this conscious investment had failed again. The child that the Uranus Temple couple wants to adopt is not the kind of intelligent child with his own opinions, but the puppet who can honestly obey their words.

Because of his talents, Xie Ming was successfully promoted by the orphanage and became a guardian training class for the son of a large family member. It is said to be accompanied, but in fact it is no different from a slave.

Even if Xie Ming didn’t give up and continued to pursue various methods, slaves were slaves and were controlled to death. Unable to get any money, not even the official identity.

Patience, patience, keep patience. In the end, he couldn’t bear it and moved the killer. Therefore, he awakened his second ability, blood manipulation. But even if the combat power increased greatly, the excessive flow of blood and the excessive use of Rewrite turned him into a monster with only killing consciousness, and was finally attacked by the guardian.

It was the third time that the consciousness was invested and failed.

Immediately afterwards, there was the fourth conscious investment. This time, he was successfully adopted by the Uranus Temple couple, and finally came to the Japanese wind festival city. He stayed patiently, while carefully disguising himself, looking for the main line characters.

Finally, he came into contact with Kobe bird and Qianli Zhuyin. However, he still did not save Qianli Zhu Yin. Because he was stopped by the local guardian of Fengji City.

During the execution of the operation, the forest of Fengji City was completely sealed off, and no one could enter at all. Imamiya and Nishikujo will breach the order, leading to gaps in the blockade. But how can he know this gap?

Knowing that Zhu Yin would die if he continued like this, Xie Ming would no longer hide. Fighting force broke through the blockade and entered the forest. But because the movement of his breakthrough was too great, it attracted an enemy that even he could not defeat.

S-class monster, earth dragon.

The fourth time the consciousness was invested and failed.

For the fifth time, he successfully rescued Zhu Yin, but after he was rescued, he was arrested and executed by the guards because of the exposure of his abilities.

For the sixth time, a loophole in the guardian’s blockade was found. But because it took too long, Qianli Zhu Yin died.

The seventh time, through the loopholes, the rescue operation succeeded without disturbing anyone. However, in the following time after the rescue of Zhu Yin, another main character, Kobe Kotori, was nowhere to be seen.

While looking for Kobe birds everywhere, the guardian found out that he had entered the forest. After the investigation, the actual situation of Xie Ming was discovered. He was recruited and Xie Ming joined the Guardian organization again.

Then she stood out from the training with excellent results and became the trainer of Jingliu and Lucia. But because of this, he never saw Chili Zhuyin and Kobe bird again. Finally, in the redemption triggered by the camp, death.

What followed was hundreds of groping, death, and reincarnation.

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