Chapter 1189

The deeper you go, the fewer creatures you can see, and the thicker the poisonous fog. Even if the Forbidden Demon Eye is turned on, Xie Ming can’t tell the direction and position. The visibility is already less than two meters.

The only thing that can help him identify the direction is the strength of the toxin.

Even now, Xie Ming has never encountered any attack or danger. But this does not mean that there is no danger in Poison Emperor Ridge.

Creatures that can survive this vicious toxin are definitely extremely aggressive and poisonous monsters. Even in this kind of visibility, Xie Ming saw a huge centipede poking his head out of the mud more than once.

The big jaw dripping with black and purple venom, sharp like a sickle. People who see it will never think about how sharp the thing is.

In addition to huge centipedes, there are toads lurking in poisonous swamps, Sasori that prey, and giant spiders whose silk threads can break steel…

Even Xie Ming, Kakuzu’s eyes twitched a bit when he saw these things, and his whole body got goose bumps. And Otinus? It was too disgusting to return to Xie Ming’s body.

As for why these vicious poisons didn’t attack Xie Ming, the answer actually doesn’t need to be said.

The owner of the entire Poison Emperor Ridge is this flower Lucia. It was Lucia’s poison that changed the ecology of the entire Poison Emperor Ridge. As a person who completely accepts and accommodates Lucia’s toxin, Xie Ming can be said to be the second master of this Poison Emperor Mountain.

No matter how crazy or evil these poisons are, even if they are insects, they have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid harm. It is precisely because they live in this environment that they can detect the toxin that is completely homologous to Xie Ming’s body and the deepest part.

Attack such a creature and find death by yourself?

People will commit suicide, but bugs will not. Not to mention these huge bugs that don’t know how long they live.

However, thanks to this, Xie Ming’s troubles were reduced. Although killing these bugs is a one-shot thing, it’s disgusting. Just like when you walk outdoors and find a big flower spider on the spider web between the branches, would you go to sweep the web and trample the spider to death?

But if a mosquito keeps buzzing around you, will you slap it to death?

The same reason.

There is a poem that says well, Yamanaka has no years, and the cold is not knowing the years. In this thick purple-black fog that covers the sky, you can’t notice the change of time at all. However, based on the somatosensory time, starting from the moment of entering the Poison Emperor Ridge, the sky should have been completely dark.

And Xie Ming finally arrived at the place where the toxins were the strongest. It is very strange that there is no poisonous mist in the place where the toxin is the most concentrated. It seems that there is a circular cover in this area, which isolates all the poisonous fog from the outside.

“This is… the altar?”

Looking at the peculiarly shaped building in the center of the venue, Xie Ming frowned.

Five circular poison ponds surround the building, exuding a faint fishy smell. The venom in the Poison Pond is accumulated by the black-purple droplets from the specially created water channel on the building.

Once the poison pond is overflowed, the overflow part will be diverted by many channels connected to the poison pond and flow to places outside this area.

His body slowly rose, and Xie Ming floated to the top of the altar. There, a beautiful black-haired girl was lying in the crystal coffin, sleeping quietly.

The crystal coffin was faintly shining with emerald green runes, and the toxins emitted from the girl’s body were continuously compressed and condensed into liquid. Following the specially created pattern, it was divided into five equal parts and flowed to the poison pool below.

Landing in front of the crystal coffin, Xie Ming stretched out his finger and clicked on the lid of the crystal coffin.


Accompanied by the slight vibration, the coffin lid completed its mission, emitting a light sound like a wind chime being blown, completely dissipating in the air.

The girl was wearing a pale pink school uniform, and her hands with white gloves overlapped her chest, as if she was holding something. The long black hair that should have been tied up by the white ribbon was casually spread behind him.

Sitting next to the girl gently, Xie Ming gently lifted the girl up. Because of this, Lucia’s hands were also dropped, allowing him to see what the girl was holding in her hands.

It’s a sunflower.

It was the sunflower ornament that Xie Ming gave to the girl before he left.

Even after such a long period of time, the sunflower ornament is still so bright in color, except that it looks a bit old. I really don’t know how much the girl cherishes and cherishes this gadget. Xie Ming was back now when he could actually maintain it.


Putting the sunflower ornament into Lucia’s hand, Xie Ming’s forehead touched Lucia’s forehead lightly and whispered.

“I have come to meet you, Lucia.”


“Don’t you wake up? Our Earth monitor. Don’t you want to teach me a lesson that has kept you waiting for so long?”


“Well, I am.”

With her eyelids trembling slightly, Lucia murmured: “This kind of…feeling…this kind of warmth…I, didn’t you dream…”

“No, sir squad leader.”

Xie Ming said softly: “It’s me, Uranus Temple Hu Tailang is back. That bad guy who deliberately soiled your gloves at the beginning and always likes to poke your anger.”


Slightly opened his eyes, the azure pupils were a little confused, watching the young man who was close to him, tears were quickly condensing.

“You fool! You came back, it was too late!”

“……Feel sorry.”

Hugging the girl into his arms, Xie Ming whispered: “Sorry, I kept you waiting.”

“Stupid! Stupid, idiot, idiot!!! Hu Tailang, you are such a super idiot!! Do you know that everyone misses you so much!! Do you know that without you, it is not a reunion at all! So long, what are you going to do? Where is it!!!”


“But…you are back…even though it has been so long…but you are still back…”

Raising her head, Lucia looked at Xie Ming with tears and dim eyes: “There is only one condition to wake me up, and that is you. Only you can wake me up, and I only want to be woken up by you.”


“You know, at that time, I was quite jealous of Zhu Yin, I was actually preempted by her…”

Lucia wrapped her hands around Xie Ming’s neck, showing a somewhat shy but very beautiful smile.

“So, no matter which one you put me on to wake up. I made up my mind before I fell asleep. I, this flower Lucia, will never be preempted by others again!”

With that, the girl raised her head and blocked any words Xie Ming wanted to say.

Her movements were jerky, her body was stiff, and her teeth even hit Xie Ming’s front teeth directly because of too much force. But even so, Lucia did not leave, but tried harder.

According to Xie Ming’s original idea, he wanted to ask the girl what she meant after explaining everything to Lucia.

But now…

Where can I manage so much? Lucia mustered up the courage like this, so desperate. If he still doesn’t respond, what is the difference from a scumbag?

Although…it feels scumbag enough.

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