Chapter 1201

“Unexpectedly, there was a real surprise…”

Standing on the roof of a building in the central area of ​​the bandit base, Xie Ming returned the blue rose in his hand to his portable space. Seeing Li Xueyang and Fan Yunfei at the right atmosphere not far away, they couldn’t help raising their eyebrows.

From the rescued sand monster, he already knew that Fan Yunfei was the prince of the sand foxes. And Li Xueyang is the eldest daughter of the Li family. If the two are together, they might really be able to solve the current problems in the Western Regions.

The reputation of the Li family has lasted from a thousand years ago to today. Both humans and the sand monsters believe in the justice of the Li family. And Shahu is the demon clan leading the sand demon.

If the two are united together, then basically the scene of the unity of humans and monsters in the Western Regions thousands of years ago can be reproduced.

It’s just that it depends on what kind of influence the two people have on each other. It’s their business. If it can be done, then Xie Ming will smooth the boat a little bit. If it can’t be done, it doesn’t matter, just consider other ways.

But to be honest, the suffocating operation of Li Xueyang just now really surprised Xie Ming. Are you still fighting there, are you fascinated by the handsome guy? When Xie Ming saw this scene in the mental scan, he had already begun to wonder how Li Jiajun got here.

Although he was very speechless, he couldn’t just let Li Xueyang be killed. Therefore, Xie Ming could only come to the roof of this building, which was not too obvious, and took out the blue rose to support it at a critical time.

But the matter was finally resolved without him taking any action. If he used the blue rose, it might cause turmoil again.

“So be it.”

He glanced at Li Jiajun, who had already entered the stage of cleaning the battlefield, and Xie Ming’s figure disappeared on the roof.


“Here again…”

“Here again…”

“I really don’t give up…”

Walking in the barracks, words of helplessness and admiration from the Li family’s soldiers came to Xie Ming’s ears. Let him instantly understand what happened.

From Licheng to the evil evil lair, the plan is to march for about half a month to a month. Half a month has passed since the crusade against the female bandit with a thousand years of imperial water drop.

Since that day, Li Xueyang and Fan Yunfei worked together to defeat the female bandit, and then after Fan Yunfei went back with the sand monsters. Every day, Fan Yunfei would bring a large number of dowry gifts to the military camp to find Li Xueyang.

The purpose is to propose marriage.

On the first day, the Fox Emperor himself brought Fan Yun to fly over. Seeing such a scene, Li Xueyang was both shy and happy. She originally had a good impression of Fan Yunfei, but at this time she felt the other party’s attention again, and almost agreed directly.

But out of the girl’s reservedness, Li Xueyang still asked.

“What do you…like about me?”


“It’s because after my son and you get married, he can inherit my throne~”


The scene at that time became extremely silent for an instant. The Li family army and the mercenaries who wanted to eat melon and watch the show were all slowly retreating and dispersing.

“No no no no no no no…”

Fan Yunfei, who was already stuttering, became anxious and became even more stuttering. He couldn’t even say a complete word, let alone explain it well.

And Li Xueyang is also the type that doesn’t care about anything when angry. In addition, his head was not very bright, so he directly froze Fan Yunfei into ice cubes regardless of the three or seventy-one.

Yes, in front of the fox king.

The Fox Emperor didn’t say anything, he just dragged the big ice cube and the bride price and went back home. Having said that, does the fox king want his son to get a wife? It’s okay to stab his son directly on the back when he is married.

Seeing this scene, Xie Ming could only sigh, dispelling his thoughts of pushing the boat along the river. But the next day, Fan Yunfei came again with a bride price.

Li Xueyang, whose anger hadn’t completely subsided, saw Fan Yunfei coming again, and directly beat Fan Yunfei to death without saying a word.

The third day, the fourth day, the fifth day…until today.


With an explosion, Li Xue roared back to the camp. The little girl who came with Fan Yunfei was expressionless, and she was accustomed to throwing Fan Yunfei onto the cart holding the betrothal gift, and went back home.


In terms of persistence, Xie Ming really had to admire the prince of the sand fox. One day or two days, one week or two weeks is fine. It’s been nearly a month now, and every day I go back after being beaten up violently. I really don’t want Fan Yunfei to persevere.

He didn’t understand what Li Xueyang had better, he could only say that the radish and cabbage had their own loves. But thanks to Fan Yunfei, he successfully attracted Li Xueyang’s attention and made him a lot easier.

Moreover, now that the Li family’s army has reached the vicinity of the evil evil lair, the evil evils have also begun to gather at this time, preparing to go to war with the Li family’s army. In other words, it is time for him to leave the team.

The Yaozu cannot be controlled by the Psychological Master, and he can only sneak in one way. That place is relatively considered the hinterland of the area where evil men are raging.

If it weren’t for the evil evildoers who had gathered to meet the Li family army and wandered around at will like before, it would be really difficult to wake up Silent Flow silently. Of course, silence in another sense is another matter.

“Let’s go, it’s been a month already.”

Scratching his face, Xie Ming’s figure quietly disappeared into the barracks.


The place where the quiet current sleeps is a cave in the desert similar to the treasures of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. Of course, it’s not the kind of place where you can go in casually.

Although there is no magic door that will be opened by ‘Open Sesame’, don’t forget that Jingliu has the ability to make medicine.

The entrance of the cave is a medicinal gas that has been strengthened by life energy and is strongly permeable to erase memory. Once exposed to this gas, even a thousand-year evil will instantly forget all the memories of nearly a hundred years.

Magic weapons, demon powers, mana…all protective measures related to life energy cannot withstand the infiltration of gas. This is also the reason why after a thousand years have passed, the evil men have not discovered the quiet flow.

Even if you know that there is a problem with that cave, what evil demon wants to risk the memory to disappear? Don’t forget, the reason why the evil evil is evil is because they have completely released their animality and desires.

Eat if you want, kill if you want to kill, if it weren’t for a bit of rationality, I’m afraid the evil calamity wouldn’t gather and hide in this remote place in the Western Regions.

Only those who can enter the cave are those who are ready. But contact will lead to amnesia, and what evil evil can be prepared. If you switch to monsters and humans, you might be able to find something wrong and find a solution, but this area is remote and desolate, and who will come over.

Therefore, Tu Shan Honghong is the only one who knows the real situation of the cave. Now, it’s time to add a Xie Ming.

Using energy to create a magic shield to protect him, Xie Ming stepped into the cave.

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