Chapter 1202

The gas is colorless and tasteless, and it seems that there is no problem at all. Concealed and deadly, this is the essence of hunter fighting. As the trump card among the guardians at the time, Jingliu will naturally not forget.

And after such a hundred years of training, how far Jing Liu has grown, even the Lucia Bird and others who spent time with her don’t know. But there is no doubt that Jingliu has definitely stood at the top of this world.

At least Xie Ming, who slowly walked into the cave, already felt how overbearing this floating memory dissipating gas was. As for how to feel it? I can’t feel the speed of my energy consumption.

This magical shield formed with the help of Otinus could not play any defensive role. Its only function is isolation. The more aggressive things outside the shield are, the more magic power needs to be consumed.

And only half of the total distance in the cave, Xie Ming’s energy has been consumed by a quarter. And the deeper you go, the greater the gas density, which leads to faster blue consumption.

This made Xie Ming couldn’t help speeding up his pace, and finally reached the deepest part of the cave when nearly one-twentieth of his energy remained.

Under a big tree with good growth, Jingliu’s petite body leaned against the trunk, breathing regularly with his eyes closed. The long golden hair was not tied up, but was sprinkled on the lawn randomly.

On the side, there is a barbecue grill that has not been cleaned up. Perhaps the life energy here is really sufficient because of the static flow, so some moss and vines climbed up the barbecue grill, and even bloomed a few small white flowers.

The dark cave where there should be no light, only this place quietly exudes a faint emerald green light. But the flowing blonde hair looked even more beautiful and dazzling under the light.

“Still flow…”

A girl is not a character who talks a lot. Many times, she uses her actions and expressions to express what she wants to say, the thoughts and feelings she wants to convey.

So in school, she has no friends. Before knowing herself, Lucia was the only one in the school who could be called a partner.

Wearing a blindfold, not talking much, blond hair, just these few points are enough to create a mysterious and cold impression in others’ hearts.

However, in fact, she is just a cute little girl who likes to eat saury, is very frugal, has a different interest, and occasionally gets off the line.

“Well, it’s time to wake her up.”

This grassland is the only place where there is no gas that erases memories. For Jing Liu, this ability to erase other people’s memories is just a side effect. If it weren’t for self-protection, she might never use this ability to bring so much grief to her in her life.

As for how to wake up Silent Flow, I believe everyone knows. After all, she is not such a complicated girl.

Looking aside, he climbed up to Tengman’s charcoal grill, Xie Ming smiled bitterly and shook his head, the energy began to transform into magic.


The small carbon stoves, barbecue nets, and small fans created by projection magic were projected one by one by him. Later, he took out the charcoal for barbecue and the saury frozen in ice from the portable space.

One hand released the flames, slowly alleviating the frozen saury. One hand stuffed the charcoal into the carbon stove and threw a little spark into it.

Because of the abundance of life energy, almost all creatures in the sea have become huge. It can be said that if you don’t have the ability, going to the deep sea is really a dead end. But this also led to a doubled increase in the nutritional value of marine organisms.The saury in Xie Ming’s hand was the one with the tightest flesh he had picked from the school of saury. The length is less than one meter. For other saury that are generally about two or three meters in length, this is really a small one.

But it is the fastest and the most energetic. Even if it is frozen and placed in the portable space for nearly a month, it can still jump alive after thawing.

Well, but it ends here.

Then he projected a kitchen knife again, skillfully hangs the scales, removes the dirt and gills, and then changes the knife. Knead salt and some seasonings into the meat on both sides of the saury, then stuff the scallions and unique spices from other worlds into the belly of the fish.

Finally, put the barbecue net on the carbon stove that has been turned off to heat, brush the oil, and put the saury on it.

Compared with other complicated dishes, this is simply salt-grilled saury. But Xie Ming knew that what Jingliu wanted to eat was not a peerless delicacy, he just wanted to feel the good memories again.

Grilled saury is the best dish in the world for Nakatsu Jingryu. No matter what the delicacy is, it can’t compare with the status of this dish in her heart.

So Xie Ming only adjusted the smell and taste a little. After that, it was to see how the fire was in the Master during the roasting.


Sleeping is not something uncomfortable, the body is being nourished by a steady stream of life energy, and the soul is like being soaked in warm spring water, sleeping in the arms of the mother.

It is reassuring and comfortable.

This is why, after the birds fell asleep, they had to set conditions for themselves to wake up. After all, who would want to leave the tender country without something that can only be obtained by waking up?

At this moment, lying comfortably in the still current of the ocean of life energy, his nose moved. She smelled a scent of nostalgia that made her almost cry.

“It’s grilled saury…”

“It tastes a little different from Dad, but it’s a different kind of warmth and peace of mind.”

“Who is it, who is grilling saury?”

In some dim consciousness, a figure appeared. It was the big bad guy who said he would come back to roast saury for himself, but he left for so long.

“Is it Hu Talang…”

The soul returned to the body along the contract passage, Jingliu’s eyelids trembled, and then slowly opened.

The golden and blue pupils were still a little dazed. But the special aroma of grilled saury attracted her attention.

The black-haired young man in a dark red coat was squatting not far away, gently fanning the fan in his hand, and then using chopsticks to turn the crispy saury with its skin over.

“Hu Tailang?”


Xie Ming raised his head and looked at the quiet flow that looked at him a little bit blankly, the corners of his mouth turned into a soft arc.

“Little greedy cat wakes up, and soon the saury will be grilled~ I will trouble you then and give me a score.”


Two lines of clear tears, running down the corners of the eyes and down the face. Jingliu erased it at will, got up, walked slowly to Xie Ming’s side, and squatted down. His pupils stared at the sizzling saury, shook his head gently, and hummed a song.

The rhythm of the pu fan being fanned in Xie Ming’s hand slowly synchronized with the quietly humming song. Following the quiet flow in his mouth, he hummed softly.

I just want to hold hands and walk with you

But even this small wish cannot be fulfilled

Time goes by

The end is coming step by step

I really want to go along the path home with you

Go on forever

A clear blue flower

Bloom on the other side of the road

And your posture

From the vanishing point of the road, it came into my eyes

Warm light through the window sill

Shot into my dark room

Even everything

Are put on the other side of time

My love for you will never change

The parting now is just a momentary goodbye

You let me understand

I really live in this world

Even how cruel

As long as two people are together, they can smile to each other

Even if one day this world will come to an end

Even if the two leave

We will meet again one day

You said so

On this endangered planet

Looking for the cyan light

In my heart time and time again

Recalling your familiar heartbeat

Even in the daily morning

Swallowed by the ripples of the quiet night

I will still keep calling your name

The only bond in my heart

Water drop on the palm

Will definitely flow at your fingertips

Even if it becomes so sad

Miss you

Will remain in this song

Felt through memory

I will keep reciting

Carrying the only thought

“I love you” and nothing more

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