Chapter 1190

“Really…. It’s been so long…”

Sitting side by side on the crystal coffin with Xie Ming, Lucia leaned on Xie Ming’s shoulder, looked at the environment full of toxins, and said softly: “At that time, I already knew that this might happen, so I specially asked Zhu Yin. Proposal to let myself go to the south. It seems that the original choice was correct.”


Tightening the hands clasped with Lucia’s fingers, Xie Ming looked at the girl tenderly: “But this kind of thing will end today.”

Having said that, Xie Ming took out the suitcase from the portable space and opened it.

Three light-colored injection vaccines appeared in front of Lucia.

“This is?”

Lucia raised her head slightly and looked at Xie Ming with some doubts.

“Vaccine that can solve your physique.” Xie Ming explained softly: “The pale red vaccine can transform your body into a special human called the Xingmai generation. After you have transformed into the Xingmai generation, you can inject it again. With only the green vaccine, your toxin will be transformed into a special ability, and it is controllable.”

“In this way, you can really touch the flowers with your hands and do whatever you want.”

“…What about the last one?”

“The last one is to extract all the abilities and toxins in the body, so that you can completely return to an ordinary human without any special power.” Xie Ming looked at Lucia: “How to choose, it’s up to Lucia. To decide.”


Reaching out and stroking the three vaccines of different colors lightly, Lucia’s eyes were a little confused, some hesitated, and some were at a loss.

Can you change yourself just by relying on these? Can you live a life by yourself, dreaming of life countless times?

The happiness that came to her suddenly one after another made Lucia feel a little alive in a dream.

As if seeing what Lucia was thinking, Xie Ming squeezed Lucia’s nose indulgingly.

“What’s wrong? Think you are dreaming?”

“…Really, isn’t it in a dream?”

“Then do you think that the me who is holding your hand now, the me you are relying on now, is a dream?”

Gently hugged Lucia in his arms, Xie Ming said softly: “You have been awakened from my dream, my princess.”

“Hu Tailang…”

Unconsciously, tears appeared in the corner of the girl’s eyes.

“Why are you crying again, Xiao Kui Bao.”

Wiping away Lucia’s tears, Xie Ming joked: “Come on, kid Lucia, it’s time for an injection. Don’t be afraid, it won’t hurt at all?”


Amused by Xie Ming’s childlike tone, Lucia hammered Xie Ming lightly and lifted up the sleeves of her pale pink school uniform.

“Does it really hurt?”

“Uh…I don’t know.” Xie Ming answered honestly, picked up the light red needleless syringe, and injected the medicine into Lucia’s body: “But according to the doctor, change your physique There may be some discomfort.”


With a murmur, Lucia closed her eyes. Because of the long-term containment of toxins in the body, she is absolutely outstanding in terms of her ability to control.

So she could feel that a kind of hot breath was constantly changing her body, and the life energy flowing in the body was being transformed into another brand new energy with the light of star dust by this hot breath.

In Xie Ming’s eyes, the girl’s whole body was emitting a faint starlight. That is the light of star power.

But this light gradually became dark and purple, because Host’s physical fitness has changed, and the toxins in Lucia’s body are also changing because of the appearance of the unknown energy of the star power.

Of course, Soul Chaser naturally told Xie Ming all the possible circumstances.

When Lucia’s star power has completely turned into purple-black, it means that the toxin has adapted to the star power. At this time, it is time to inject the second vaccine.

The second cyan vaccine continued to be injected into Lucia’s body.


Lucia’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Xie Ming’s heart also lifted up, and the hands that clasped Lucia’s fingers couldn’t help using some force.

This power spread to Lucia’s heart.

“This fool, how can anyone hold a girl’s hand so hard…”

However, it brought her a sense of peace beyond imagination.

The purpose of the Archbishop of the Guardian conducting human experiments on Lucia was to enable her to survive in the apocalyptic world after a thousand years. As a result, she gained the Pollution System ability that can produce toxins on her own.

If he can produce a powerful poison that overwhelms all toxins, he will naturally not be affected by any other viruses. The reason why these toxins can be born is naturally because of the life energy in Lucia’s body.

The reason why Lucia could not control this ability in the theory of Soul Pursuit was because it was acquired, and it was too powerful. Because it is too strong, the body cannot adapt to it and therefore cannot be manipulated.

So, what if it is inherently strong?

The process of transforming the physique into the Star Vein generation itself is a process of regaining a new life. And the function of the other cyan potion is to transform the toxin, a powerful ability acquired in the past, into a special ability that is inherently possessed.

The black and purple star power had completely disappeared at this time. In Xie Ming’s worried eyes, Lucia opened her eyes. The original blue pupils seemed to have added a purple meaning at this time.

“How about it?”


Lucia did not speak, looked at her hands, and then at the poison pool accumulated under the altar. Standing up, powerful fluctuations of star power erupted from his body.


Wuchi Poison Lake suddenly lifted into the air under the control of the girl’s mind, and after meeting in the air, it kept shrinking, shrinking, and shrinking. In the end, it turned into a black-purple crystal about the size of a palm and fell into Lucia’s hand.


Looking at the high-concentration poison crystals condensed by toxins in his hands, I feel the power flowing in the body and the toxins that are sent randomly. Tears, dripping down.

Wiping the corner of her eyes, Lucia turned around and looked at the uncontrollable joy on Xie Ming’s face. The girl burst into a smile.

“Successful, Hu Tailang.”

With that, she plunged into the arms of the beloved again, closed her eyes, and stood on tiptoe.

This time, Xie Ming was not caught off guard as before, and proactively responded to the past. The two hugged tightly, closed their eyes, and released the passionate feelings in their hearts towards each other.

In front of the crystal coffin, the young girl hugging and kissing, as if in a fairy tale.

But no one in the story will bother the male and female protagonists who have the right atmosphere, the reality is not the same.

“The original poison of His Majesty the Poison King has disappeared!?”

At this moment, the harsh sound made Xie Ming separate, Lucia’s face was instantly filled with shame, and she hid behind Xie Ming. Xie Ming was expressionless, looking at the place where the sound was made.

There, a short young man dressed in southern costumes was kneeling on the ground with a face full of collapse. His eyes were filled with despair.

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