Chapter 1183 Great Master

Thousands of reincarnations gave Xie Ming a lot of information and knowledge. However, this also brought him a mental burden beyond imagination. These burdens, to be honest, almost made him a mental illness.

Countless route maps were marked with big crosses by him, because these routes and choices ultimately failed.

He also tried to join Gaia to get information, but he didn’t succeed. Because of Gaia’s saint, Sakura Kashima knew his true situation at a glance. What followed was a joint attack by all the monsters in the Wind Festival City.

Dead end, dead end, dead end, dead end, dead end, dead end…Despair and powerlessness filled his whole body. Had it not been every time he came out, he would have seen Yuebon still working hard to simulate civilization, and he would really have to give up completely.

But his spirit is actually not normal anymore. Seeing this, Yue Bon, let him go to rest. He did so, ready to go to sleep. However, he couldn’t sleep well at all.

Because everything he did after falling asleep was a nightmare.


Holding his hair, Xie Ming yelled somewhat collapsed. Then, he was stunned.

Memory, erase….. Memory, erase…memory erase! !

It can be said that there are thousands of reincarnations. He has explored and practiced almost all the possibilities, but in the end he has failed. But all of this is based on the judgment he made under the condition that he is a substitute and has the memory of gal and animation.

So what if… After he doesn’t have these memories, he throws his consciousness into it?

This method is very stupid, because it is based on these memories that he successfully reached the Nihon Kaze Festival City and successfully contacted Kobe Kotori and Senri Zhuyin. Without these memories, it would be a question whether the Uranus Temple couple would adopt him.

Wait… The standard adopted by the couple at Uranus Temple is that the child must be obedient and not have his own opinion. In other words, the Uranus Temple couple wanted to adopt an autistic child. At that time, Xie Ming was about seven years old.

So, if Xie Ming’s memory was sealed to the age of seven, what kind of character would he be?

The answer is autism.

Thinking of this, Xie Ming’s eyes lit up. This is a possibility that has never been explored! Maybe, this method will bring him unknown surprises.

So he found Yue Bon and asked him to block all his memories, leaving only his consciousness until he was seven years old. Such a projection of consciousness means that he will bring his own consciousness and the memory of Xie Ming in the orphanage in the civilization simulation to live again.

After thinking about it for a while, Yue Bon agreed with Xie Ming’s idea. Thus, the change began.

Like chapters 54 to 66, Xie Ming came into contact with the camp in the simulation of civilization after he rescued Qianli Zhu Yin. Therefore, I lost my memory again. But because of this, after ten years in a coma, he was in contact with all the mainline characters in his successful Fengji City College.

Another reincarnation began.

He found the bird and protected the camp with her. In the end, Bon was killed by Jingliu, and he cut off the monster connection with the bird under his own will. After surviving, propose to the bird. The two lived together, and finally died of old age.

He discovered Lucia’s secret, and the two had a short and sweet day. But Lucia was deceived by the high priest and fell, releasing toxins to destroy the entire Wind Sacrifice City. Finally, under the efforts of Xie Ming and Jingliu, he was successfully appeased. The rest of life is to walk with Lucia in underground shelters around the world, and die together.

He knew Jingliu’s past and wanted to do something for Jingliu. However, he entered the forest because he found the bird’s trail and was attacked by the earth dragon and was dying. Jingliu found Xie Ming in time and established a connection between the monster and the monster envoy. However, Jingliu had a fever, coma, and deafness because of a high load that was not caused by a monster. Finally, in the relief launched by the camp, Xie Ming used Rewrite to cut the connection and turned into a big tree.

Together with Chihaya, he wanted to find everyone in the Supernatural Research Department and defeated Kilimanjaro and Mido. However, Zhu Yin found the little bird and the camp, completely Blacken after touching the memory of the planet, and let Sakiya run away. Finally, with the help of everyone, Xie Ming defeated the violent Sakuya and brought everyone together again. But in the end, his life span was abnormally short due to excessive rewriting. However, the civilization of the planet still failed to reproduce successfully.

He wanted to help Zhu Yin and eventually became Zhu Yin’s bodyguard and most trusted object. But because of the death of Kashima Sakura, the memory of the saint is passed on to Zhu Yin. Zhu Yin took control of Bonn with despair of human beings and launched relief. The world was destroyed, and he entered the artificial afterlife with Zhu Yin. But Zhu Yin wanted to seek death because of his sins. In the end, Xie Ming accompanied Zhu Yin to the trial and was exiled from the artificial afterlife city, and went to Huangquan together shortly after he lived.

So far, Xie Ming has collected all the intelligence of the monster or the guardian. The plan to allow civilization to multiply was finally completed in Xie Ming’s hands.

This plan can only be achieved by relying on every mainline figure. This plan must be executed with sufficient combat power. This plan must be completed by Xie Ming who still has the original intention and the memory before entering the main god space.

Because at that time Xie Ming maintained a passion and love, and still had momentum and stubbornness. But Xie Ming, who has so many memories of reincarnation, is no longer in a normal spirit, so why not talk about eagerness?

How to complete the plan, the answer is already obvious.

After ten years of lethargy, the day before Chihaya entered the school, he revived the memory of Xie Ming, the substitute. In addition, all the reincarnation in the civilization simulation is completely eliminated. Even the ability changes brought about by these memories are all eliminated.

Seeing all Xie Ming’s efforts in the bottom of my eyes, I believed in Xie Ming’s Yuebon from the bottom of my heart, and did so. He took out his memory and injected him and all the remaining life energy into the earth.

Then, the memory that was taken out was buried in the earth. He is standing on the moon, waiting for Xie Ming’s success.

Countless times of reincarnation, despair, and even the pressure of mental breakdown, finally brought about a new life in the world of Rewrite. And after so many polishings in the world, now Xie Ming finally got back the memories and abilities he had voluntarily discarded.

He has been tempered and tempered, and he will no longer collapse because of this despair. With a lot of support, he has successfully overcome this despair, and has digested this despair and turned it into his own strength.

This experience became his last step into the master of swordsmanship. Swordsmanship, finally advanced again.

Xie Ming slowly opened his eyes, his dark pupils were simple and unpretentious, and there was no wave in the ancient well. If you describe the five realms of Dugu’s defeat: sharp sword, soft sword, epee, wooden sword, and no sword, he is now a wooden sword.

Everything in the world, every plant and tree, can be turned into a sharp blade.

This is the great master of swordsmanship.

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